The Angoras


Paula: guitar, vocals
Alison: guitar, vocals
Yammi: bass, vocals
Tim: drums

Here's one crazy Californian band. Nothing is unexpecting in the sound of The Angoras. This is Californian punk at its best. They sing about everything you can imagine, with conciousnes and energy, like many Californian bands before them. X, Minutemen, Geraldine Fibbers, etc etc.

Their first cd entitled "The Angoras" is a pretty little master piece of punk rock, a little bit oldfashined maybe, but with certain twists that emphasise originality of the band."Gated Comunity" is a beautiful wall of sound song. There is something of B-52's especially in that song. But wilder than any B-52's song you know. Rythm is powerul and the way guitar sound is solved is very original. Other favorite from the album is Easter Sunday Jesus Get Down. A song probably influenced by Minutemen if not the whole beloved SST scene.

But I especially like the accoustic version of Steak Knife. Steak Knife is a silly punk song that appears on their cd, but the accoustic version available on their Internet site shows their will to experiment with styles and genres. The result is exciting trip of strange rythms and voice arrangement.

The Angoras are exciting discovery. Visit their site for more information and to check tour dates.

I Never
Steak Knife (studio)
Fire Pants
Sick Dance
Easter Sunday Jesus Get Down
Brian's Song
Gated Community
Demon Seed
Show Me
Steak Knife (accoustic)


