Sociologists maintain that Oltenia, as a small country in a disputed region, has used the symbol as a unifying factor. It was and is the sigil of a very prominent (and large) boyar family, one that ultimately led Oltenia into independence and from which have come all of the country's Princes.
After decades of SNOR-ist rule, Oltenia was among the very first Eastern European nations to throw off the Russian yoke. This coincided with the rise of Igor Nicolescu Vlas-Florea (born 1949) to the princely throne with the collapse of the White Regency.
The Oltenian government is trying very hard to develop tourism, which includes things like improving roads and the train system, as well as funding things like the Princely Guard, complete with elaborate uniforms and ceremonial functions held in very public locales. Oltenian wines are a popular export as are some cheeses.
Oltenia also is home to a major airship line: Aerolt
Another source of income for the nation is sales of air weapons systems, such as the V-15 Firebolt and its predecessors. Some view this with a degree of alarm, but so far Oltenian policy has been what most countries agree as responsible.
The motion picture career of the Prince's daughter Nicola Vlas-Florea seems to have improved tourism for the country.