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all about


I am 19 yrs old.
I'm short but that's OK sense short people rule.
I am blonde with blue/green eyes.
Never mind you can see for your self.

I am an Aquarious even though I am not into the whole astrology thing.
My birthday is Feb. 7, 1981.... Prolly why my fave # is 7.
I love rock'n'roll and horror movies.
My favorite band is AEROSMITH!
I also love art, Im into impressionists like Monet and Renoir
I have a beagle named Harley, he's a sweet heart!

here's just somePICTURES of me and my friends.

I have a friend named Elsbeth who showed me this web page thing. She's pretty cool.

We hang out a lot with Amy ( I LOVE YOU AMY!) who threatened me if i didnt put her on my page that she would hurt me... *yeah right* bye the way she is our 'ghetto girl' LOL... bye the way Amy, Vin Diesel is back it up!! :)

Eleanor is also Groovy! *she's still a high school girl...youngin*

Maybe some day I'll have some more info about some of my faves.
Meanwhile, I just added some information about my college stuff.

Some of my other pages

This is the page I did for my self promotional company for my computer animation class at the School of Communication Arts. My business is call Z Visions, ("Z" is for Zang or the deminsion "Z" which is depth)... Now I dont know why I just said that but Im to lazy to erase it... but I'll just type more.... LOL.. I am really silly sometimes... a LOT of the time... hehe
Let me stop talking about it so just go look NOW!!

Go see what we had to do in my computer class in high school. We had to set up web pages so go see mine. It kinda sucks but it will be ok. Go check out The Sequel of the original Zang's Homepage.

If you have any requests or information you would like to add, always feel free to

Please come back soon and visit me.

Zang's Movie Reviews

Horror movie fans welcome

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