Quote of The Month


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself
Henry Miller (1891 - 1980)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Wednesday December 22, 2004

Time : 6:50 p.m. EST

Forecast: Cold, Cloudy

Music: Like A Star in the Night by Mai Kuraki

~ Moved! Please change all your links to zayume.endless-hope.net! Special Thanks to Misaki for hosting! ^^

Current Obsession: music... lalalalalalala

Tuesday December 21, 2004

Time : 10:49 p.m. EST

Forecast: Cold

Music: Like A Star in the Night by Mai Kuraki

~ Today, I finally succeeded in putting up my christmas tree! Recently, I've been putting off decorating the tree but I finally decided that I WILL put up and I did - with the help with my two brothers of course. We managed to get it up and decorated in a little over half an hour which is pretty quick. I have to say that it looks better than previous years.
~ I spent all morning listening to the toilet song by Andy Lau and watching the flash music video of the song. It's so funny. I managed to influence other people into watching it too. Now by younger brother sings the song all the time. :D
~ I got my flu shot today. It wasn't very pleasant because of the smell but like always, it didn't hurt when I got it.

Current Obsession: music... lalalalalalala

Sunday December 19, 2004

Time : 6:04 p.m. EST

Forecast: Freezing! -16 degrees Celcius today!

Music: Yellow beans by Jordan Chan

~ It was so cold today! Can you believe it? -16 degrees celcius. My hair literally turned into icicles when I stepped outside after I went swimming at St. Denis. Plus, my hands were so cold, I couldn't feel them until I got into the car. :S
~ Anyways, I finally bought the third Lord of the Rings movie: Return of the King (extended version). I thought that there would be hardly any of them left but it turns out there's a whole stack of them. ^^ I was so happy when I finally got it. 50 extra minutes of Lord of the Rings!
~ I'm starting to learn latin from my friend now too! ^___^

Current Obsession: Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Saturday December 18, 2004

Time : 6:02 p.m. EST

Forecast: Cloudy and Snowing... kind of.

Music: Yellow beans by Jordan Chan

~ Today was one of the most boring days of my life! I was so bored I actually spent a whole day watching movies. ^^;; My brother's friends were over so I didn't have a chance to do chores like I was supposed to. I mean I would've did them but I didn't want them to see me doing it. They'll get in my way too! Or maybe I'm just lazy right? =P
~ Anyways, today, my parents told me that they already bought me a christmas present! I tried asking what it is but then they wouldn't tell me. Now I'm anxious to find out what I'm getting. They said that I'll like it. ^^

Current Obsession: watching movies

Friday December 17, 2004

Time : 9:40 p.m. EST

Forecast: Sunny but cold

Music: Yellow beans by Jordan Chan

~ Today was the last day of school! What was thought of as "National Skip Day" by students was no longer the case. Nobody had the chance to skip class today since teachers scheduled tests this day. Today, I had three tests and it wasn't fun at all. Teachers are evil... -_-; Anyways, other than that, it was fun. In chemistry class, we were playing games such as Stella Ella Oh-la and Concentration. Before class ended, we started singing Christmas songs. We were having so much fun. Some people were like "oh god..." but we kept on singing anyways even though we were so out of tune. It was great.
~ I got lots of cards and presents from people today and yesterday. Thanks so much! I couldn't believe that people would actually buy me christmas presents. I love you all! ^___^ Now I just have to figure out when I should have my christmas party.

Current Obsession: catching up on sleep

Monday December 13, 2004

Time : 11:01 p.m. EST

Forecast: Snowing!

Music: Yellow beans by Jordan Chan

~ Back from waterloo! Let's just say that this year it was pretty good. We got listen to three lectures - each about one hour and half long. The one we had was pretty interesting. I had a chance to practice the pigeon hole principle on some questions. It's so interesting. We learned how to apply in a real life situation such as going on a tour of a city by going on a bridge exactly once. It was interesting. There's still one question I didn't solve yet. I wonder what the actual answer is. After listening to the lecture last night, we went back to the inn to sleep or at least tried to. I slept for about 3 hours and then we went out for breakfast. I was so tired, I began to doze off in the lectures the professors were giving. Their voice is just so soothing, it's hard not to fall asleep. Many people who didn't sleep at all were sleeping. Played too much... ^^;; Oh well.. everything was ok when we went to go visit the different faculties. I went to go see the program for life sciences and I was surprised by the requirements they put down for high school graduates. The averages were so low, anybody can get into the program. Anyways, afterwards, we went to go eat lunch before listening to our last lecture by Mr. Mackay. He started talking about algorithms. The things he talked about were pretty interesting but nevertheless, I was drifting off. I actually slept for about 2 minutes before waking up. That was so bad. Fortunately, I managed to stay awake for the whole lecture. I was happy when we were going to leave.
~ Overall, I thought the Waterloo trip was pretty good but I think it passed by so quickly when we were on the bus heading back to school. I can't believe it's over already and now I have to go to sleep tomorrow. This sucks so much. =P I think I may go again next year.

Current Obsession: Jordan Chan songs

Sunday December 12, 2004

Time : 10:25 a.m. EST

Forecast: Snowing!

Music: hm... c-pop playist

~ Going to waterloo today! I spent all morning packing up my stuff and figuring out what to wear and now I'm finally ready! I just have to finish my homework now.... x3

Current Obsession: Andy Lau songs!

Saturday December 11, 2004

Time : 10:41p.m. EST

Forecast: Snow and Cold

Music: hm... c-pop playist

~ Today was UCCP! Let's just say that I didn't expect it to be so tiring. In the morning, I had to wake up at 7 since I had to be at Taylor by 8. Since I had to go pick up my friend to, we were late by about 5 minutes but it wasn't that bad. Lots of people were late getting to the school so I got time to meet my buddies parent. ^^ It was cool. After waiting for about half an hour, we arrived at Massey at about 9:20. We were waiting outside for about 10 minutes before we got to go inside and play all the activities. My buddy was so energetic when we got inside. I was kind of impressed by him. But I was tired at the same time. I can't believe I actually survived a whole day. I mean, I thought I wouldn't. We had so much fun with the activities. I'm glad my kid actually had so much fun. I think his favourite was the obstacle course. He wanted to go again but then we didn't have enough time. That was a bummer. But other than that, the other activities were fun. ^^ I think I'm going to do it again next year.

Current Obsession: Andy Lau songs!

Friday December 10, 2004

Time : 8:48p.m. EST

Forecast: Rainy and Cold

Music: Toilet by Andy Lau

~ I had a presentation to do in physics today! It was horrible. I was shaking so bad and I wasn't looking at the audience that much. I hope I don't get marks taken off. I don't want to get a bad mark. However, my teacher said I did a good job since I decided to make mine a skit. It was interesting. I was playing the part of the old lady and I had two friends of mine act out the kids. It was so much fun! I loved it even though I think I didn't do as well as I thought I would. I mean.. how can I get nervous in front of 30 people when I've spoken in front of the whole school before?! I can't believe it! Arrgghhh! ~ UCCP tomorrow! I can't wait! I have to wake up at 7:00 though since I have to be at the school at around 8. Can't be late~~

Current Obsession: Andy Lau songs!

Tuesday December 7, 2004

Time : 8:47 p.m. EST

Forecast: Rainy and Cold!!!

Music: Karma by Alicia Keys

~ OMG, it was raining so hard this morning! It was crazy. Today, all the hosts and hostesses who signed up for Taylor school went to go meet the child whom we are going to be with for the whole day on Saturday. It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait. My kid was so cute! Although, there were some things that were pretty funny. For example, when I asked him if he could remember my name, he told me what my name was but it was funny and kinda weird the way he remembers. He told me that he remembers my name by looking at my shoes. O.o I just stared at him for a moment after he told me that. ^^;; At least he remembers who I am now. =P
~ After we came back from our school, nothing much happened. I went to class as I would normally but I got two marks for two of my classes. I'm doing better in the one I said I did horrible on on the progress report but it's still not where I want to be. Now I have to work even more and remember that as long as I maintain the marks I get with all the assignments and projects that'll be given out, I might be able to get the mark I want in the end. Must start working!!
~ Power went out today... I just got home since my whole family decided to go out to eat at a Chinese restaurant. I was a little disappointed when I heard that the power was out. I was planning on working on my physics tonight and hopefully, manage to get all of my homework done. Anyways, I must go work on physics now ...

Current Obsession: homework ;.;

Monday December 6, 2004

Time : 9:05 p.m. EST

Forecast: Cloudy and Cold, Rainy

Music: Karma by Alicia Keys

~ Another school day gone by. That means that there's only 9 more days until Christmas break now. It's going to be so busy these two weeks., I still have to start my physics project tonight and get it all done tomorrow. The good thing about tomorrow is that I don't have Kumon which means that there's more time to work on my project! Wheee! I'm going to have so much fun tomorrow night! I have to make a poster and write up a research paper for the physicist that I chose - whom is Blaise Pascal! He's so popular in math everybody knows him but I bet there are some things they don't know! I can't wait till I do my presentation. It's going to be so much fun! I hope I don't mess up anything.
~ I had two meetings today during lunch - one for uccp (under-priviledged christmas party) hosts and the other one for people who are going on the Waterloo trip this Saturday. I was so scared that I wouldn't have time to make it to both meetings but I did. :D Thank goodness the Waterloo trip meeting wasn't that long.
~ I'm going to Taylor tomorrow to meet the child I'm going to get to hang out with on Saturday! Yay! So much fun! I hope I get a really cute kid. ^___^

Current Obsession: Songs by S.H.E. and Boa

Sunday December 5, 2004

Time : 8:02 p.m. EST

Forecast: Cloudy and Cold

Music: Quincy by Boa

~ I had sushi for dinner today! It's so good. I love the ingredients they used in it. There was wasabi that was set at the side of the box but I didn't taste it. My dad ate it though and as a result, his eyes turned red. I bet it was really spicy. I knew I wouldn't be able to take it.
~ Do you know how much you're worth? I know! I took a quiz yesterday online at humunsforsale.com and they said that I'm worth $1,422,664.00. I didn't know I was worth that much. I wonder if anybody would be able to afford me. =P ^^
~ I added a new friend to my list today! Please take the time to go visit Saaraneth's blog too. ^____^

Current Obsession: Songs by S.H.E. and Boa

Saturday December 4, 2004

Time : 8:07 p.m. EST

Forecast:Windy, Cloudy and Cold

Music: Love & Honesty by Boa

~ I finally have a new layout for my blog! I made it all by myself too. I'm so proud of myself. I never had the patience to make a blog on my own but today, I just felt like making one for Christmas. I think it turned out pretty good, don't you think? I spent 3 hours on it or more, mainly because the background image was out of line with the top image. Anyways, I'm spreading the holiday spirit by creating a christmas themed layout so hopefully, it will get more people to celebrate it. It is coming up in 19 days. ^^
~ Today, I was going to work on physics but then it turned out that one of my friends didn't have a ride to my house since nobody was home. So then, we decided that we're going to finish it online but I don't know if they did. I still have to create a title page for our lab. I guess I'll go do that now. ^^

Current Obsession: Songs by S.H.E. and Boa

Friday December 3, 2004

Time : 11:23 p.m. EST

Forecast:Sunny and Cold

Music: Only Lonely by S.H.E.

~ P.A day today! I thought I would be gift wrapping toys today for UCCP but instead I went and worked at my parents office. It wasn't that bad except for the fact that I spent the whole day looking for which sales were done so that I can type up the order form. It wasn't really that hard but I was really tired at the end. I think I slept too late last night. I almost fell alseep when I was doing a really long order.
~ Anyways, I searched for a new layout today and I finally found one that I liked. I'll probably upload it sometime tomorrow or Sunday. Whenever I have enough time to do it. It'll probably be tomorrow night.
~ I have to work on physics tomorrow. :S

Current Obsession: Songs by S.H.E. and Boa

Thursday December 2, 2004

Time : 10:37 p.m. EST

Forecast:Cloudy and Cold

~ Absolutely nothing interesting happened today! All I did for the whole day was perform for the seniors and the grade 7 and 8's in our school. When we performed today, it wasn't as bad as last night. Some of the mistakes we had before we're kind of corrected - we had fewer mistakes than last night. I think that on our last performance for the grade 7 and 8's was the best one. They actually liked the songs very much - especially the last song which features Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean (he's so cute!^^).
~ I have to catch on all the classes I missed today... :S

Current Obsession: songs by S.H.E

Wednesday December 1, 2004

Time : 11:17 p.m. EST

Forecast:Sunny but cold

~ It's the first day of December today! You know what that means? It means that it's Hikari Yue's birthday! Happy Birthday sis!
~ Anyways, not only was today Hikari Yue's birthday, it was also the first concert for both Wind Ensemble and Concert Band. The concert started at seven o'clock until nine. It felt like such a long time. Concert band was pretty good. They played about 9 different selections - three of which are cartoons, The Muppet Show, Loony Tunes, and Sesame Street. The video clips were so cute for each one! I loved the Loony Tunes one. It was awesome. I've always been a fan of Loony Tunes. :) I think concert band and wind ensemble were pretty good. There were some parts that both groups messed up but I still liked the songs we played. We're playing for the school again tomorrow too. ^^ I get to miss periods three to end the day. I don't know if I want to miss classes again though. I missed one class today and I didn't like the thought of that. There was actually homework that was assigned to us.
~ Bio quiz tomorrow! Got to study! ~

Current Obsession: studying for bio "Canis familiaris!" ^____^

*About Me*

Name: Lowell Lee
Alias: Kukurichan, Kukuri
D.O.B: August 8, 1988
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Nationality: Chinese
Currently Residing In: Canada
Astrological Sign: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Hobbies/Interests: reading,animanga, listening to music, graphics, surfing the web, badminton, swimming


*~July 2004~*
*~August 2004~*
*~September 2004~*
*~October 2004~*
*~November 2004~*
*~December 2004~*


----*Hikari Yue*----
----*Syaokura Jade *----

Anybody want to exchange links?? Email me at lowelee@gmail.com


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Image From: Boyis