Viridia's Outsiders Immortal either from birth, due to psionic or mutant powers, or because they were made that way by one or another Breeder on Zekira, the Outsiders are all that remain of the Zekiran people. Because of their unique genetics, Zekirans are notoriously hard to create clones of, at least accurate ones. In this manner, even the most mundane of Zekirans might be recreated with new powers, or even a new appearance. The process of creating an Immortal, however, involves the use of a very specific, very painful process. A Zekiran (usually a heavily Bred one) with the power to sense or control the dead souls or powers around them is used to syphon the energy of a particular person back into a body, and secures it there. While the physical process is painless... It is the soul of a long-dead person, someone who should be at rest, which enters new flesh. They cannot control their body at first, only left to twitch or thrash, shouting incoherent words instead of speech. Their powers too act oddly in these new bodies. It is well-documented on Zekira that certain Outsiders gained whole new sets of abilities when they were made this way. A person used to being able to sense plants, now might be able to cause fires. Someone isolated by their lack of telepathy may suddenly feel every emotion for miles. There are precious few ways to kill an immortal Zekiran. And only one of them so far has been bold or desperate enough to do it to their own kind. Two times. Two old friends, one made into a maniacal paranoid; another driven mad by the lack of any familiar surroundings or people. Others have sought Vanya out to let them slide back into the haze of Zekira's afterlife, but he has always refused, and well that he ought to. When the last of the living, breathing and truly mortal Zekirans died, everything they had, all that Zekira was, could have died with them More than two hundred Immortal Zekirans roamed the lands, now barren of activity save for the wild life. Eventually brought together with a concerted effort to remain Zekiran even though there was no longer a race to attend to, they constructed a huge starfaring ship, large enough to hold their number and hundreds more should they continue breeding. On this ship, they travel through space and occasionally through time, visiting distant places and people. Often they spend six or eight hundred years on a planet, sometimes only a few decades and others more than two thousand years. In some places, they are revered, others, they are enslaved. They endure these things knowing that they will eventually arrive at a world which they can call home again. These pages will chronical some of their travels, their findings, and their sufferings. Welcome to the world after Zekira... |
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