Best of Abelarde 2000 - A batch of songs from the bands that set the standard at this bastion of original, alternative music over the year. After Abelarde owner Taz's manifesto, the album opens with the original, full-length demo of Step Back.
For more information, please contact z_arcade@hotmail.com
Zen Arcade - Snowflake
The first official Zen Arcade release.
Tracks include Ode, Sister, Crazy Over You (long version), Take Out The Trash, Up, Not About You and Step Back.
For more information, please contact z_arcade@hotmail.com
For more information, or to order (Johannesburg only) please contact z_arcade@hotmail.com
Coming soon - Zen Arcade songs will soon be available for digital downloading. Watch this page for updates!
To hear samples or to order go here.
Showcase 3: Unearthed
Aimed at promoting unsigned South African acts, this CD features 17 top bands. A reworked "radio length" version of Crazy Over You is one of the album's highlights. Produced by Sony and 5fm, distributed exclusively through Musica.