Friday, September 10, 20004 update

    These web pages on auras include details that were removed from "The Ambersand Castle Trilogy" in an effort to keep the size of the books themselves within the page limits agreed upon.  However, many readers like to know about the classes the scenario’s main characters were taking, and these web pages have been created to provide some of that information regarding Ambersand’s classes in aura reading. 
    Danatta was the main instructor of the class but I, ZendorDin, your telepathic narrator, most often in my miniature flying zebra form there, was assisting him.
    Since the thought-response color bands of the aura are in a constant state of flux, Ambersand’s aura classes used photographic freeze frames to simplify the preliminary lessons in aura interpretation.  Each of these aura web pages include an aura photograph to give the reader an idea of what photographic freeze frames look like.
    The class started out with the standard definitions and then went into explanations of what auras actually are.  The classroom’s main dictionary defined the word aura as a distinctive atmosphere or luminous radiation surrounding a given source.  Another dictionary defined it as the energy field around small living objects such as leaves, and also the energy field around the fingertips.  Danatta defined aura as the colors that surround us, emanate from us, and define us. Although not too helpful, those definitions do point out the fact that an aura is an effect rather than a cause.
    The definitions failed to give any explanation for such a phenomena.  Danatta reminded the students that all atoms, molecules, and groups of molecules, whether large or small, complex or simple, tell the story of themselves, their pattern and purpose, through vibrations that are found to be emanating from them.  He explained that color is one of the characteristics of the vibration of matter.  He said that’s why souls' atomic patterns create the colors and that in some ways we ourselves are patterns that project colors.
    As souls evolve, they shift and change their patterns as they use or abuse the opportunities destiny presents.  “At any given moment,” Danatta explained, “unless overpowered by a specific thought or state of mind, a soul will give off (through vibrations), the story of itself – the condition of its existence in that exact moment of time.”
    In other words, the soul (or what renowned psychic, Edgar Cayce, called the entity) is revealed as it truly is by that person's aura.  However, the actual details of what is depicted appear to be missing because they are even beyond extraordinary perception and understanding.
    Colors are the human eye's perceptions of the vibrations referred to as the aura.  Since the students would eventually be required to learn to hear colors as well as see them, the color listing in the class textbook included notations on which colors correspond to the 7 notes that make up the basic scale.   Notations were also included with those as to which planet’s influence is paramount as well.  This aura page includes a link to that alphabetical color list and some of the most common meanings implicated by each color.  Some aura readers calculate the colors differently and refer to them as “life colors.”  That has its own web page in order to prevent confusing the two systems of interpretation.  Ambersand’s students were encouraged to choose whichever system felt right for them.
    I, your narrator, ZendorDin, like to think of the aura as the weathervane of the soul because in many ways it shows the way the "winds of destiny" are blowing in that person’s life at the moment.  Fulfillment or lack thereof, joy, love, sickness, dejection, and more, are reflected there. 
    There are complexities inherent in auric colors, and like character traits, expression of most colors range somewhere between their possible positive and negative extremes.    
    New students were never allowed to analyze their own aura without the assistance of an advanced student or instructor because it is nearly impossible for a novice to retain objectivity concerning the meaning of a color contained in their own aura. 
    One might also be inclined to dislike a certain color in someone because they've only observed that person expressing its negative aspects, and thereby there’s danger that student might inadvertently place an unwarranted disagreeable interpretation on the color itself.
    Novices are often inclined to take a simplistic approach to aura reading and thereby fail to note added influences such as the intensity or shade of a color, its distribution, and the position it occupies.  As with rainbows, auras are comprised of multiple bands of colored light – each having its own particular meaning.  It takes study and the gift of discernment for a student to learn how each band influences the interpretation of colors within it and understand each color's relationship with the other colors found there.   Even the size of the aura and its overall shape needs to be taken into consideration.
    Although the outer rings of the aura change with our thoughts and moods, there is an innermost ring (one that doesn't show well in photos) that gives the person's overall general temperament and remains fairly constant.  However those basic less-transient colors do change as the person advances or regresses.
    Some aspects of aura reading are logical.  For example, a dark shade of any color generally warrants heavy emphasis on whatever traits that color might imply and lighter shades of color, ones often referred to as pastels, are able to shift and blend more rapidly than darker shades as one's temperament is being expressed.
    Some auras include tip-offs of what is happening at that moment – like the little light you see in the lower right corner of the aura photograph of Kia included here.  I showed up in the photo that way there because I was giving Kia inspiration regarding a script she was working on revising that day.  My aura overpowered my miniature flying zebra form as I communicated with her, so I appeared to be without form there, nothing more than a light about the size and shape of a lemon.
    As a person is actually receiving information inspirationally, a shaft of light can be seen coming downward over their left shoulder.  Such an influence can be considered to be constructive in nature if the shaft of light contains some white, green, red, or a little blue mixed in.
    There is so much the students had to learn about auras that several pages were required to provide even a smattering of it.  The links will take you to the other aura pages.  Each includes an aura photograph.  Some, like the one shown on this page, were provided by older camera systems; but the one on the color_notes page was taken with a state-of-the-art camera.
Old style aura photograph
Links to other aura pages:
Contact Information
Name: ZendorDin c/o Janet R. Shaw