Magical Herbs and Spells

By: Shyan Chapman 08/15/04


"In ancient times, plants were gods and goddesses; spirits and magicians lived within gnarled oaks and whispered from flowers.

Our ancestors discovered the forces present in plants and harnessed them to improve their lives.

Today the weeds and wildflowers that grace our cities and wildernesses, the ornamental and food plants in our gardens, even common house plants still possess incredible powers. Magical herbalism is the use of these powers."

- Scott Cunningham

·       “Flying ointment” contained Belladonna (Deadly Nightshade). There are many other names for Belladonna such as Devil’s Herb or Devil’s Cherries. Belladonna is used to make medical drugs and hallucinogenic narcotics, so it is easy to see why centuries ago after taking the herb witches thought they could fly. When given the seeds, Belladonna can be grown anywhere. It is however widely distributed over Central and Southern Europe. Belladonna is also very common and widely distributed in Algeria and South-west Asia. This poisonous herb is cultivated in England, France and North America as well.


·       Willow bark is burned and crushed during a Waning moon to conjure spirits.


·       “Witches Garland” was 5 feet of rope with feathers from geese, crows and rooks stuck in it. It was a device used for placing curses.


·       Black wicked candles are lit while the tip of a magical knife is used to draw a magic circle.


·       The green and silver leaves of Mug wart are plucked during a full moon and carefully brewed and drank in the hopes of improving clairvoyant powers.


·       Bats Wing Herb (Yerba Mate): Used for protection from curses or harm. To place a binding on an enemy, place a photograph of the person, or an item belonging to them in a jar with the herb and cover with strong black coffee. Recite the behaviors you wish them to stop, then hide the jar in their home.

My favorite flowers/herbs to use is Lavender, Rose and Lemon so below is a list of a few recipes for various things you can try and enjoy.

Many herbs and flowers are used by modern witches such as Lavender to aid in psychic abilities and make ones self more relaxed. 


4 tablespoons olive oil
3 to 4 tablespoons beeswax
3 tablespoons cocoa butter
1 vitamin e capsule
15 drops lavender oil
Combine the olive oil, beeswax, cocoa butter and heat in the top of a double boiler. Remove from the heat. Add the vitamin e, lavender oil and beat well. Pour into little jars and allow the mixture to cool before covering.

As you can see herbs are used for a wide variety of things, not just potions and spells. Herbs are used for Teas, soaps, potpourri, medicines, make-up, foods, etc..


Lavender Lemonade

Steep lavender for 10 minutes then strain. Combine lavender concentrate with juice from lemons and sugar in pitcher with ice and fill with water. (For a beautiful Feminine or Romantic touch, pick rose petals and place them under warm water and rinse clean. Stick a pedal in each square of an Ice cube tray and fill with water, once frozen stick the ice cubes in the Lavender Lemonade to add color and love).

      “Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the cauldron boil and bake,

Eye of newt and toe of frog,

Wool of bat and tongue of dog,

Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,

Lizard’s leg and owlet’s wing,

For a charm of powerful trouble,

Like a hell-broth boil and bubble...”

~William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act IV, Scene I