Website Updates
06/2/04 - Did major updates on the Loch Ness Monster section and also changed around the main 'Myths, Monsters, Magic and More' page.

06/3/04 - Added a new links page to the main contents page containing copyright information on the various graphics used for the site. I also added a new Article to the Loch Ness Monster section, about Prehistoric Aquatic Reptiles, as well as an extension of the Loch Ness Section with new sub-sections on the topic. I created a FORUM to have SERIOUS discussions on many of Cryptozoologies subjects.

06/11/04 - Added a new brief mini biography on Aleister Crowley and when he lived in the
mysterious Boleskin House on the Shores of the Great Loch Ness. I will work on it more and
go more in depth with it when I get more time. I also added an article about the legend of
St. Columba encountering the Loch Ness Monster on August 22, 565. I added a real brief
article on Urquhart Castle and I will be working on it through out the weekend- 500 plus
years of history to untangle is not easy nor does it come quick :) I added a real short section on BigFoot Fiction. This was a hard one for me to write about and I will continue working on this through out the weekend as well.

06/17/04 - Added articles on my GHOST page about Poltergeists, Telekenisis, Cold Spots, Energy and Phantom Limb Syndrome. Also added an Aliens/ UFOs/ Crop Circles section to my main page.

07/27/04 - I changed my main page, I added more LINKS to the Links & Copy right page, I am now working on an Awards and WEB-RINGS page, I am also working on finishing up my Loch Ness Monster section so I can start on my Aliens section and Halloween's History section.

07/29/04 - I added on a new "Tiny Folks" section to the main page that will be ready to view soon, I am currently working on it. I added more writings to my Loch Ness Monster Section and to my Big-Foot Section. I added more Clip Art Links to my Links page.

08/16/04 - I finally added an ABOUT ME page. In my ABOUT ME page I also did a PET MEMORIAL page, dedicated to all of the pets I have had and lost throughout my life.

08/18/04 - I added two new sections to my Main Myths, Monsters, Magic and More page. These will be the last. My last two subject choices were Werewolves and Mermaids, what a combination huh? I have been ill and unable to work on my website much, I know many of my topics have said "Coming Soon" on them a bit longer than I thought and I apologize. I will try not to keep you waiting much longer. Today I also found out that my Guest Book is not working. I have recieved E-mails from people saying that once they Sign it, it does not show up. I will look into getting that fixed. Thank you all for your patients!

08/19/04 - I added two articles on my Werewolf site, though it is not ready for you to view, I hope to have it up soon.

08/20/04 - My WEREWOLF section is done! Took only two days, that's a record for me! I will still be adding more articles to it after I have completed my other sections so look for changes often. I hope you enjoy!

09/14/04 - I have started back up with working on my website again. I haven't had the time, I apologize. I was inspired by a surprising e-mail from someone who seemed to enjoy my site. I will be adding their site to my Links page so please check it out!

06/01/05 - SURPRISE!!! Thought I forgot about my web-site didn't you?? Sorry...I have been caught up with "life" but I am back and hopefully will be able to finish this. I added a lot through-out today and many new sites are open but not completed. I have many new sites under construction.