The email below, when received, was totally devestating to me and the directions of which I endeavor to pursue...which is no more than easing the Dharma Gate for all those who may be interested, plain and simple. Upon receipt of the message I immediately went into my web sites and removed the link. However, before any chance arose the link was captured on various search engines. Now all I receive are requests to access it. I have made the page available, but now only to those who so ask. If if the course of these events I have inhibited the forward advancement of the Dharma I truely hope I am forgiven.
To: ZenNun
Subject: #7 on your site
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 2000 17:17:23 -0800
Greetings, Rev. Sister,
With all due respect, I would request you reconsider the wisdom of including #7 on your site
"Zen Orgasm and Enlightenment".
It serves no good purpose there and does not reflect well on your judgment as one who presents herself as possessing full ordination in the Buddha's Sangha. If you have doubts about this, please, allow me to refer you to Bhikshuni (name deleted), a nun in the lineage of the same guru as I. Doubtless she will affirm this judgment. When you set yourself out in the world carrying the title "Bhikshuni", you do not only carry the responsibility for the impressions which are created with regard to your own personage, but also carry a responsibility for the impressions which are created with respect to all others who uphold the pure Vinaya of the Buddha.
Meanwhile, best wishes for peace and bliss in Dharma, for a marvelous bodhisattva career and for an early and complete awakening.
(signature deleted)
While on the above topic, in a similar vein, Suzanne Segal, a young woman, who standing waiting for a bus one day was Awakened to the Absolute, wrote the following in her book Collision With the Infinite about sex and sexuality in the Enlightened state:
"Sexuality still functions, but without the lust or longing that are self-referencing aspects. Sex serves no personal desire and has no deeper meaning that makes it anything but what it is at the moment. Like all other functions, the sexual function is engaged when the vastness deems obvious, for a mysterious, non-personal purpose. When lovemaking occurs, there is no one making love to no one. How could this possibly be comprehensible to the mind?"
See: A DALAI LAMA DISCUSSION: Teachers Who Have Sex With Women Students
See also: Man and Women in the Teaching of the Buddha
As well as: Chinese Bhikshunies in the Ch'an Tradition