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Boss Strategy
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Grizzly Slash- Not your soft cuddly teddy bear anymore-use X-buster/Z blade or Spike ball/ twin dream.This boss incredibly slow and weak. He will start digging and popping up behind you. When you see rocks flying from behind, turn around and start shooting like mad(but first get some distance before shooting). Hit Grizzly Slash as many times as you can before he retreats in to the ground. Grizzly will shoot cresent shaped beams which are EASY to dodge when by a wall. You should beat him in 3 min. max.
Abilities gained:
X:C-SHOT: fires cresent beam
4th X:C-SHOT: makes hurtful shield (but you charge it up first!)
Zero:C-SWORD: spinnning areal attack (jump + X button) also gets Double Jump ability
Duff McWhalen-It is very easy to beat Duff with Zero or 4th armor X. With 4X, use the C-SHOT shield and smack into him repitively. If you are Zero, use the C-SWORD constantly. When he swims to your left, body-slam attack him and continue attacking him. If you can do this quickly, you'll scrap him faster than you can change powers. If your X, you'll have a slow down with da blocks. Time to beat is 3-4 min.
Use the C-SHOT/C-SWORD on this boss, if you have the weapons.
Abilities gained:
X:G-Shaver: Fires a projectile along the ground.
4th X:G-Shaver: Fires a line of ice blocks up in the air(but needs to be charged first)!
Zero: F-Splasher:(Dash in air) Zero's dash causes damage to most enemies on impact.
Use G-Shaver/ F-Splasher on Squid Adler, if you have the weapon.
Use Spike Ball/ Twin Dream on Grizzly Slash, if you have the weapon.
Squid Adler-Capcom usually makes lightning based bosses hard. This boss is just as hard. I advise using 4th Armor X in this fight, since the charged G-Shaver covers almost all of the screen. when he uses his thunder attacks, use the walls to avoid getting fried. If you can beat him in under 5min., you must be real good.
Abilities gained:
X: Tri-Thunder: fires lightning up, down, and forward
4th X: Tri-Thunder: (when charged) lightning falls in a random pattern
Zero:E-Blade:(up+X) close up shocking uppercut