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Poll #5 - Gamecube, XBox or PS2?
Kyle - I'm gonna stick with Nintendo for a while longer, even though they ARE losing their style.
Chad - I've never played on XBox.  PS2 is my choice, though 007 on N64 was one of my all time favorites.
Ryan - Gamecube for Super Smash Brothers
Matt - They all suck.  Atari is where its at.
Stephanie - PS2
Chris - PS2
Holly - Gamecube
Rob - PS2
Katy - I'll have to go with Matt on this one, or maybe Gamecube, cause thats what the siblings seem to enjoy
Blake - gamecube
Jon - GAMECUBE!!! (thank you for the wonderful commentary Jon, I'll have to dedicate a whole page just to your poll answers.)
AAROn - Gamecube, but PS2 comes in a close 2nd.
Spencer - i like them all, but for price (and size convenience), but for quality I would say X-Box or PS2 (DVD and CD player)
Bowie - X-Box is the best system. Gamecube sucks and ps2 is ok. But X-box is the only one where you can save your cds onto your xbox and thats cool
Shawn - xbox
Andy - Xbox by far, no offense