1) FDNY tribute - All members of the ladder truck #118 in the photo were lost this day, 9/11/2001.


2) Birtday party for Haley, 01/00/2006.

Josh, Audrey

3) Josh & his Mother, Audrey on the evening he left for Paris Island, 01/00/2006.


4) Laura doing the kids face painting, 01/00/2006.

Jeff, Josh

5) Jeff & Josh - heading back to SC after shore leave, 04/00/2006.

Dress Blues

6) Josh in his Dress Blues, 04/00/2006.


7) Josh at Barracks bunk on Paris Island, graduation day, 04/00/2006.

Rick, Myriam

8) Rick & Myriam at hotel outside of Paris Island, 04/00/2006.


9) Karen at her house doing a little trimming, 05/00/2005.

Haley, Laura

10) Haley & Laura at local swim meet, 07/00/2005.

Josh, Jen

11) Josh & Jen at Atlanta, GA zoo, 07/00/2006.

Karen, Alan

12) Karen & Alan on Xmas AM, 12/25/2005.

Jen, Kenya

13) Jen feeding the giraffes at a Kenya park. Thank God they're not meat eaters, this Moma appears large enough to swollow her in one gulp.

Dad, Mom

14) Richard and Alta (Fredrickson) Fowler, Sr., 5/2/1942.
Rick, Audrey, Jeff

15) Richard, Jr., holding Audrey, and Jeff Fowler, 9/1957, Baltimore, MD.

Rick, Ft. Bragg

16) Richard, Sr., Richard, Jr., Audrey, Alta Fowler, 1966, Ft. Bragg, NC.

Chales, Dad, William

17)  Fowler boys, Charlie, Richard, Sr., William, abt. 1921, Yonkers, NY.

Grandma Fowler

18) Mary Catherine (Kenny) Fowler, Mother of Richard, Sr., 5/2/1942.

Grandpop Fowler

19) William Fowler and Richard, Jr., Father of Richard, Sr., 9/1950.
Grandma, Grandpop Fredrickson

20) Harry and Harriet (Enlow) Fredrickson, parents of Alta (Fredrickson) Fowler, 10/17/1916, Zion, IL

Great Grandpa Enlow with his Grand Kids

21) Ruby (Enlow), Unknown, JoAnn (Enlow), Jessie (Enlow), Dolly (Enlow), Annie (Enlow), Unknown, Unknown, Grandpa Rufus Enlow, Elbert Enlow, Rachel Enlow, Alta (Fredrickson), abt. 1930.

Mom, Clair, Grandma Fredrickson

22) Alta (Fredrickson), Clair Fredrickson, Harriet (Enlow) Fredrickson, 1942.
Mom, Dad

23) Alta (Fredrickson) and Richard Fowler, Sr., 1942

Rick, Jeff

24) Richard, Jr. and Jeffrey Fowler, 6/1964, Baltimore, MD.

Grandpa, Grandma Enlow

25) Rufus and Annie Louise (Savage) Enlow, Grand Parents of  Alta (Fredrickson) Fowler, 12/23/1880, Sang Run, MD wedding photo.

The Fowler girls

26) Karen, Laura, Jennifer Fowler, 1990, Baltimore, MD.