The Daily Crap
The current mood of at
The current mood of at
The current mood of at
Bert's mood
David's mood
The current mood of at
Jenny's mood
The current mood of at
Courtney's mood
04/21/02 2:42am
Well here I am again up real late at a 24 hour Lan room updating my website you would think I dont spend enough time on a computer that I have to come to these places just to do so but no me Heston Bert and Rob all went to go play some
Counter Strike but at PC Intercrew there werent enough seats so Bert and Heston went to Cyberzone which is another 24 hour Lan room and they kicked it on there CS servers and its been about 4 - 5 hours so I needed a break and here I am updating my website I am also going to be working on the website for the LVPO which is a non-profit organization the Sara is starting up to help the homeless. If you have heard of Food not Bombs then you have the basic idea but Food not Bombs only give out food and the food they serve is only Vegen food so we are expanding on the idea a little by collecting clothing for the homeless and we will also by servering meat along with the vegtables but unfortunately I am having a hard time trying to find a suitable name for it to be on with keeping it simple and as close to the name of the LVPO name. Well I will let you all know a little further and if you are interesting in helping in any way for know you can email and we will respond to your email in a timely fashion. Well that is all from me for now I will be back soon to update more on my current situation and a general all around syanopses of how my life has been. Later.

God damn its been a while since I have updated this site but hopefully soon I will be able to get to updating this site again but I cant right now so I will get back here soon. Later

Why hello again everyone sorry I havent been in much lately I have just been rather busy lately and cant find the time to get in here and up date as much as I would like to but I have added a new page to the site which will show all the results of those
online quizzes. I have three up there now and there will be more the one that most shocked me was the Anthem song quiz that one really got it on the nose. Apparently my anthem is For You by Staind which is hella kewl. Well I just want to stop in and update a little be back soon. Later

02/27/02 11:48pm
Well here I am again yes I know I am still slacking on the updates but everything has been so hectic for me yesterday and I just havent been able to find the time to come in here and update now I would be venting alot of anger right now but I have already venting twice I vented in my blogger entry and my imood so if I were to vent in here also I would just be repeating myself and I dont feel like doing that right now so to see all the venting read my imood and my
Blogger. Later

My Blogger
Well my weekend was ok but if you read my blogger then you will know what the rest of my week was like and I will warn you now the blogger entry is rather violent compared to most of my entries but who cares and if you have been reading my imoods then you have a little more to go off of what I am talking about and if you are the one who made me realize all that I have learned then you dont need any back story but anyways I am going to smoke before I get back from lunch so talk to you all later.

Well here I am sitting in the training for two hours for my lunch not having any money for lunch sucks, but oh well I got accepted to the Error 404 Life not Found web ring and I finally got the Nav Bar working correctly and customized like I want it which is kewl well I dont really have to much to say right now and I dont feel like putting up with the lag on this system when typing in here so I shall talk to you all later.

I dont have any time to really post right now but I have alot to post about so I shall talk to you all later bye.

02/05/02 5:16pm
Why hello everybody how have all of you been well my day was pretty good except the usual troubles. Training is going good the living situation is kewl the unexpected visitor is going good so all in all I dont really have anything to complain about so that is all for now. Later.

2/01/02 11:24pm
Well the first week of training is over and now we shall get into the real training for the job. Well not much is new in my life still the same old repitious things but you know what I am content with my life right now so it doesnt matter to me. Well I finally changed the
flash intro to my site and seeing as how I have changed the theme of the site a little the pictures represent it, if anyone has a problem with the new look or layouts please email me and let me know what the problem with the site is and also if you have any suggestions please feel free to email me also. Well that is all for now talk to everyone when I see you. Later

1/31/02 10:43pm
Well here I am again I think I have finally figured out what I am going to do in the story so I am happy about that and I have gotten the sound track pretty much configured for the most part but I may redo it somewhat or I may add a third set to it but I am not to sure on that but anyways I didnt really have much to say I just need to get back into the habit of updating this site if anything just updaye the Daily Crap. Later.

1/29/02 11:27am
Well here we are again another glorious day in Dell training and what did we have in store for us..... Vocabulary YAY!!!!. Well anyways I am still stuck with my story the timing is all wrong down to a couple hours and detailing oh well I shall make it work some how well that is all for now. Later.

1/28/02 10:11pm
Have you ever gotten to a point where you know what you want but you dont know how to go about it to get it well that is where I am at with my story I know where I want it to go I just dont know how it is I am going to get it done I mean from one stand point I would have four hours to kill in the story and from another I am cutting it close and have to much stuff that I would need to incorporate and the other not enough stuff and does anybody know how long it would take to climb 97 flights of stairs? Oh well a question that shall have to be left for another time I guess, so anyways 2 days until hells fury is unleashed on me.......ok so that is an exaggeration by alot but I just dont know how this is going to happen it rather worries me but oh well. Later.

01/23/02 11:27pm
Well here I am again I finally updated the Rants and Raves and something that shouldnt be a surprise to the people I talk to about this regularly I started writing the rants again once a certain person came back into my life and these people should have also noticed that I stopped writing the rants when this person left my life but at least this time I have prepared myself enough to be able to cope with it this tine (or at least thats what I am telling myself)  and I am sorry for the vagueness on this entry but those of you who dont know what I am talking about will probably here of it soon enough more than likely now.  Oh and unfortunately I have given up on trying to get the gif shop up and running for the fact that I lost all the gifs that I still needed to get up on the site and it would take way to long to find all of them again most of the sites that I was getting them from have been taken down and I am still working on making a new flash opening for the site so that should be up in about a week or two and I am working on two more AMV's which should be finished within a months time from now I just need to work though all the scenes at this point and then it should be no problem. Well that is all I have for now. Later.

01/13/02 11:10pm
Yes I know I have been slacking on my updates alot recently and I am sorry about that but if you check out my Blogger I have tried to keep that up dated as much as possible so you can check that out and see whats been up the link for it is above the journal on this page as you can see and hopefully I will get everything done so I can get all the updates taken care of and I am currently working on 2 more music videos at this point seeing as how I finally got my divxing software working again so they should be completed soon and anybody with cable if you wish to download them just
email me and we can try and set-up a time for download but I warn you all they are still rather large seeing as how I dont have the compression down right. Well that is all for now. Later.

12/14/01 3:09am
Welcome to my World

12/13/01 - 1:32am
Well I have to get up for work in about 4 and a half hours I would love to be asleep right now but no I have to be bothered with these thoughts of a girl who is no longer in my life and one that I shall never see again and it will not allow me to sleep to I said fuck it and here I am online grabbing programs that way to keep myself occupied and not let my mind wander well I should go be for I bring up something that will just cause more thoughts. Later

Well now that my computer has finally decided to be nice cause I fucking debugged formatted and reloaded its bitch ass I can finally start rebuilding this site I am going to download Firestarter so I can redo the opening movie and I shall probably rework the layouts on most of pages maybe and maybe some different backgrounds. Well that is all for now. Later

Yes yes I know its been like over two weeks or more since I truly updated the site but my internet connection has been down for some time now so it is rather hard for me to update while at home and I have been very busy here at work so I have no time to update the page here only reason why I am able to update now is because it is the day before Thanksgiving and we have no calls in the queue we have people in availiblity for over an hour now I am one of them I should be able to update the page and archive the Daily Crap and get the Rants and Raves up to date soon along with the songs of the week but we shall see how that goes in the days to follow well I am going to go now hopefully the blogger page finally finished loading so that I can update that also. Later

Holy shit it's been a long as time since I updated this thing well I am trying to get everything updated as fast as possible. I have also started up a blogger and have finally decided to make it public so here you go the link to my blogger
Zeros Hell "The Blogger". Well I havent been writting much lately so I dont have a reason to update the Rants and Raves except for one rant I did last week but work has had me so fucking busy lately its not possible for me to update there and I just never get to while I am at home oh well hopefully soon I will get some free time to get everything back up to date hopefully. I need to add new links to the Links page and get the songs of the week up to date again. This up coming Friday I will be moving out of my parents place so I will not be able to update much this week or next week but after that it should be fine. Well talk to all of you later for the most up to date happenings check the blogger cause that is easier for me to update so check it out when you get the chance. Later

Well here we are on another Sunday night and today has been rather productive or at least for my computer I got a lot of programs downloaded and a lot more music on my system, cause I hooked it up to Heston's Direct PC  satelite hook up and had that to play around with for a while and yesterday's I went over to Sara's and we all had a conversation about whats going to be going on in the coming months and it was very informative so that was cool well tomorrow is work again which sucks but that is what is needed to be done well until then I shall talk to you all later.

11/01/01 11:00pm
Hello all I should be in bed but I can't sleep right now I am sitting here listening to Lifehouse - Everything which I made an Anime Music Video (AMV) for and put it to Final Fantasy 8, I sat there and watched it a couple times and I came to a sad realization at the end when I had this feeling of loneliness in the back of my mind and I came to the sad fact that I actually envied the main characters of this game they love each other granted they are afraid to say anything to each other for sometime but they do finally do it and I dont know whether I realized how very alone I am or I am just a really detached from life. Well some good that has came from this week is I finally got my raise and I got a lot more money then I thought I was going to get but in the long run all that does is mean I have more money I am handing out but next payday I move out of my parents' place which should help some on my money problems and might actually get my life in order some. Yesterday I was supposed to say my final goodbyes to an old friend but as usual they let me down and never showed but I should have saw that coming its my fault for believing it this time but come Monday I will never have to put up with it at all and hopefully this to shall help get myself straightened out. Oh and I would also like to say congrats to Jenny and Bert I am glad you to finally got together I am certain you to will bring such happiness to one another. Anybody who saw my Imood saw my reaction to a certain persons comments on the afore mentioned relationship I would like to say that was truly fucked up for that person to do. I am going to change that Imood but
I will link what it was for anybody who didnt get to see it. Oh I have also added a couple people to the Imood list I have at the top of this so check it out and I am still trying to finish updating everything so keep an eye out.

Yes I know its been 7 days since my last update but still and there is no new rant this week this week it is "Epiphany" by Staind well I have alot I want to say at this point but for now I am keeping it short cause the computer I am using to add this sucks worse than my old one if that is possible well talk to you all in a while.

Hello again everyone well at least this time it is only a 3 day leave of duties, I have been having a lot of stuff to do lately at home so I havent found any time to update this thing there and right now I am trying to prove my supervisor at work wrong by doing everything ten times better then what I used to I have been cramming everything down his throat just to show him I know what I am doing. Now beyond that I will be updating the Rants and Raves page but I am not going to take down the extra rant that is up there cause I dont have any of my backgrounds picked out so I cant throw them up and I will finally update the Song of the Week with the two I promised but they also wont have a background picture to them just yet so bare with me for now. Well it turns out that this weekend there seems to be a couple parties this weekend so that should be fun I think me and my buddies are going to the one Sara Radcliffe is throwing apparently it is in a cave somewhere so I dont know to much about that but anyways I shall let you all go. Later

Yes I know I slack way to much with updating this page but I have way to much to do lately but hey it keeps me busy and my mind from wandering into stray thoughts. Oh yes I found out that Kat got married (Bravo). Well this weekend I went and saw Sara get branded on Saturday and that was a rather interesting thing to see  I didnt think I was going to be able sit through it but I did. I was going to walk out a couple of times but I didnt or couldnt. I just hate seeing my friends in pain any kind of pain and seeing that wasnt good for me but it was a controlled situation and it was something that they wanted so it wasnt entirely bad I think. Oh well that is enough from me now I am still trying to get the songs up and the Rant hopefully I should have it done by tonight if not oh well. Later.

Yes I know I have been majorly slacking but its been so hard to be able to find the time to sit down and update this thing and I dont have any of the backgrounds on my home computer so its kinda hard to add new content and I have been so busy and I just cant find the time to sit down and start updating this thing but oh well I am here now and hopefully I can get everything updated before this weekend well I shall talk to you all later.

Hello everyone I hope this week has been better for yall than it has for me. Ok, ok so the whole week hasnt be entirely bad just Wednesday and it wasnt entirely bad either it just made me feel like a moron I finally got to go to the pool tournament at Mickey's pool hall and I saw one of my friends that I havent seen in a long time granted she is girl I wanted to go out with and the reason I feel like an idiot is because I sat there and actually thought she would still be single but oh well I dont want to get into it on here right now. Anyways the Ren Fair is this weekend and it looks like almost all my friends are going which means my rides are going to so I am to. I am also updating the Rants and songs of the week also I am taking the WMDP down cause I feel it serves no purpose right now. Well that is all for right now. Later

Well hello again all I hope everyones weekend was good mine was pretty cool I went to the Bite of Las Vegas with a bunch of friends and saw a couple bands play and next week I am going to see Lifehouse and Michelle Branch at the House of Blues which should be kewl. Well sorry for not up dating in a while but I have just been extremely busy they are hiring for the PS position again and Friday I walked the floor for three hours or so which helped out cause I was going nuts on the phones but anyways I should have everything updated soon but unfortunately I am going to have to delete some pages off my site which sucks but oh well it was bound to happen with the way I updated back in the early stages of this site and now that the content of this site is so big it couldnt help but get over filled. Well thats all for now I shall talk to all of you later bye.

Well here we are again in another month of the first year of the millenium. Well my weekend was rather uneventful I expected to be dragged to a wedding against my will but I didnt hear anything on the subject the whole weekend so I figure that they got the hint I didnt want to go oh well. Me and my friends tried to go out and do something this weekend instead of just sitting behind a computer over the weekend but that didnt go to well the only thing that we ended up doing was going to Mickey's and shoot some pool and that was pretty much all that happened oh well hopefully this weekend will be better and I am still trying to find a house for rent and I can never get in contact with the one realtor I have spoken with which sucks we keep catching each other at a bad time but I have found a good bit of listing hopefully we can get one from there oh and Sara is back into town "Welcome back Sketti!!!" Well that is all I have to say at this point. Later
Archived Daily Crap:
The Imood I spoke of
My Blogger
My mood
The current mood of at
Sara's mood
Millie's mood
Mojo's mood
Matt's mood
The current mood of at
The current mood of at
The current mood of at