Quotes Page
"When you have known nothing but pain and sorrow it is easier to be nice to people, and that is not a weakness." Kaji from Neon Genisis Evangelion
We walk deeper into the path on which we create to rest with person with a smile and open arms" Unknown
"But I feel, that tomorrow will be ok." Aaron Lewis -"Outside"
Libberatte Tutte Ma Exinferrous
(Save yourself from hell)
Losing all hope is freedom...
Edward Norton (Fight Club)
Hot damn!!!! - Sketti
Put a gun to my head and paint the walls with my brains
Edward Norton (Fight Club)
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he did not exist"
Kevin Spacey (The Usual Suspects)
"I shall become Death, the shatterer of worlds."
J.Robert Oppenheimer
upon witnessing the
first A-bomb explosion
"Another sleepless night again, Hotel rooms my only freinds and friends like that just dont add up...."
                                                   Aaron Lewis -"Home"
History abhors a Paradox  Raziel (Soul Reaver 2)
"You betrayed me. You betrayed the trust I placed in you. You betrayed me just like my father did!" - Shinji Ikari (NGE)