Judy Bueanoano 

March 30 —Florida’s “Black Widow” was electrocuted early in the morning, after little public opposition from the death penalty advocates who waged an international campaign to save pickax
               killer Karla Faye Tucker.  Judy Buenoaño had been on death row since 1984 for poisoning her husband, drowning her paraplegic son and blowing up her fiancé—all to collect
               over $700,000 in life insurance payment.
     Judy, barely walking and being helped by guards on either side, was brought into the death
               chamber at 7:02 a.m. Looking small and frail, she was strapped in and asked
              if she had a final statement. “No, sir,” she answered weakly, squeezing her eyes shut.
               She leaned her head back once, opened her mouth widely,
               and grimaced as they tightened the leather straps.
The power was turned on at 7:08 a.m. Smoke curled up from her right leg throughout the 38-second electrocution. Her death, at 7:13 a.m., was the first in Florida’s electric chair for a woman in 150 years.