the worst site on the internet...

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Hi. Out of all the sites on the internet, this one is quite possibly the worst site I've ever seen. There are literally trillions of webpages, and mine is the worst. Here's what people have to say about me:
New York Times: "His site is atrocious. I can't believe it exsists. If you have any decency at all, please please shut down your site."
Random mom: "His site is so bad and unfunny, he made my kids unfunny. They're being corrupted with such shittiness. I hear them walking around the house telling really really stupid jokes, and even got suspended at school for being such horrible comedians. I can't believe websites like this exsist. If I was his mom, I'd slap his ass."

Update 2/11/2006:
New layout.

Featured link: Accept jesus and win a free ps2

Getting a dog, read this first. 2/12/2006

Hands down, the worst sites on the internet

David Spade is a failure with his websites too. 2/11/2006

French are pussies


  • Resident Evil 4 is the best game ever.
  • The French suck.

    Random links to pages I might have made:

  • My site still sucked in 2005
    Email me or