



Etlingera elatior



Etlingera elatior, commonly known as "Torch ginger", is widely used as an ornamental flower. The huge cone-shape "flower" of Etlingera elatior is a large inflorescence made up of numerous sterile bracts tightly bound together. Small flowers grow from the space between the bracts. The bract is what gives the inflorescence its attractive color. Varieties of pink and red inflorescence are most common. At maturity, the leaf stalk reaches a height of about 2 meters.


The young inflorescence of the pink variety is used widely as a spice to add flavor to  food.



Etlingera elatior - The plant



Etlingera elatior - Inflorescence




Etlingera elatior - Fruit





Recently, there is a rare white variety of torch ginger, the "white torch."










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