Zoe's Page! ^.^
   Hey you nosey people, wanna know some stuff about me? Well if ya dont then stop reading right......no, Anyways I'm 7 now! YAY!! 
Okay here comes my family...try not to get confused ^.^ Okay my mother is Ryoushin and my dad is Dugstrom [Adopted parents] but they aren't together and never where..i think O.o anyways ..okay confused? well i am.. this wont confuse ya though ^.^ Brother = Plouder. kewly brother ^.^and best bud Lucar [lucara ]  The aliens are watching.... WAIT!!! cant forget about mr. spoon, mr spoon kicks .... hehe you know what ^.^ Booger shake anyone? why not!
     My side kicks are Mark, Tom and Travis.. they beat up bad guys too, but you dont know that cuz you cant see them only i can! so nah nah nah nah >=P Every time you go to nh you gotta watchout for the aliens O.O there in the trees! im not lieing, i never do ^.^ Okay my weapons! #1 weapon is my wooden spoon!! its really powerful , and a dagger with pink kittys on it, i drew them on [given to me by Plouder! thanx!]
     Evil Furre List! that would be 1)Ryoushin aka cheerio, known for those evil m&ms, sending gay tailors after me, squirting nastey soap and being an alien ^.^ 2)devia aka booger wings, known for giving out evil apples with poisen and swearing way to much ^.^ 3) Sylia aka bubble butt known for pushing me in the wh and kicking me outta her dream!! >.< 4) Lucar aka Lucara known for cheating in pokeing contests and saying he wins...(which we know is not true ^.^) 5) Dugstrom, known for squirting me with water...yes WATER! HOW MUCH EVILER CAN YOU GET!!! WAIT I KNOW...A BATH O.O..WHICH HE HAS DONE!! Its child abuse i tell ya -.-I know theres more then just these 5... but these 5 are the most evilist furres you'll meet!

Aliens exist
Syfurs Page
Mr. Spoon
Group Pics
Updated April 1, 2002
Name that furre!