News and gossip |
August Birthdays Happy Birthday to Treezy our Number 1 Supporter who is 30 on 9th August Happy Birthday to Wendy our Owner who is 41 on 26th August |
Congratulations to Alice and Chloe on becoming our Dinkie Leader and Mascot for the 2006 season |
Congratulations to Charlotte and Kelly on becoming our Junior Leader and Mascot for the 2006 season |
Congratulations to Kathleen on becoming our senior leader for the 2006 season |
Thank you to Chloe and Freya our 2005 Dinkie Leader and Mascot, you've both done a wonderful job over the past year, love all of the girls xxx |
Thank you to Zona our 2005 Junior Leader, you did a brilliant job over the past year, good luck for now being an official senior, love all of the girls xxx |
A great big thank you to Wendy our Senior Leader for the past 15 years, you were fantastic, love all of the girls xxx |
Thank you to Lauren our 2005 Tinie Leader, you did an excellant job, love all of the girls xxx |