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August Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Treezy our Number 1 Supporter who is 30 on 9th August

Happy Birthday to Wendy our Owner who is 41 on 26th August

Congratulations to Alice and Chloe on becoming our Dinkie Leader and Mascot for the 2006 season
Congratulations to Charlotte and Kelly on becoming our Junior Leader and Mascot for the 2006 season
Congratulations to Kathleen on becoming our senior leader for the 2006 season
Thank you to Chloe and Freya our 2005 Dinkie Leader and Mascot, you've both done a wonderful job over the past year, love all of the girls xxx
Thank you to Zona our 2005 Junior Leader, you did a brilliant job over the past year, good luck for now being an official senior, love all of the girls xxx
A great big thank you to Wendy our Senior Leader for the past 15 years, you were fantastic, love all of the girls xxx
Thank you to Lauren our 2005 Tinie Leader, you did an excellant job, love all of the girls xxx