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Psychic Mediums, Mediumship, Clairvoyant, Channeling

Readings from Spirit, through Spiritualism, to You,

with Spiritualist Ernie VanDenBossche



I welcome you to my Mediumship site.  We all have an interest in what comes after this life. Do you know? Read through these few short pages, you may gain new insight and may decide to make contact with someone you know. You can set up your own personal reading here.

There is much being said on television these days about Mediumship. Many talk shows are having visiting mediums. Movies are featuring mediums as real people helping others. There are many radio call in talk shows with clairvoyants. 

I work as a medium to aid humanity in this small way, with which I have become gifted. Spirit is my guide in this work. Spirit works with each of us to bring forth the new day. Be sure that you are ready as you step forward on your pathway. Your friends on the "other side" may help show you new directions; confirm what you question or even help with personal healing, physical and emotional.


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Mediumship, Spirit Readings and Healing with Ernie Van Den Bossche



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