News & Updates
16/01/04 - As you may have guessed, I'm no longer updating the site. I'll leave it up, and might get round to making a few small updates from time to time, but don't expect much.
10/11/03 - Just checking in. Really busy with school stuff at the moment, so don't expect any updates for a little while.
25/10/03 - Sorry for the delay, my internet connection crapped out on me. I've got an episode guide for I, Roomate, and I added 8 more quotes.
16/10/03 - I'm on a roll! Guide for the classic season 1 ep Fear of a Bot Planet is up. Might be a little while until the next update.
14/10/03 - Wow, two updates in two days. There's a character bio for Judge Whitey and I added 9 new quotes. Enjoy!