Leela: Look at you two. No offence, Fry, but you've become a fat sack of crap.
Fry: Sack?
Amy: And Bender, your beer belly's so big your door won't even close. And that doesn't even make sense.
Zoidberg: I'm confused, Fry, I'm feeling a strange new emotion. Is it love when you care for a female for reasons beyond mating?
Fry: Nope. Must be some weird alien emotion.
Fry: Tell her she looks thin!
Zoidberg: You seem malnourished, are you suffering from internal parasites?
Edna: Why, yes, I am, thanks for noticing.
Leela: You've got to stop this, Zoidberg, you're being irrational!
Zoidberg: Of course I'm being irrational! I'm in love!
Leela: Aww...
Fry: Leela!
Fry: Fellow fish monsters, far be it for me to question your dumb society or its stupid traditions, but Zoidberg is my friend, and although a woman has come between us, I hope that-
(Zoidberg cuts off Fry's arm)
Fry: You bastard! I'll kill you! You bastard!
Seen Around the Future
'New! Windowless rooms for ugly exercisers'
'Red Primate - For the land-food lover in you'
Zoidberg injects Fry with 'St. Jhon's Morphine for Children'
The blackboard when Fry is teaching Zoidberg:
First Date:
-Lame Conversation
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