Omicron Persei 8

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Futurama - I, Roomate

He's blind stinking sober Fry is living at PE, and the mess he's making is attracting owls, so the crew throw him out. Bender offers to let him stay in his apartment, which turns out to be a tiny closet. Bender is having a great time, and is devaststed when Fry tells him he's moving out. They decided to find a bigger place together, and eventually find an apartment that belonged to a friend of the Professor's. The crew come round for a housewarming party, and they realise that Bender's antenna is causing all the TVs in the block to stop working. He is thrown out. Distrught, he stops drinking, which he needs to fuel his cells, and becomes a mess. He turns up at Fry's apartment blind stinking sober and cuts off his antenna. He is clearly very unhappy, and Leela forces he and Fry to make up. They find his antenna and reattach it. They move back into Bender's apartment, where Fry discovers that he has a closet the size of a normal apartment.


Hermes: Concerning our pest problem, somebody's been leaving food around and it's attracting owls, and I for one am getting tired of cleaning those owl traps. Now, as this shocking graph indicates, our water consumption has tripled in the last month. I notice Fry has been here a month, so I'm appointing him head of a commitee to find who's responsible.

Bender: I'm trying to watch my input. I need plenty of wholesome, nutritious alcohol. The chemical energy keeps my fuel cells charged.
Fry: What are the cigars for?
Bender: They make me look cool.
Fry: I can't believe they threw me out like that. I must have been really acting like a jerk.
Bender: Yeah but everybody's a jerk. You, me, this jerk. (Points at some guy) That's my philosophy.

Fry: Bender, where's your bathroom?
Bender: Bath what?
Fry: Bathroom.
Bender: What room?
Fry: Bathroom!
Bender: What what?

Farnsworth: Oh, how awful. Did he at least die painlessly? ...To shreds you say. Well, how is his wife holding up? ...To shreds you say.

Farnsworth: Obviously your thoughts are being transmitted on the same frequency.
Woman: They're on my cell phone too.
Bender: Madam, I believe you're mistaken.
Bender: (on phone) Wow, that lady's got a huge ass!
Bender: Those could be anyone's thoughts, fat ass.

Leela: You really hurt his feelings.
Fry: Don't girl me with that girl stuff. Bender and me are guys. Guys don't have feelings.
Leela: Bender's not a guy, he's a robot.
Fry: Same thing.

Bender: That's right! I'm sober and crazy and I don't know what I might do!
Fry: Don't do it!
Bender: I don't know what it is yet!

Seen Around the Future

10 HOME/20 SWEET/30 GOTO 10

Bender passes neon signs saying:
No liquor liscence, Public Library, Bible Study 2Nite, Boring GEOLOGY Lecture, Water Fountain.

Bender's apartment number is 00100100 (36), or a '$' sign on the ascii table.

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