Treatment Options
Variations of Birth Control Pills: Many doctors will put women on a pill and have them cycle with a period only once every three to six months. This is to keep the bleeding at a minimum. I have found that every woman has a different reaction to this. So either it works for you, or it doesn't. For me it keeps the bleeding down, but the pain is still bad.
Lupron, Depo Provera, or Synarel: These drugs all do different things to "control" the adenomyosis. I personally have only tried Depo Provera and think it was the worst choice I ever made. Yet many of these drugs work for women. It's a personal choice if you want to take a chance on them. The advice I give is to research the drug first and make sure you know all the side effects that COULD happen. Read up on these medications here.
Endometrial Ablation: Ablation is a proceedure that I have heard good things about. This procedure is not for everyone, but you can find out more about Endometrial Ablation by clicking here.
Uterine Artery Embolization: More commonly used as a treatment for fibroids. Still looking for links that related to Adenomyosis. If you find any please pass them along. For now please refer to Dr. Toaff's explanation of Uterine Artery Embolization.
Sugical Resectioning: Is something that many doctors don't consider because they say that most of them end in a hysterectomy anyway.
Alternative Medications, Herbs, Acupuncture:
Estrogen Dominance,
Hysterectomy: Is known to be the only "cure" for Adenomyosis. Please visit if you are thinking about having a hysterectomy, or just want to know more. This wonderful site offers support for everything else under the sun!
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