Abraham Ishmael and Isaac
Abraham , in Arabic means the father of mercy , and the father of the generation
Ishmael ( Yesma-il , in Arabic means God can hear , where God heard the words of Abraham asking for a son
Isaac ( Yedzhak , in Arabic means he laughs , and his was named Isaac because his mother laughed when she knew God promised Abraham with a son
The original form of the name, Abram, is apparently the Assyrian Abu-ramu. some say that it is doubtful if the usual meaning attached to that word "lofty father", is correct. The meaning given to Abraham in Genesis 17:5 is popular word play, and the real meaning is unknown. ( but if we consider the Arabic meaning ( ab =father , and raham = means mercy , then we reach the real meaning of the name of the father of all prophets that came after ). The Astrologists, Hommel suggests that in the Minnean dialect, the Hebrew letter Hê ("h") is written for long a. Perhaps here we may have the real derivation of the word, and Abraham may be only a dialectical form of Abram , or it is the same name but pronounced once in a certain Arabic form and the second in another form , but they both have the same meaning FATHER OF MRECY.
The story of Abraham is contained in the Book of Genesis, 11:26 to 25:18. We shall first give a brief outline of the Patriarch's life, as told in that portion of Genesis, then we shall in succession discuss the subject of Abraham from the viewpoints of the Old Testament, New Testament, profane history, and legend.
Thare (the father of Abraham ), and his Arabic- Hebrew
name is (AZAR , means the helpful ) had three sons, Abram, Nachor ( means the one that give sacrifice) , and Aaran
( means the warm and hot ) . Abram married Sarai ( which means the stick of the tent ) . Thare(azar) took Abram and his wife, Sarai, and Lot , the son of Aran, who was dead, and leaving Ur of the Chaldees (or URUKALDEN is the where he left , and these are in Arabic Uruk-Al Kaden a place in the south- eastern part of Arabia close to Oman today , came to Haran ( Haran in Arabic is the place called Harrat , the volcanic mountains in the middle of Arabia ,the same place where Adam was born and the same place where Noah's ark landed) and dwelt there till he died. Then, at the call of God, Abram, with his wife, Sarai, and Lot, and the rest of his belongings, went into the Land of Canaan ( Canaan in Arabic means the settlers from the verb Kana' ) , amongst other places to Sachem ( a place called Thakif today ) and Bethel ( beit-il means the house of god , or the which is the first house of God ) , where he built altars to the Lord: A famine breaking out in Canaan, Abram journeyed southward to Egypt( in the Hebrew language Yemen means south , so he went south to YEMEN and from there to Egypt through Ethiopia and Eritrea ) , and when he had entered the land, fearing that he would be killed on account of his wife, Sarai, he bade her say she was his sister. The report of Sari's beauty was brought to the Pharaoh, and he took her into his harem, and honored Abram on account of her. Later, however finding out that she was Abram's wife, he sent her away unharmed, and, upbraiding Abram for what he had done, he dismissed him from Egypt. From Egypt Abram came with Lot towards Bethel(again), and there, finding that their herds and flocks had grown to be very large, he proposed that they should separate and go their own ways. So Lot chose the country about the Sodom and Gomorrah ,( which means in Arabic Thamoud and Mahra , a place in HADRAMOUT in the south of Arabia ) even some think that he went to Jordan , whilst Abram dwelt in Canaan (stayed with the settlers in Mecca ), and came and dwelt in the vale of Mambre ( the Arabic word is mambra which means the passage ) . some believe that his settlement was in the vale of Mambre in Hebron (where Hebron means the passage too in Arabic). Now, on account of a revolt of the Kings of Sodom and Gomorrah (Thamoud and Mahra ) and other kings from Chodorlahomor ( where GhodorlaHomor means the mountains of Hammier , the red people who live in the red sea) King of Elam, after they had served him twelve years, he in the fourteenth year made war upon them with his allies, Thadal king of nations, Amraphel Kin& of Senaar, and Arioch King of Pontus. The King of Elam was victorious, and had already reached Dan (could be Aden or could be DANAKEL, the east part of Africa) with Lot a prisoner and laden with spoil, when he was overtaken by Abram. With 318 men the patriarch surprises, attacks, and defeats him, he retakes Lot and the spoil, and returns in triumph. On his way home, he is met by Melchisedech ( in Arabic means the king of truth or the real king ,and could be the friendly king, alse could be the Angel of peace) , king of Salem ( could be peace) who brings forth bread and wine, and blesses him And Abram gives him tithes of all he has; but for himself he reserves nothing ( this was the offerings of Abram to God). God promises Abram that his seed shall be as the stars of heaven, and he shall possess the land of Canaan (settlers , old Arabs used the word Yak-tan to point to settlers too ). But Abram does not see how this is to be, for he has already grown old. Then the promise is guaranteed by a sacrifice between God and Abram, and by a vision and a supernatural intervention in the night. Sarai, who was far advanced in years and had given up the idea of bearing children, persuaded Abram to take to himself her hand-maid, Agar(Hagar). He does so, and Agar being with child despises the barren Sarai. For this Sarai afflicts her so that she flies into the desert, but is persuaded to return by an angel who comforts her with promises of the greatness of the son she is about to bear. She returns and brings forth Ishmael ( Ishmael in Arabic means God hears , and thus he heard Abraham asking for a child ) .
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