Camp Daisy Hindman
  Camp Daisy is our favorite place in the entire world.  This section of our page is dedicated to all the things that make it special.
Camp Daisy Articles
- Articles printed in newspapers about Camp Daisy Hindman!

Camp Daisy History
- Here you can find out the history behind our camp and the ledgand of the lake

Camp Descriptions
- Here you will find out details on the camps available to attend this summer!  With Zokey's twist of course!

- This page contains a song book, recipe book, girl Scout information, ceremonies, and  other resourses that campers, counselors, troop leaders, and random people may find helpful.

- Take a trip back in time and meet the staff from 1995 to present.

Trends and Traditions
- Here you will find lists and discriptions of trends and tradions from summers past.

Tour of Camp
-  Here you will find a map of hiking trails, pictures of renevations, and more comming soon!!
* Back to Zokey's Place