Our Commitment: We take great pride in the dogs we breed. We are always available for questions and help after we have sold a puppy. We encourage new owners to show there dog and send pictures often. Our commitment to the dogs we breed doesn't end once they leave our kennel.
Puppies pictured at 9 weeks old.
All puppies from this litter will be Dual registered UKC and ADBA.
ROXY has been bred to "Cali Girl's Fitz Pits Diesel" of Cali Girl Kennels. Diesel is a gorgeous Larum and Kisme Kennels bred dog with awesome movment, a well porportioned body and a wonderful head piece..
Thank you so much Rebecca for letting us use Diesel in our breeding program.
Puppies were born May 31 2004. There are 4 females and 1 male.
5 weeks old |
Puppies are whelped indoors. All puppies come dewormed and with first 2 vaccinations, health certificate, ADBA and UKC papers. Puppies will be sold on a contract and we reserve the right to place our Kennel name on all puppies sold. All potential applicants for puppies will be screened, to ensure that our puppies will be placed in a loving home.
FEMALE Available |
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17 Days!!! |