Born June 11th 1977 to September 28th 2001 Murdered/Assassinated by 25 bullets, and never had a chance. He is greatly missed, each and every day, by his Mom (Anyu), Mama and Papa Moritz, Susan, Frank and Szilvia. My dearest son - Zolika! I loved you, before you where even born, I envisioned what you would look like and who you would grow to be. I watched you learn to speak your first words, and was there when you tackled the first 3 steps, at Mama and Papa's house. I watched as you and mama, built the big castles from the lego's, you loved lego's so. I watched Mama play with you on the floor, the "choo-choo train" battery run with the record that played over and over again, until I knew the music by heart. I watched Papa take great pride, when his beloved Grandson, caught his first fish. I watched you grow into a beautiful, exceptional young man, and at the end of every day, I loved coming home to you. We had some very tough times, in your teenage years, but I never stopped loving you, and never lost hope, that everything would turn out alright. You where my life, my reason for everything. You where the reason, I never gave up hope, in anything, when giving up would have been so easy to do. If I could change some of the things I have done in the past, I would, but the one thing, I would 'never' change, is my utmost love for you. For with you in my life, a part of my life, everything was possible, and everything could be achieved. I miss you so very, very much, and this is so very hard, to understand, why you where taken from me, from your Grandparents,to whom you where the 'son' they never had. You where a son to them, and you never where just a Grandson. I am proud of what you achieved in your young life, and proud that you achieved this all on your own. I just wanted to tell you this. You live in our hearts, and you are with us - wach and every day. The pain: In which you where taken, and the way in which you died, is so hard, for you died a vicious death, at the hands of animals, who didn't care what they did, My promise to you is, that as long as I live, as long as I breath, I will never stop, Until the animals that did this to you, that took you from us-forever, are caught, and punished. No-one will ever hurt you again. If there is a heaven, I hope that is where you are, Climb your mountains and live your dreams, you are with me always, and I cannot bear the thought, of going on, knowing that I will never ever see your beautiful face again. Knowing I can never hold you, knowing that you will never speak to me, knowing that i can never touch you, and this is enough to kill me, for I know this is forever, and is something, that is so very hard to bear, to understand, At the end of every disappointment, and heartache, there was YOU, and at the end of the rainbow; there was you, You where my pride and joy, and I loved you so very, very much and I always will. Forever - in my heart, Forever - Always, Forever - Anyu - Mom. You are with me always! |
Zoltan Zsigmond 'Zeus' Moritz Kiss |