Only warriors can master weapons. There are 3 levels of mastery: Specialist, Master and Grandmaster. Each type of warrior gets a certain number of mastery points which represent his maximum potential for mastery. The warrior does not need to use all of them, though he would be foolish not to take advantage of them. By spending a point on a weapon, he is allowed to increase the mastery level of that weapon by 1 step. The point simply allows the increase, 1 weapon slot still must be spent to actually get the increase each time. Single class fighters get 3 points total. The other single class warriors get 2. Double-classed fighters get 1. Triple classed fighters get no mastery points, they are spread to thinly among their other classes.

Specialization can be taken at 1st level. Mastery can be taken at 5th. Grandmastery can be taken at 9th. Thus, the fighter who waits for grandmastery could spend 1point at 1st level to specialize, then at 5th level spend another point to master the weapon he specialized in at 1st, and finally at 9th level spend the 3rd point to grandmaster that weapon. Paladins and rangers can achieve mastery at most and double classed fighters can, at most, be specialized. Single class fighters are the only ones who can grandmaster if they choose to. However, that same fighter could spend all 3 points at 1st level(if he had enough weapon slots to spend) and specialize in 3 different weapons, but he then would be able to go no further in any of them, having spent all his points. Thus, many combinations are open at the player's option.


Melee weapon specialists get +1 to hit and +2 damage. They get a bonus +1/2 attack.

Thrown weapon specialists get a +1 to hit and +1 to damage. They also get a +1 attack.

Missile weapon specialists(bows, crossbows and slings) get a new range, point blank range, which is 30', 60' for crossbows, in which they get a +2 to hit. Bows and slings get a +1 attack. Crossbows either double their ROF, if it is less than 1/1, or if it is 1/1 or more, get a +1 attack.


Melee masters get +3 to hit and +3 damage(not cumulative with specialization bonuses of +1/+2.). The speed factor of the weapon drops by 2 or the initiative roll is reduced by 2, master’s choice. Finally, they get an extra 1/2 attack.

Thrown weapon masters can make a 1/2 move and still get full ROF. They get a new range category, extreme range category, which is 1/3 longer than long range with -10 to hit in this range category. The speed factor of the weapon drops by 2 or the initiative roll is reduced by 2, master’s choice. The master gets +1 attacks.

Missile masters get another new range category, extreme range category, which is 1/3 longer than long range with -10 to hit in this range category. They can also make a 1/2 move and still get full ROF. The speed factor of the weapon drops by 2 or the initiative roll is reduced by 2, master’s choice. The master gets +1 attacks(unless their ROF is still less than 1/1, as might be the case with a heavy crossbow, where the ROF simply becomes 1/1 at this level).


The highest level of mastery, Grandmastery, is not like the previous 2 levels. The previous 2 levels are common to all masters of them, as they represent mastery of the weapon and mastery of the foe, thus all who learn these forms learn the same skills. Grandmastery is about mastery of self to reach the peak combat skill a fighter can possess. This means it will not always be the same for all who pursue it. Each fighter can have his own personal style. Below I list a variety of bonuses possible for grandmasters to gain in the pursuit of their style. DMs must supervise their fighters who desire to make their own style, and stick to the guidelines below to maintain balance.

Grandmastery Bonuses

This is a limited list of potential bonuses a grandmaster can choose from. A Path, Way or Style must first be chosen, and then this Path, Way or Style must be given its own bonuses for those who pursue it. Creating these Paths can be a great way for fighters to personalize their fighting styles. To make this easy, I just classify these bonuses into 2 main categories: Major and Minor. The Path can have 1 Major bonus and 4 Minor ones, chosen from the following or from new bonuses added to these which remain in the same power level. A bonus can be chosen more than once, if the Style works best in this fashion. All weapons(melee, thrown or missile) use the same bonuses below, though a separate path can be designed specifically for each type of weapon.

Major Bonuses:

An extra +1/2 attack for melee weapons(a full +1 attack for missile(thrown) weapons).
A full +1 defensive action, melee only. This action can only be used for parry, dodge or defensive maneuvers, like defensive disarms.
Minor Bonuses:

+2 bonus to damage.
+2 bonus to hit.
+2 bonus to knockdown.
+1/+1 bonus on any 2 of the above(damage/to hit, damage/knockdown or to hit/knockdown).
Damage die boosted by 1 step(d8 goes to d10 for example. d12 would become 2d8-1). The advantage to this choice over a +2 to damage is in the fact that damage multipliers only affect the base damage rolled, thus, this option increases the base damage die, which will increase damage done when that roll is doubled, tripled or whatever.
Critical hit number reduced by 2, so an 18-20 range becomes a 16-20.
Critical severity boosted by +2 to the severity roll(cannot more than double the actual severity roll with this bonus).
+2 AC bonus(a DEX/Dodge type bonus).
2 point opposed roll modifier for parries and dodges(the user can actually modify his parry/dodge d20 roll when an opposed roll is called for, the parry/dodge must succeed first(hit the target AC), but if it does, the d20 roll can be reduced by 2 points(minimum of 1), making the parry/dodge hard to oppose).
Speed factor reduction of 2 or initiative reduction of 2.
Sample Paths:

Here I present 2 sample Paths common to my World, called The Way of the Sword and The Way of the Shield.

Way of the Sword: This Way is offensive in nature, giving these bonuses: +1/2 attack, 2 point critical number reduction, critical severity bonus of +2, damage die increase, and +2 bonus to knockdown rolls.

Way of the Shield: This Way is more defensive in nature, though not totally so, as a good offense can be a great defense as well. It gives these bonuses: +1 free defensive action, +2 AC, 2 point parry/dodge opposition roll modifier, +2 to knockdown, +2 to hit.


Weapon mastery is not a simple matter of learning a new skill and then applying it, rather it involves a dedicated honing of potential the would be master already possesses. The weapon master must already be quite skilled in combat and tactics, the extra training required for mastery is simply the "icing on the cake". The warrior is trained to become comfortable with this new method of fighting, and learns to apply his already gathered knowledge and experience in the most efficient way possible, thus, a weapon master is born. This pre-requisite of superior combat skill prevents non-warriors from pursuing mastery, it is just beyond them.

Specialization: most warriors start with this level of mastery, a result of full military training and experience these warriors have had. Since 1st level warriors are the elite of the army, these warriors are those with enough skill to acquire weapon mastery. If it is learned at a later time, it requires at least 2 weeks of formal training to acquire. This training, combined with the warriors own self practice and combat use, is enough to teach a warrior the art of specialization-the mastery of his weapon.

Mastery: the skill required to learn this level of mastery restricts it to single classed warriors only, as they are able to devote the required effort to learn it. Additionally, only single classed warriors of no less than 5th level may actually acquire it, those of lesser skill cannot master the intricacies required. Those who meet the requirements, must spend at least a month in formal training to gain the fundamentals of mastery. This training, combined with the warrior’s own self training and combat action, allows the warrior to fully master the art of combat with his weapon, learning to exploit his foe’s weaknesses while avoiding their strengths. Mastery is not just mastery of a weapon, but also, mastery of the enemy.

Grandmastery: the final level of weapon mastery requires such skill and singular devotion, that only a single classes fighter can ever hope to learn it. Paladins and rangers have other duties and skills that prevent them from giving the devotion to this art, and their skills in combat, although seemingly equal to the single classed fighter, are just not of the caliber required for this level of mastery. In fact, grandmastery is so demanding, that even single classed fighters must be of no less than 9th level to ever hope of acquiring it. If the fighter meets these requirements, he must spend a full month of intensive training(double cost) just to learn the path of the grandmaster. Once learned, the fighter must then follow this path himself until he finally attains the ultimate level in weapon mastery, grandmaster. This path is a gradual one. There are 5 sub-levels(bonuses-1 major and 4 minor) of grandmastery, and each gives it’s own combat bonuses. Each sub-level the fighter achieves gives him that level’s bonus. Each sub-level requires some special effort and devotion to attain, and once all 5 are gained, the fighter becomes a full grandmaster. What is required to obtain these devotion points is up to each DM, but it should be very difficult. Once obtained, this final level of mastery teaches the grandmaster not only to master his weapon(specialization) and his foe(mastery), but to finally master himself.


The PO:C&T book gives 4 styles of martial arts, each with its own special abilities. All unarmed combat forms are detailed in the PO:C&T book. To specialize in the arts or punching/wrestling in my campaign, mastery points must be used. If the character does not want to spend his mastery points into these areas, the best he can achieve is expertise. By spending an extra weapon slot but not using a mastery point, the PC becomes an expert, which allows the extra offhand attack of a specialist at no to hit penalty and gives +1 to hit and +2 damage on the primary attack only. Those who spend mastery points are the only ones who can become specialists, masters and grandmasters.

Specialization: applies to 1 style only, even if the warrior is prof. in more. Specialists, masters and grandmasters use the base damage indicated in the PO:C&T book for the attack and modify their attacks as if their attacks were a weapon, thus a specialist gets 3/2 with his primary attack at +1 to hit and +2 damage, in addition to his off hand attack(he gets no mastery bonuses for this one, however). In addition, specialists don't suffer unarmed combat penalties when attacking armed foes.

Masters: gain the same abilities with their primary attacks(not the off hand attack) as do weapon masters. In addition, they don't suffer the extra -4 to hit for an unarmed disarm or block. Also, masters threaten their front squares as if wielding a weapon, others using unarmed combat usually do not.

Grandmasters: in addition to gaining the same abilities with their primary attacks(not the off hand attack) as weapon grandmasters, they can also cause real damage with their attacks(but they don't have to) rather than the temporary damage such attacks usually do.

-Critical hits done by unarmed combat specialists, masters and grandmasters(who do not use their real damage option) do x2 damage, but the critical table is not used, instead the foe must save vs. death or be stunned. He remains stunned until he successfully saves, he gets a new try each round with a cumulative +1 bonus each round he fails. If any of his saves are critical failures(treat the martial artist as a mage of equal level and use spell critical failure chart in PO:S&M.) he falls unconscious for 3d10 rounds(hours if he fails a system shock roll). Grandmasters using their real damage option use the critical hit tables as normal, treat their attacks as blunt weapons.

-All martial arts users and wrestlers suffer penalties in armor as detailed in the Complete Fighter's Handbook. Martial arts masters must abide by the same training restrictions as weapon masters, see the MASTERY TRAINING section above.