This is a part of my page that I created for posting my wandering of the mind. I claim to know nothing, and everything on this part of my page is soley what I have observed. Probaby most of it isn't true. If you have comments or arguements against what I have written here please feel free to email me.
Crazy is fun. For me it is a means of escape. I use it to free myself from people's expectations of me. its almost like getting high not that i would know). v thats what it's like for me. one time on the way back from a play i was in, i went crazy. i was bouncing all over the place and makeing incoherent statements. i was so sick and tired of being the responsible calm person that it all exploded.
"Pride is the only crime" this statement may be true but with my expirence you must have pride in what you believe to stand up for it. you must have pride in what you stand for in order for it to be worth anything. on the other hand, pride causes many of the problems in the world today. i mean, i can see places even in my own life that my pride in what i believe causes problems and conflict. where does the balance lie? Some people believe in what is called pragmatism, or looking at everything from the results that it causes. others believe in certain values, because this in what they believe to be right ant what will in the end cause the best out come. what is the balance because expirence says that the path isn't to one side or the other.
Love is an interesting and uncertain topic. god also in the area of the unknown. While showering i noticed that many of the things that i associate with a "god" are the same as the things as love. connection or not i came up with this. Love Creates mircles it gives people strength that they wouldn't have. Love Is in everyone.  Love is a motivational force for many people. Love is an energy. Love is never wrong. Love always forgives. Connections.... provides an interesting twist.
IT is generally accepted that humans want what we can't have. but i don't think any of us realize the extent to which this is true. Thats why guys like younger girls and girls like older guys (thats part of the reason)(this is generalized). Its all that much worth while if you can't have it. Probably why teens smoke. Sex is also a good example. We can't and our parents try to stop us but we do it anyways and its more valued. One of my friends went though a soap opera: she liked him, then he liked her then she liked him.
"Screw you for judging me!"  As people we have no right to judge others actions. We don't know everything that went into thier discion or their thought process. And really how can we judge people on character traits? if we do that then we really don't help them at all and they will just stay the same. But if we do follow these rules then where do we have the right to condemn some one like Hitler? How can we dislike what anyone is? I for example, am very annoyed by immaturity (especially that of my classmates). Their constant teasing and harassing of eachother leaves me with no respect of them. But where and how do i have the right to judge them? i don't know why they act this way. maybe its just because they want to fit in. I think as people that we shouldn't draw conclusions in our judgments and should be careful of what we judge on. And even when we judge we should be aware and prevent our judgements from becomming final. We shouldn't allow our opinions to block our better understanding of why, and keep in mind that people do change.
The mind is a terrible thing. Its can't destroy millions of lifes or it can save them. It causes us to doubt what we would otherwise beleive. It causes us to change what works fine now in an often failed attemp to create something better. It tells us logically that the only thing we have to look foward to is a rat race, where our chances of winning are one in a billion. it tells us that the only things worth having are money and power. It causes our confusion and depression. And in the end it should show us that there isn't reason and logic to everything and somethings just are our should be the way that they are. it should say "follow your heart and then consult me on the best way to acheive that" if there isn't a way that doesn't make it impossible.
Everything is as we preceive it. all that we really know comes from what we hear, see, touch, taste and smell. why then can't we just change the way that we see or hear or smell and thereby change the world, to us anyway? if we see what we want and hear what we want couldn't we then think as we want and be happy or sad by choice. isn't it us that decides what something means, a sound sight or scent, we percieve it and make it mean somethin more. If we worked at changing the way percieve than maybe could we change our world?
What do you want? We go through our lives always wanting or wishing for something; sometimes it is that if someone would do something it would make our lives so much better. I'm writing on this because i wanna know what people want from me. it seems kinda silly sometimes but maybe we should come out and say it. "it would make my life so much better if you did ..." if someone would say that to me, most likely i would be more then happy to oblige. but one the other hand this complete honesty would make life so much more boring (not better or worse), i mean part of our character is how well, or just how we persieve others needs. so which is the better?
"Live my life and then tell me how to act." if that was the case then we would be the same person. but as it is, we are different and that allows our growth. since we are different then our different points of view allow us to show eachother things that the other can't see. we all need different perpectives in order to improve and learn. with the different perspectives there must be caution because we are not the same and as such we do not value the same things and we shouldn't press values on the other person. nor should we pass judgement on anyone else because we do not have the life and expirence behind what lead the other person to do and act the way that they do.
Change, its amazing, we have a way of thinking of ourselves and sometimes that is how we are and sometimes its not. i had a way that i thought of myself, something happened and i changed. didn't i, or was that the way that i always was and just never chose to think of it that way, expirences change what we believe sometimes, we seem to need to always get want to stay the same in our beliefs of our selfs but we need to change because sooer or later what we know wil catch up and we will have to change drasticely. better that we accept it as it come. cause it does and i especially need to make sure that my opion and view of myself is not stagnant.
Chicken Soup
Ten Things
three years of highschool, seems like an infinity at the beginning, and now such a short time. I'm a Senior, I'm a SENIOR! what the hell happened to the last couple of years.time flys and stands still, everything soo long ago, so long in comming, but so short in passing. Its seems to me i always spent my time looking foward to different things then having a feeling of dissapointment after its over. i'm always looking foward to a party that i miss the whole day before it.