Well... by choice I am a Technician but I do anything that is required for the show to go on. Techical theater is my key choice as a career. I don't really think that there is anything about tech that I won't do. I love it. Email me for a portfolio.
As part of my theatrical expirence I am also into dancing. I was drawn into it in a by great respect that I had for dancers from working with them before in the theatre, in part by wanting to try something different and in part by a friend. This is my second year in Dance and in "Nutcracker" this year I am Cavalier (the grand pa), and an Arabian.
Theatre Guild
This will be the third year for our Guild. Currently I am serving on the executive board as Business Manager.
The Yahoo Clu
The Current Show in the Theatre Is "Bullshot Crummond". Come see the show, in November. It take off of the cheezy detective movies.
The techie Gospel