<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/zombifiedmike/rhythmemotion.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Mike's Page /w Stupid Stuff!!
New Version 0.1! In Technicolor!
(If this excites you seek psychiatrical help)
Hehehe, random carnage!
Well umm... I'm starting work on this website, it's kind of dull now, but I'm getting to work on it as soon as I can... Until then, enjoy my insane antics!
Watch Deathscythe dance to music!

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Legal Mumbo-Jumbo
Material Copywrited to Karnak of "The Karnak Hates Everything Show", Blizzard, Capcom, and whoever made Gundam Wing respectively.
This is just for fun and not meant to infringe any rights.  If you see something that you made here and don't want it here, please contact me and I will remove it.