Have you seen this child?
By way of introduction...why the *nick* zombiri?
I've been acting my way out of a paper bag for a good 20 years now,
ever since a certain director made the mistake of casting me
in a production of "The Elephant Man."
It's been uphill ever since...
Not only am I a willing and able meatpuppet...
I also enjoy being Stromboli...
And this is where I commit these indignities
upon my fellow actors...
My "Home Theatre"
Content, yes, we have some content!
Look, I can type!
And here are a few sites
devoted to acting and theatre
that can keep you busy for hours...
Aisle Say Theatre Reviews
Playwrights in Cyberspace
American Association of Community Theatre
and last, but not least, a fellow GeoCitizen's page
of links
An Actor's Page
Any suggestions and/or criticisms will be graciously accepted, duly considered, and possibly even acted upon.
Give me heck! 2008 Geoff Burkman
I prefer to think of myself as a Freethinker, in the world of politics as well as the world of theater---these three links will take you to a veritable fountain of unshackled cogitation...
Well, except for Satan, of course, and that's your own
damn fault, now isn't it?
I only said three, right?