Labourbe Jeanne 8.4.1877 - 2.3.1919
aktivna udeleženka oktobrske revolucije in ruske državljanske vojne je bila rojena v Franciji. Delala je kot učiteljica na Poljskem. Leta 1906 je postala članica komunistične partije. Leta 1918 je ustanovila francosko komunistično skupino v Moskvi. Bila je med organizatorji upora francoskih mornarjev na Črnem morju. Vendar so jo vojaki na predvečer upora ujeli in ustrelili.

French communist.

        SU - 4577

poljska slikarka invalidka.

Polish disabled - the mouth and foot painting artist.


              PL - 3968

Lafontaine Marie Jo 1950 -
belgijska slikarka je v letih 1975-79 študirala v Bruslju kjer tudi živi in ustvarja.  prvič je razstavljala leta 1980 svojo video skulpturo  s povezanimi monitorji. Leta 1985 je dobila štipendijo za študij v Bostonu.

Belgian painter, from 1975–79 she studied at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d´Architecture et des Arts Visuels «La Cambre» in Brüssel where she lives and works. In 1985 she got scholarship for Institute of Arts and Humanities in Boston. She exhibited for first her videosculpture with linked monitors in 1980.

                 B -

Lagerlöf Selma 20.11.1858 - 16.3.1940
je od 1897 delala kot svobodna pisateljica, leta 1914 je postala članica Švedske akademije. Kot ustvarjalka je bila moralistka, po slogu pa med neoromantiko in modernizmom. Za svoja dela je večkrat uporabila stare legende in pravljice. Njena glavna dela: Gosta Berling (1891), Antikristovi čudeži (1897), Jeruzalem (1901-2), otroški roman Čudovito potovanje Nilsa Holgerssona (1906-7). Leta 1909 je kot prva pisateljica prejela Nobelovo nagrado.

Selma Ottiliana Lovisa Lagerlof, a Swedish novelist and short-story writer, was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize for literature (1909). Her  first literary success was The Story of Gosta Berling (1891), a saga written in a romantic style that characterized all her later works. The Miracles of Antichrist (1897) was a novel about socialism in Sicily.  After a tour of Palestine, Lagerlof published Jerusalem (1901-02), a two-volume novel describing a settlement of Swedish farmers in Jerusalem. When Swedish school authorities commissioned her to write a Swedish geography, the result was The Wonderful Adventures of Nils (1907) and Further Adventures of Nils (1911). Describing a boy's journey through Sweden, it captured the imagination of children the world over.


                    SU - 2202                       S -658                            S -733                          S - 663     

                                             S - 443/445

Lallukka Maria

Maria Lallukka was wife of Juho Lallukka (1852-1913) the finish benefactor.  They were very wealthy but they have no children. They specified half of their  wealth to the establishment of the Vyborg library. They were patrons of the arts.

            FI - 1663

LAMSWEERDE Inez van 25.9.1963 -
je nizozemska modna fotografinja.
Na znamki
NL-2287 je njena fotografija: Strastno.

She is a Dutch fashion photographer known for her subversive approach to fashion and art photography. She studied at Amsterdam’s Art Academy. 
On stamp NL-2287 is her photo: Passionately.

             NL - 2287

Lange Helene 9.4.1848 - 13.5.1930
nemška voditeljica ženskega gibanja

She is a prominent educationist and feminist, urged in a memorandum of 1887 that the education of girls should be taken out of the hands of men and entrusted to women. Her ideas were expressed in the periodical Die Frau, founded in 1893, and in the Handbuch der Frauenbewegung (1901-6). A selection of her propagandist work appeared in Kampfzeiten.

               D - 792

Langtry Lillie (Emilie Charlotte Langtry) 13.10.1853 - 12.2.1929
slavna igralka , po svojem rojstnem kraju znana kot Jersey Lily (lilija iz Jerseyja), se je poročila s poslancem Ianom Malcolmom. Postala je ameriška državljanka. Na obeh straneh Atlantika je bila silno priljubljena. Posebno všeč je bila Edvardu VII., ki je pogosto, ko je bil še Waleški princ, obiskoval njene predstave, kadar je igrala v Londonu. Leta 1887 je sprejela državljanstvo ZDA, kjer je očarala številne znane osebnosti: Marka Twaina, Oscarja Wildea, Theodora Roosevelta in druge.

She was born in the Old Rectory, St, Saviour, Jersey. She was nicknamed "Lillie", possibly because of the extreme whitness of her skin. She was educated at home. In 1874  she married Edward Langtry, a well-to-do young widower of Belfast. Moving to London, she became, overnight, the centre of widespread admiration and attention in high society as a result of her exceptionally good looks and vibrant personality. Certain difficulties over financial extravagance lead her to a stage career and, after a hesitant start, she made successful appearance as Kate Hardcastle in She Stoops to Conquer. She proceeded to star in many theatrical productions in Britain, USA and South Africa. She became an accomplished actress and a brilliant businesswoman with boundless enregy, drive and charm. In 1887 she became a naturalised American. Famous people (Mark Twain, Oscar Wilde, Theodore Roosevelt..) were captivated by her.

       Jersey - 373

Lank Carina
plakat za biološki muzej

Swedish artist is graduated in 1992 from Konstfack University College of Art, Crafts and Design, Stockholm, with a master of Fine Arts degree in graphic design and illustration. She also studied at the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, USA 1991.

 S - 2342

LARA Georgia 31.5.1980 -
je članica grške olimpijske water polo ekipe, ki je na OI 2004 v Atenah osvojila srebrno medaljo.

She won silver medal OG 2004 Athene: greek water polo team.

GR - 2255

Larusdottir Gudrun 8.1.1880 - 20.8.1938
islandska pisateljica in političarka je bila v letih 1930 - 1938 članica islandskega parlamenta.

Icelandic author and politician was a member of Icelandic Parliament - Althingi, from 1930 to her death 1938.

        IS - 724

Lasker-SchÜler Else 11.2.1869 - 22.1.1945
nemška pesnica, pripadal krogu ekspresionistov, izrazito subjektivna čustvena lirika s tematiko ljubezenske strasti, pozneje izgnanske usode, revščina in staranje, tudi nadarjena risarka, ki je sama ilustrirala svoja dela. Ker je bila Judinja, je leta 1933 emigrirala v Švico, nato v Palestino, kjer je v revščini umrla. Pesniške zbirke: Styx (1902), Moji čudeži (1911), Hebrejske balade (1913) in Moj modri klavir (1912).

Of Jewish parentage, Schüler settled in Berlin after her marriage to the physician Berthold Lasker in 1894. In Berlin she frequented avant-garde literary circles, and her lyric poems and short stories began appearing in periodicals. Her second marriage (1901-11) was to Herwarth Walden, the editor of a leading Expressionist journal. Her first book, a poetry collection entitled Styx (1902), was followed by Meine Wunder (1911; "My Miracles"), Hebräische Balladen (1913; "Hebrew Ballads"), and several other volumes of lyric poetry. Her other important works are the play Die Wupper (1909), the autobiographical novel Mein Herz (1912; "My Heart"), and the short stories collected in Der Prinz von Theben (1914; "The Prince of Thebes") and Der Wunderrabbiner von Barcelona (1921; "The Wonder Rabbi of Barcelona"). She emigrated to Switzerland in 1933 after the Nazis came to power in Germany, and in 1940 she resettled in Jerusalem in Palestine. She had always led an eccentric and unpredictable life, and she spent her last years in poverty. Lasker-Schüler's poems exploit a rich vein of fantasy and symbolism and alternate between pathos and ecstasy in their intensely personal evocation of her childhood and parents, romantic passion, art, religion, and other themes. Many of her short stories reinterpret Arabian nights tales in a mode of modern fantasy that is rich with visual images. Though rich in atmosphere and symbolism, her stories tend to have a weak narrative focus and little or no plot. Lasker-Schüler's reputation as an important German lyric poet of the early 20th century is assured, however.

              D - 828

ukrajinska slikarka,
Na znamki UA-863  je njena slika: Kijev.

Ukrainian painter.
On stamp
UA-863 is her painting: Kiev.

                       UA - 863 

Lavant Christine 4.7.1915 - 7.6.1973
Christine Lavant zaradi stalno ponavljajoče bolezni ni mogla redno obiskovati šole, in ne delati težkih opravil. Po obdobju številnih depresij je začela pisati religiozna, mistična, filozofska in okultna dela. Njena prva objavljena knjiga - zgodba Otrok vsebuje številne avtobiografske poteze. Pesniška zbirka Die Bettlerschale (1956) jo je popeljala na pot uspeha. Zanjo je bila prvič nagrajena, številne nagrade pa so še sledile:  Georg-Tracklova nagrada 1954 in 1964, nagrada Bavarske akademije za umetnost 1963, nagrada Antona Wildgansa 1964 in velika državna nagrada Avstrije za literaturo 1970.

Christine Lavant  could not attend school regularly because of recurring illness and was for the same reason never fit enough for heavy labour. After a period of severe depressions she turned to literature of religious, mystic, philosophic and occult kind. Her first book to be published was the story The Child with strong autobiographic traits. The collection of poetry Die Bettlerschale (1956) got her on the road to success and she was awarded her first prize with many others to follow: Georg-Trackl- Prize 1954 and 1964, Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Arts 1963. Anton Wildgans-Prize 1964 and the Great State-Prize of Austria for Literature 1970.

               A -

LAX Henrika 1971 -
finska slikarka.

The stamp was designed by the Finnish artist Henrika Lax. She lives in Helsinki and Lemland in Ĺland. She explains her choice of stamp motif: The stamp shows a girl screaming out her joy of living. The little girl symbolizes the past and the future.

        Aland - 262

LECLERC Cinette 1912 - 1992

On stamp F-2570 she is with Raimu in film La femme du boulanger of Marcel Pagnol.

          F - 2570

Lehman Lotte 2.7.1885 - 26.8.1976
je nemška operna pevka, ki je debirala 1910 v Hamburgu v Wagnerjevi operi Rensko zlato. Nastopala je na Dunaju, Salzburgu, Londonu in ZDA. Po priključitvi Avstrije tretjemu rajhu je emigrirala v ZDA, dobila je ameriško državljanstvo. Po koncu kariere se je ukvarjala s pedagoškim delom in režijo. Po glasu je bila lirsko-dramatični sopran, sicer pa specialistka za dela Wagnerja in Straussa.

One of the most acclaimed lyric-dramatic sopranos of her time,German-born Lotte Lehmann, excelled in the operas of Richard Strauss, particularly in the role of the Marshallin in Der Rosenkavalier.  She made her debut at the Hamburg Opera in 1909 and was a principal singer with the Vienna Opera from 1914 to 1938. There she created the roles of the composer in Ariadne auf Naxos and the dyer's wife in Die Frau ohne Schatten, both by Strauss.  Lehmann sang at the Metropolitan Opera from 1934 to 1945, mostly in Wagnerian roles, and settled in California in 1938, following Hitler's annexation of Austria.  She was an excellent pedagogue, and her master classes were attended by such singers as Marilyn Horne and Grace Bumbry. Lehmann's writings include the auto-biographical volumes Midway in My Song (1938), My Many Lives (1948), and Singing with Richard Strauss (1964).

D - 1427

Leicher Kathe 20. 8.1895 - 2.1942
Käthe Leichter se je kot Marianne Katharina Pick rodila  na Dunaju. Kot socialna demokratka je bila posebno aktivna na področjih ženske politike, družine in njihovih zakonitih načel. Ko so nacisti zasedli Avstrijo je Käthe Leichter zaradi svojega delovanja postala njihova žrtev. 30 maja 1938 jo je aretiral Gestapo. Odpeljali so jo v koncentracijsko taborišče Ravensbrück, kjer je februarja 1942 umrla.

Käthe Leichter was born Marianne Katharina Pick  in Vienna. As a Social Democrat she was especially active in issues concerning feminist politics, family, and the legal principles connected to them. Käthe  Leichter fell victim to the tyranny put into practice during the National Socialist take-over in Austria. On May 30, 1938 she was arrested by the Gestapo and in 1940 transferred to the Ravensbrück concentration camp where she died.

                A -

Leidenius Laimi 13.2.1877 - 23.11.1938  
je finska zdravnica. Diplomirala je leta 1897 in doktorirala 1908. Specializirala se je za ginekologijo in postala profesorica za ginekologijo in porodništvo na univerzi v Helsinkih. Je prva ženska profesorica medicine na Finskem in v celi Skandinaviji.

Finnish physician who graduated in 1897. Took her Doctorate of medicine 1908. Specialised in gyneacology 1913, becoming Professor of Gyneacology and Obstetrics at Helsinki University 1930-38. With the support of the women in Finish goverment she established a gyneacological hospital the Naistenklinikka in Helsinki. She was the first female professor of medicine in Finland and in all of Scandinavia.

           FI -1183

Leigh Vivien 5.12.1913 - 8.6.1967
Vivien Leigh, s pravim imenom Vivian Mary Hartley , je angleška filmska in gledališka igralka najbolj znana po vlogi Scarlet O`Hara v filmu V vrtincu, za katero je dobila oskarja. V filmu Fire over England je igrala skupaj z Laurencem Olivierjem s katerim se je leta 1940 poročila. Skupaj sta nastopala v številnih igrah (v Cesarju in Kleopatri Bernarda Showa in številnih Shakespearjevih delih). Za vlogo v filmu A Streetcar Named Desire je dobila leta 1951 drugega oskarja. Igrala je v številnih drugih filmih: Waterloo Bridge (1940), That Hamilton Woman (1941), The Deep Blue Sea (1955), The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961), Ship of Fools (1965). 

The British stage and film actress Vivien Leigh, originally named Vivian Mary Hartley , is best remembered for her Academy Award winning performance as Scarlett O'Hara in the film Gone With the Wind (1939). After gaining attention in the theater, Leigh was cast opposite Laurence Olivier in the film Fire Over England (1937). They were married in 1940 and appeared together in numerous plays, notably George Bernard Shaw's Ceasar and Cleopatra and several Shakespearian productions. Leigh won acclaim for her portrayal of Blanche Du Bois in the London staging (1949) of Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, and repeated her success in the film (1951) version, for which she won her second Academy Award. Her other films included Waterloo Bridge (1940), That Hamilton Woman (1941), The Deep Blue Sea (1955), The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (1961), and Ship of Fools (1965).

             GB -
1047                            GB - 1621

LEJARRAGA Maria 1874 - 1974

is also known by her pseudonymous Maria Martinez Sierra, since she took her husband, writer Gregorio Martínez Sierra’s surname. She was a prolific writer of over more than hundred novels, plays, essays, poetry and film scripts although all her work was published under her husband’s name who was compelled over the years to publicly recognise his wife as the true author. She was a primary school teacher and in 1933 was elected a member of the Parliament of the Republic representing Granada. Whilst in exile she wrote under her own name various books and literary projects.

Lenngren Anna Maria 18.6.1754 - 8.3.1817

Swedish poet whose Neoclassical satires and pastoral idylls show a balance and moderation characteristic of the Enlightenment period and are still read for their gaiety and elegance. She began to publish poetry at age 18. In 1780 she married Carl Lenngren, founder and later editor of the influential Stockholms Posten, to which she thereafter contributed anonymously. Insisting that she was a private individual, a housewife rather than a professional writer, Lenngren remained modest about her literary accomplishments. Her best work was written in the 1790s. Her most famous idylls are Den glada festen (The Merry Festival, 1796) and Pojkarne (The Boys, 1797).

                             S - 394/95

LEONH Pamela
"Jezusovo rojstvo"

          IE - 878

LESZNAI Anna 1885 - 1966
madžarska ilustratorka

Hungarina painter.

                                       H - 3528-30

Levy Renee 25.9.1906 - 31.8.1943
Članica francoskega odporniškega gibanja. Leta 1941 jo je aretiral gestapo, nekaj časa je bila zaprta v Franciji. Nato so jo deportirali v Nemčijo, kjer so jo obsodili na smrt. Posmrtno so jo odlikovali z medaljo odpora in vojnim križcem s palmami.
              F - 2418

Leyster Judith 28.7.1609 - 8.2.1660

The Dutch painter Judith Leyster, achieved fame for her genre works. She spent part of her youth in Utrecht, where she saw the work of Dutch Caravaggesque painters and incorporated into her own style a dramatic chiaroscuro. Her subjects range from animated musicians to quiet domestic scenes; their execution reveals a close affinity with the work of her contemporary Frans Hals, as in The Merry Drinker (1629) and The Serenade (1629), both in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Leyster was elected to the Guild of St. Luke and was a teacher of painters before her marriage to the painter Jan Molenaer.

              NL - 1722

Lilak Tiina 1961 -
finska atletinja - metalka kopja, je na svetovnem prvenstvu v Helsinkih leta 1983 osvojila prvo mesto.

Finish athlete - javelin throw won gold medal in 1983 on  World Championships in Helsinki. She won a silver medal in 1984 OG. Two times she was world recorder (1982 and 1983),

FI - 1253

Lind Jenny 6.10. 1820 - 2.11. 1887
(pravo ime: Johanna Maria Lind) je bila švedska operna pevka. Debitirala je 1838 v Stockholmu z vlogo Anchen v operi Čarostrelec. Mednarodni sloves je dosegla kot koloraturna sopranistka z izjemno velikim glasovnim obsegom (od malega b do tri črtanega g). Imenovali so jo švedski slavček. Razmeroma kratko kariero je zaključila 1849. Danski pisatelj Andersen ji je posvetil pravljico Cesarjev slavec.

Jenny Lind,  was one  of the most celebrated singers of her time.  Between 1838 and 1849 she appeared at every major opera house in Europe and was   known by her adoring public as "the Swedish nightingale." In 1850 she was brought to the United States by the circus impresario P.T. Barnum. The American public thronged to her recitals, and writers penned poems in her honor and newspaper articles by the hundreds.  She left the United States in 1852 with a newly acquired fortune (most of which she donated to charities in Sweden) and a husband, her German accompanist Otto Goldschmidt. In 1856 she settled in England, where she continued her concert career until 1870. She also taught at the Royal College of Music.

            S - 893                             S - 1475

Lindgren Astrid 14.11.1907 - 28.1.2002
Sprva je delal kot uslužbenka v založbi. Leta 1944 je opozorila nase s prvo knjigo za dekleta in z odrsko kriminalko. Mednarodno slavo je dosegla kot otroška pisateljica s knjigo Pika Nogavička (1945-46), v kateri je nanizala dogodivščine drobne pegaste deklice s čudežno močjo, ki se z navihanostjo in čudaškimi domisleki upira svetu odraslih. Ta knjiga je po slogu in pristopu pomenila prelomnico v otroški literaturi. Pomembnejša dela: Detektivski mojster Blomkvist (1946), Erazem in potepuh (1957), Kljukec spet leti (1962), Ronja, razbojniška hči (1981).

She  is the most read writer in Sweden. She made her debut in 1945 with Pippi Longstocking. Astrid Lindgren´s books have been translated into some sixty languages, and the have generated plays, films, and TV series all over the world.

               CH - 1286                             S -659                          S - 1944                          D - 2191              

                              D - 2629                                           S - 2609


         S - 1431/40

                 S -2154/56                                S - 2275/81                                             S - 2502/2505 

Lindh Anna 19.6.1957 - 11.9.2003
švedska političarka - zunanja ministrica, ki jo je umoril 25. letni Šved srbskega porekla Mijailo Mijailovic.

She was swedish minister of foreign affairs murdered by  Mijailo Mijailovic, a 25-year-old Swede of Serbian parentage.

                                  S -

Lindner Herta  3.11.1920 - 29.3.1943
nemška komunistka.

German communist.

      GDR - 811

LIOSI Kyriaki 30.10.1979 -
je članica grške olimpijske water polo ekipe, ki je na OI 2004 v Atenah osvojila srebrno medaljo.

She won silver medal OG 2004 Athene: greek water polo team.

GR - 2255

LIPA Elisabeta 26.10.1964 -
romunska športnica, veslačica.

Romunian sportwoman.

Lipkovski Lidia 1884 - 1958
operna pevka.

opera singer.

                MD - 387

Lippe Anneke von der 22.7.1964 -

Norvegian actress worked at Statens Lærerhøgskole from 1985-1988. Employed full-time at The Norwegian Theatre since 1988. She got Amanda Award for Heart of the Warrior 1992, and The Norwegian Theatre's Schleiber Award the same year. International breakthrough with film Barbara (1997). Some scenes are on stamps

                                       Faroe - 322/325

Lisovska Nastja - Roksolana 1505 - 1558
Roksolano s pravim imenom Nastia Lisovska  so kot mlado dekle leta 1520 ugrabili Krimski Tatari in jo prodali kot sužnjo. Kupil jo je turški sultan Sulejman I za svoj harem. Zaradi svoje osebnosti in inteligence je postala sultanova edina žena. Velikokrat je svetovala možu pri državnih zadevah. Pokopana je v bogato okrašenem grobu ob sultanovem v mošejskem kompleksu "Sulejnamija".

Roksolana, known as Nastia Lisovska . As a young girl, she was captured in 1520 by Crimean Tartars, she was sold into slavery. She was bought by the Ottoman sultan Suleyman I Canuni for his harem. In the harem, she was given the name Roksaliana. Because of her personality and intelligence, the sultan made Roksoliana his only wife. She frequently consulted her husband on various matters of state. She is buried in an ornate tomb next to sultan Suleyman's Tomb, in the "Suleimania" mosque complex.

          UA -

Littasy-Rollier Catherine
švicarska grafičarka.

Swiss artist designer of logo for the 1994 International Year of the Family. 

          CZ - 31

LIŽIČKO Stepanivna Ruslana 24.5.1973 -
je ukrajinska pevka, plesalka, skladateljica, dirigentka in pianistka. Leta 2004 je zmagala na Pesmi Evrovizije. Glasbeno se je začela izobraževati že pri štirih letih na eksperimentalni glasbeni šoli. Nastopala je z vokalno instrumentalnim ansamblom Horizon, kjer je njena mati pela. Leta 1994 je na ukrajinskem festivalu pop glasbe dobila veliko nagrado. Leta 1996 je zmagala na pevskem festivalu Slavyansky Bazar.

Ukrainian singer, dancer, producer, composer, conductor, and piano player. She was also the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2004 with a song Wild Dances. From the age of 4, she was studying at an experimental musical school, at the same time performing her numbers in a vocal-instrumental band Horizon, in which her mother, a professional musician, had been singing. Ruslana started her career as a winner of Slavyansky Bazar song competition in 1996.  She won the Grand Prix of the All-Ukrainian television festival of pop music Melody - 94.

                  UA - 717

Loi Emanuela  1967 - 19.7.1992
je bila italijanska policistka, osebna stražarka sodnika Paola Borsellina, borca proti sicilijanski mafiji. Ubita je bila ob eksploziji avta bombe, ki jo je mafija nastavila v Palermu.

She was Italian police bodygard of sicilian anti-mafia magistrate Paolo Borsellino and was killed with four police officers by a car bomb attack of Mafia in Palermo. She was awared with gold medal for civil bravery.

              I - 2482

Lolobrigita Gina 4.7.1929 -
italijanska filmska igralka je začela kot fotomodel. Po letu 1947 je nastopila v manjših filmskih vlogah. Uspela je šele v filmu Lepotice noči (1952). V petdesetih in šestdesetih letih 20. stol. je bila v Italiji in Evropi zelo priljubljena. Pomembnejši filmi: Fanfan Tulipan (1952), Kruh ljubezen in domišljija (1953), Najlepša ženska na svetu (1955), Trapez (1956), Pinokijeve dogodivščine (1972).

LOPES Fatima 8.3.1965 -
je ena najbolj znanih portugalskih modnih oblikovalk. Rodila se ja na Madeiri, kjer je delal kot turistična vodička. Leta 1990 se je preselila v Lizbono, kjer je odprla butik Versos, ki ga je kasneje preimenovala v Fatima Lopes. S tem se je rodila njena blagovna znamka. Svoje kolekcije je razstavljala v Lizboni in Parizu. V Parizu je odprla svojo prvo trgovino v tujini. Leta 2003 pa prvi butik v ZDA.

One of the best-known Portuguese fashion designers. She was born on Madeira island and worked as a tourist guide. n 1990 she moved to Lisbon, where she opened boutique "Versos". Later boutique was renamed to "Fatima Lopes" and Fatima Lopes brand was born. She began to exhibited her collections in Lisbon and Paris where she opened her first international store. In 2003 she opened her first brand store in the USA.

                                      P - 2877

Lorantffy Zsuzsanna 1600 - 18.4.1660

Magyar protestant worker and educator.

       H - 758

Loren Sofia 20.9.1934 -
italijanska filmska igralka, začela je kot fotomodel in je 1952c odgrala svojo prvo večjo vlogo. Ko je spoznala producenta C.Pontija (z njim je poročena) je dobila več vlog. Kasneje je odigrala več psihološko poglobljenih vlog. Pomembnejši filmi: Neapeljsko zlato (1954), Črna orhideja (1958), La ciociara (1960), Zakon po italijansko (1964), Grofica iz Hong Konga (1966), Sončnice (1969). Za vlogo v La ciociara je prejela oskarja.
Na znamki BG-4187 je tudi Liza Minelli.

Beautiful, sensuous, and stately, the Italian film star Sophia Loren, born Sophia Scicolone,  first came to  international attention in Woman of the River (1955).  Quickly adopted by Hollywood for such films as The Pride and the Passion (1957), Desire Under the Elms (1958), and El Cid (1961), Loren enjoyed greater critical success in the Italian comedies Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (1963) and Marriage Italian Style (1964) and in the dramatic roles afforded by The Key (1958), Two Women (1961), for which she won an Academy Award, and A Special Day (1977).  Since 1957 she has been married to producer Carlo   Ponti. In 1991 she was awarded an honorary Oscar.
On stamp
BG-4187 is also Liza Minelli.

           BG - 4187

lovie Bennett

Lucia-Filippi sv.

Lüders Marie-Elisabeth  25.6.1878 - 23.3.1966

She is one of the outstanding German female politicians of the 20th century. Owing to her intelligence and her self-confidence, she succeeded in being admitted to the "Abitur" (school-leaving examination qualifying for university entrance) after several years of voluntary social work and subsequently studied political science. In 1912, the degree of Dr. rer. pol. was conferred on her as the first woman in Germany. In her capacity as social expert, she was entrusted with various socio-political tasks during the First World War. Before the war, she had already joined the bourgeois feminist movement and subscribed to (left-wing) liberalism. From 1919 onwards, she represented the German Democratic Party in the Reichstag. Because she was a vehement opponent of national socialism, a prohibition of publication and speech was imposed on her in 1933; this was followed by interrogations and a several months' arrest by the gestapo in 1937. After the war, she was head of the American military school in Oberammergau and from 1948 to 1950 head of the Office for Social Matters in Berlin. From 1953 to 1961, she represented the Free Democratic Party (FDP) in the Bundestag  as whose president by seniority she acted several times. As a pioneer of the emancipation of women and of many social achievements, she received high honours, among others the honorary citizenship of Berlin.

           D - 597                   D - 1940

LUKOVA Vera 1907 - 1974
bolgarska slikarka.

Bulgarian painter graduated from the State Art Academy, under Prof. Boris Mitov, in 1930. She soon won critical acclaim, joined a nonconformist art group called New Artists Union and played a key role in European artistic trends of the time.

        BG - 4804

Lupu Ruxandra 1630? - 1686
romunska plemkinja hčerka Vaila Lupuja. Leta 1652 se je poročila z Tymish Khmelnytskym. Po smrti moža je živela v mestu Raškiv v Podili in v Moldaviji. Njena poroka je opisana delu Horbaha Timiša: Khmel’nyts’kyi v rumuns’kii istoriohrafiï ta literaturi.

She was Moldavian princess daughter of Vasile Lupu. She married Tymish Khmelnytsky in 1652. After his death in 1653, she lived in Chyhyryn; later she moved to an estate given to her by Bohdan Khmelnytsky, in the town of Rashkiv, in Podilia. In 1666 she returned to Moldavia. The details of her marriage are discussed in A. Horbach's Tymish Khmel’nyts’kyi v rumuns’kii istoriohrafiï ta literaturi.

 MD - 386

LÜTZEN Elinborg 1919 - 1995
grafičarka, slikarka
ilustracije iz otroške knjige: Večerni mrak

Faroe - 626/631

Luxemburg Rosa 5.3.1871 - 15.1.1919
je bila vodilni teoretik socializma in ustanoviteljica nemške komunistične partije. Rojena je bila v uspešni judovski družini v Rusiji, leta 1887 je začela z revolucionarnim delom. Leta 1889 so jo izgnali v Švico, kjer je pomagala ustanoviti (1893) internacionalno poljsko socialistično stranko. S poroko je pridobila nemško državljanstvo in postala voditeljica ekstremnega levega krila nemške socialno demokratske stranke. Aktivna je bila v drugi internacionali, kjer se je borila proti nacionalizmu. Zaradi revolucionarne aktivnosti med prvo svetovno vojno je bila v zaporu (1916 - 18), kjer je napisala Spartakovska pisma. Skupaj s Karlom Liebknechtom je 1916 ustanovila radikalno Spartakovo zvezo, iz katere ja 30.12.1918 nastala komunistična partija Nemčije. Skupaj z Liebknechtom jo je po neuspešnem uporu spartakovcev ubila nemška vojska. Njeno najpomembnejše delo je Akumulacija kapitala, kjer predstavlja svojo teorijo imperializma.

Rosa Luxemburg leading socialist theorist and founder of the German Communist party. Born into a prosperous Jewish business family in Russian, she engaged in revolutionary activity from 1887.  In 1889 she was forced into exile in Switzerland, where she helped found (1893) the antinationalist Polish Socialist party. Acquiring German citizenship by marriage, Luxemburg became a leader of the extreme left wing of the German Social Democratic party. She was active in the Second International, fighting the trend toward nationalism within the socialist movement. While in prison (1916-18) for revolutionary activity during World War I, Luxemburg wrote the so-called Spartacus Letters. With Karl Liebknecht she founded (1916) the radical Spartacus League, which, on Dec. 30, 1918, became the German Communist party. Both Liebknecht and Luxemburg were murdered by German troops after the abortive Spartacist uprising of January 1919. Luxemburg's chief work, presenting her theory of imperialism, was Accumulation of Capital (1913).

BG - 1157                         GDR - 229                                 GDR - 478                             GDR - 673             

GDR - 1155
                                GDR - 1651
                        SU - 2047                        

                                                              GDR - 1419                                        D - 794

Lyngstadt Anni-Frid 15.11.1945 -
Članica glasbene skupina ABBA, prvo skladbo People Need Love so izdali leta 1972, ko so se tudi poimenovali po začetnicah imen članov skupine (Anni-Frid Lyngstad, Bjorn Ulvaeus, Benny Andersson, Agneta Faltskog). S skladbo Waterloo so zmagali na evrovizijskem tekmovanju leta 1972 v Bringhtonu. S tem se je začelo njihovo obdobje velikih uspehov. V naslednjih letih so s skladbami Honey Honey, Mamma Mia, Money, Money, Money, Take A chance On Me, Knowing Me, Dancing Queen in drugimi osvojili poslušalce po celem svetu. Za njihove skladbe so značilni prijetna melodija, preprosta besedila in poudarjen ritem. Skupina sodi med komercialno najuspešnejše v zgodovini zabavne glasbe. 

                   S - 2163                                 S - 1256 

see more about Frida Lyngstab.

gor - up