The following are some photos I took on my recent vacation to Historicon 99. I was travelling with Hal Thinglum and Greg Novak. Both were nominated to become members of HMGS East's Legion of Honor (me I was evidently the press gang since Hal had not been out East for 12 years).

We arrived in Gettysburg about supper time and stopped briefly at McPherson's ridge before eating and seeking lodging. Here Greg and Hal are standing by the gun that fired the first shot of the battle.

This is the newest statue at the park. It is the Longstreet memorial. It is interesting in several ways. First it is located back from the lines and second it seems to be the only mounted statue not on a pedestal of any kind.

Fools (er... Nominees for the legion of honor?) on a hill? Hal and Greg are visiting the 20th Maine's position.

Here we are at the peach orchard. This was just before we went off shopping (so after wandering around an ACW battlefield all morning what did I get as a souvenir you ask, a copy of the Osprey book on Russian Cavalry in the Napoleonic wars). Sigh.

After leaving Gettysburg we went to Carlisle to spend the afternoon at Upton Hall (which is the library of the military history branch of the army). We found many cool things in the building including a very cute cartoon on mustering out at the end of WWII (here the old hands ...two guys in zoot suits.. smirking at the new recruits ... rather scruffy looking combat types... there were indoctrination cartoons including Female model 1 - no field stripping allowed). Cool stuff.

On Wednesday night Todd Fisher ran a Hemingway 100th Birthday memorial game. Players were ambulance drivers whose job it was to pick up wounded take them to the hospital and try to make it with the nurse. Overall a very fun game with great refreshments. Kudos Todd. Great Nurse figure Frank.

Here is a snap of Frank and Old Glory's Culloden game. Frank was doing some very innovative terrain treatment over the weekend. He had some kind of blanket material on which he was throwing loose flock (both the small stuff and the larger chunks). This material was clingy enough that the flock stuck to it. At the end of the game Frank just folded the ground cloth so the flock was inside and at the next game respread the loose stuff to get even coverage.

Frank and I ran Lobositz on Friday Morning. Here is a shot of the Prussians entering. This game marked the début of my Frederick Figure converted from a 1806 Jaeger. Frank's preparation for the convention was very atypical. He not only prepared the materials for his game, but also covered all the Old Glory Sponsored games with judge's packs and sponsor's placards.

Friday night saw the Legion of Honor awards dinner. Bob Coggins was given the Scruby Achievement Award and Greg and Hal were inducted into the Legion of Honor. Here is a composite of Hal and my new Fredrick figure (I forgot to bring my camera to the dinner for a real shot).

 Here is a picture of my Italy '44 game.

 Here is a picture of Mike Selby's Arnhem game.