Reign of Chaos
Race: Chaos Dwarf
Coached By: zoobooz
1A-Train AdamsonBull Centaur6429Block, Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Mighty Blow  6 5553130k
2Throk the MightyBull Centaur6429Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull       130k
3Gimli the Cruel IIIChaos Dwarf4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow     31570k
4Frank the Tank IIIChaos Dwarf4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard    11770k
5Matt the AngryChaos Dwarf4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Stand Firm, Guard, Mighty Blow    453370k
6Tiny TimChaos Dwarf4329Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow  1 232270k
7Dirty HarryHobgoblin6347Block, Dirty Player, Pro, +1 AG, *Hall of Fame* 24 2337540k
8Gobbo the Meek IIHobgoblin6347Dirty Player, Pro, +1 AG 31 844240k
9Tiki the IntimidatorHobgoblin7338Block, Diving Tackle, Pro, Magic Helmet, +1 MA 231375440k
10Taco Bob IVHobgoblin             
11Terminator Tom IIIHobgoblin             
12Ricky the SlickHobgoblin6337Block, Surehands, Pass 165 324740k
13Steve the HornyBeastman6339Block, Horns, Claw, Tackle, Pro, Magic Helmet 46 735160k
14Rob the ReplacementBlitzer6339Block       80k
15BalrogBlack Orc4429Block, Diving Tackle 11 4 1280k
16Lord UlrikChaos Warrior54310Block, Claw, Fangs, Pro, *Hall of Fame*, MH 14 19471100k
Team Name:Reign of ChaosRe-Rolls:8x $50k =400k
Race:Chaos DwarfFan Factor:19x $10k =190k
Team Rating:280Assistant Coaches:0x $10k = 
Treasury:30kCheerleaders:0x $10k = 
Coach:zooboozApothecary:1x $50k =50k
 Team Wizard:1x $150k =150k

Team Pictures

Chaotic Shrine of Honor

#Player NamePositionMASTAGAVPlayer SkillsFateCPTDINTCASMVPsSPPNotes
1KillerZeeOrc Blitzer6339Block, Tackle, Guard, Stand Firm, Mighty BlowDEAD88 4565Killed by Cujo's Resident Evil he is the reason for the creation of the shrine. A FA hired to aid us in tournament play he became a star and leader being forever reliable. He remained on his feet battling until the very end where he was suddenly knocked over and savagely butchered while on the ground. So massive was the damage healing was impossible, but the team fought back and avenged him with an immediate SI (-1 ST). KZ, you will be missed.