Foreword As an Anglican, I uphold the the Chicago-Lambeth Quadrilateral as the appropriate bounds within which the Christian faith subsists. It is my stance that in matters of Christian faith we maintain unity in the essentials, liberty in the non- essentials, and in all things charity.
God I place my trust in only one loving, just, and merciful Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; eternally existing; self-sufficient; omnipotent; omniscient; and omnipresent. He is sovereign over all things, and transcends both time and the limits of finite and fallen human comprehension. He is the Creator, Sustainer, and Redeemer of all things.
Scripture I believe that the 66 books of the Bible, Old and New Testaments, in their original manuscripts are the inspired and authoritative Word of God that reveals to humanity the fullest knowable nature of God and His plan. The Bible always points to Word of Made Flesh: Jesus Christ. The Fall I believe God created all things according to His design with the purpose of His glory being made manifest. His creation declares His glory; thus humanity is by no means ignorant that there is a holy God upon whom one must place one's trust.
I believe that all humanity is tainted with sin through Adam and Eve's representative act of disobedience to God in Eden. Broken fellowship with God resulted from this original sin and facilitates the passing on of a sinful nature to all humanity. This sinful nature permeates all facets of human personality and existence. The sins resulting from the sinful nature perpetuate the misrule of Satan in the earth, lead to death, and continue to spoil God's creation.
Salvation I believe God desires to save and restore His entire creation, especially humanity, which is created in the image of God. God thus desires to redeem the whole person--spirit, soul, and body.
I believe all of God's gracious and merciful saving actions are solely dependent upon the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son. Being born of the Virgin Mary, He is both fully God and fully human. His perfect life fulfills God's righteous Law. His death and burial eliminate the believer's sin as Jesus' blood made the propitiatory, once-for-all, atoning sacrifice. His resurrection allows for the believer to be "born again" in this life and resurrected bodily into eternal life in the New Heavens and New Earth to come in the end. Salvation is apprehended by grace through faith.
The Church I believe all those who demonstrate faith in Jesus Christ are undeniably members of the Church. The Church is the universal and historical assembly of all believers. The Church is the family of God, the body of Christ, and temple of the Lord. Local churches are expressions of the greater Church universal. I believe God has established two sacraments within the Church in which special grace is conferred: Baptism and the Lord's Supper. The universal sacrament of entrance into the Church is Baptism, and the universal strengthening sacrament of the Lord's Supper is available for the baptized.
The purpose of the Church is to serve as community of worship, fellowship, and outreach that exemplifies God's grace and seeks to permeate the society in a transformative way with that grace. The individual believer contributes of his or her substance, giftings, time, and love to this community. Christian Living I believe God's salvation restores the human relationship to God in regeneration, the human relationship to others and the rest of creation in sanctification, and culminates in the resurrected new life in glorification. Good works are the attending fruit of faith.
I believe in the reality of spiritual beings, both angels and demons. Angels are sent to minister to the saints of God, while demons seek to stifle the inevitable advancement of God's Kingdom. Christians, while they may be afflicted with all sorts of ills from the enemy, need not be inordinately preoccupied with them because Jesus Christ has already won the victory over them.
Last Things I believe in the immanent physical return of Christ to complete the establishment of His Kingdom. The Lord's culminated Kingdom will be ushered in with the creation of the New Heavens and New Earth. There will be a final judgment of both unbelievers and believers, a resurrection of the faithful to eternal life and those who reject Christ to separation from God, and God's Kingdom with His redeemed people in the new creation will be without end. This is the believer's ultimate hope. |