<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/zoomerme/daniej.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Caressed by vibrant arcs of color,
Brilliant rays of summer sun-
Push the gray clouds aside
The storm is over- the rain is done.
Free-are we-above ice-capped mountains,
To soar with eagles across the sky-
Leaving yesterday in the shadows
No pain to feel- no tears to cry.
Don't look back-just run-my son
Barefoot through sandy beaches of time-
Reach for a star to call your own
Never leave your dreams behind.
Remember, rivers gurgle with opportunity
As they feed the ocean floor-
Once opened, even the smallest shell
May hold what you're searching for.
Open your heart to nature's beauty,
From desert's clay to comets above-
Have admiration for creation
See, feel and live...with love.


Copyright ©2003 Lisa A. Lind
  It isn't ever easy...to leave and search for a new life...sometimes we feel we cannot make it alone, sometimes we feel we must stay for the children, sometimes it is fear that keeps us in an abusive situation, and  yes, sometimes it is just habit-knowing how to act amidst the chaos...But by staying we lose our self-esteem, our will to live, our freedom to be who truly are...and of course, we jeopardize our own safety and the safety of our children ...it only takes once- one bullet, one punch, one stab, one drive of violent force and we may never get up again...or maybe one of our precious children will no longer be with us...it is not worth the chance...if you or someone you know is in an abusive situation and feeling hopeless n  helpless, grab the nearest phone book and call an abuse hotline or crisis center...there is a better life out there...you can make it...and you are worthy of a better life...keep the faith and do whatever it takes to be free again...
  ...I did and many others have .....you do not have to hide the bruises and the pain...you do not have to feel like a prisoner in your home nor inside yourself...You deserve happiness and all the good things this world has to offer....believe in yourself enough to get help....and do remember:
Don't become a statistic...
    ...Be a success story!