<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/zoomerme/jackson5_illbethere.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
   JUST 4 TODAY...
the irony of happiness-
  is like new leaves on snow--
many times i wore a smile-
  but inside it didnt grow...
                      Just for today I can lose myself inside and not fear the world that will
be awaiting my return...there are no lies to face...no  reasons to hide anymore...it's a new chapter of my life and I get the  opportunity to write it myself...with a clear mind, open ears, and a caring heart...yes, life is good ...once upon today...
                    Just for today I can wonder what the future holds ...and not fear the unknown -for I am not alone...I can re-visit the time when days were full of long, sunny afternoons of running blindly through daisy-painted fields....and time was endless...stressless...and so innocent....I can bask in the feeling of being totally carefree and alive....once upon a day...
                  Just for today I can question where we lost sight of that childlike tran-
quility....when blowing dandelions to the wind-we knew no fear...when did we forget the
days of yesterday -when only time was a necessity to heal all things...when did we complicate our lives ....more importantly, why?...life was so  simple ...once upon a day...
                  Just for today I can hear the wind rustling through the trees and remember
the pain...without fear...but  with understanding....maybe time left the scars for me alone
to see....to remember what was, what couldve been...and what isnt...but for the grace of God...once upon a day...
               Just for today, without regret, my heart can return to summer fields and dance amongst the daisies....and be free...Thank you God....Just for:....Today.....
" Yesterday is only a memory....
       Tomorrow is only a dream....
  Today is our only reality---
       Keep it simple and make it
  A beautiful memory for tomorrow"
Just for today...share an extra smile...give an extra hug....find a little "just for me" time....give a compliment....make your corner of the world a little brighter...someone needs the love you have to give....open up and let them in... it's in the smallest of gestures that we grow the most...keep love alive..............(((hugs))) Lisa .........