IR remote mods to change channels via web page (use with "zoomkat's amazing batch file" to send the status: 204 to the web server). Test the program using qbasic (on windows CD in the old stuff), and then compile to an .exe using quickbasic or firstbasic (free). I haven't had the time to test using low baud rates like 75, 110, 150, etc. They may work better. The timer function can be used to lengthen/shorten the time for the button pushes. A zero byte is written as it results in the longest +10v signal to the transistor for each byte written. This remote is the GE 4 in 1 universal remote control RM94905 which I got at Target for ~$10 (best physical shape for tinkering). To open the remote, the plastic catches must be released. The first ones are at the seam in line with the rec/stop/pause buttons. With a very small screw driver, press in and down at 45 deg. in the seam with the screw driver blade, then gently pry the bottom half edge out. This will release the first catch. Do similar on the others.
a$ = COMMAND$ 'rem this when testing with qbasic
'a$ = "" 'use this when testing with qbasic
sec! = VAL(a$) 'use this to adjust time com port is open
'experiment with different baud rates, like 75, 150, etc.
OPEN "com1:9600,N,8,1,CD0,CS0,DS0" FOR OUTPUT AS #2
now! = TIMER
PRINT #2, CHR$(0);
LOOP UNTIL TIMER > (now! + sec!)
BEEP 'used when testing with qbasic
Windows XP users note that the below in a batch file may be sufficient to make a button push (adjust the number of "a"s to get a stable button push). This works on my XP pro machine, but needs a little extra wiring on the serial port connector for my win98 machine (see link below).
echo aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >com1
Demo page (as of 4/10/02) using the IR remote mod to do the "CH^" channel change here, and a link to making it work via the serial port on win 95/98 machines here. The modified IR remote can also be actuated via the parallel port by just using one of the video in jacks on the homemade parallel port video switcher here. Be creative!
The basic schematic:
Locating the 2 traces for the channel "UP" button.
Solder 2 wires where the 2 channel "UP" traces enter IR Chip.
NPN transistor (Radio Shack 276-2009), 10K resistor (271-1335), and diode (276-1122) connected to serial port.
Transistor, resistor, and diode installed in serial connector (connector 276-1538 and 276-1539).
Two wires (red and blue) of cat3 telephone wire connected (wire 278-1310).
Completed serial connector.