Zoomkat's "El Cheapo" Webcam Setup

August 12, 2004

Updated December 9, 2005

Zoomkat's home page

Make your own pan and tilt webcam here, and parallel port webcam video switcher here.

New 4/23/05, using Webcam20000 with a java applet: This page uses four instances of Webcam2000 running in seperate folders to supply the video frames. Three of the webcam2000 instances use the three inputs on a Winnov PCI AV capture card, and the fourth is an Intel 430 pro USB webcam. This setup uses a java applet to get the video frames from the webcam2000 programs. View the source of this page to see/copy the applets used in the page. The JavaCam.class file needed for this is downloaded placed in a webserver folder on the same computer as webcam2000 (I use the htdocs folder of my Apache web server running on port 88). For the four frames on this page, I set the upload interval for 1 second, which works well for my lan (~400kbs total bandwidth). This may need to be changed to 2 seconds for internet use due to the more limited limited upload bandwidth usually available.

New 8/12/04, Webcam20000 javapull setup:A *free* webcam setup that can stream a webcam video using a java pull setup, and capture video frames on a timed basis. The free WebCam2000 image serving application available here, and the free DHTTP web image capture application available here, form the basis of the webcam setup. Note: If the DHTTP does not get a complete file/jpg or the flie/jpg is corrupted, try using the Graburl application here. Make a folder and put the DHTTP (or Graburl) and WebCam2000 applications in it (unzipped). Double click the WebCam2000.exe file to run the program. Check preview, enable webserver, and live. Uncheck the preview after you are satisfied with the video (saves cpu resources). Click on the video tab and select the webcam and set the source, etc. Click on options and in server settings, check enable image server, set the port to the one you want the server to operate on, select JPEG image, check include HTTP headers, and set the rfresh rate to 0, and click OK at the bottom. Set the image to image default, and check the %C if you want the time displayed in the image, then click OK. Click file and click save settings. Go to the demo page below, select view source, and copy out the java applet for use use in your page, and paste in notepad (remove the Geocities counter/add stuff on the bottom). In two places in the applet you will need to change the URL from mine to yours (you can use for initial testing).Save as cam1.htm. Double click this file and it should open showing your video. For multiple cams, make seperate folders for each cam like you have just done. You will need to make a seperate page for each cam (like cam1.htm, cam2.htm, and cam3.htm). If you have a Winnov capture card, you can use the MXC, S-video, and composite inputs like on my demo page. Go here and view/copy the source to make the multicam pages.

To take timed snaps (win 2K and XP), copy the below getpix.bat file below, paste in notepad, and save as getpix.bat in your folder. You can have a scheduler or timer run the getpix.bat file to save a pix at the interfval you chose (every 15 minutes, hourly, daily, etc.). To get a number of pix in quick succession, use the loop.bat file. Copy the loop.bat file below, paste in notepad and save as loop.bat in your folder. The loop.bat file gets the desired number of pix at the desired interval. Set the sec (time between pix) and MaxCnt (number of pix) values to suit your needs. The getpix.bat file is activated by the loop.bat file. You can manually run the loop.bat file by double clicking on it, or you can have a scheduler, something like a motion detector, or some other event run it. The getpix.bat file gets the pix from the WebCam2000 server via the DHTTP application, and names each pix with the time the pix was obtained. You can use my url in the bat files for testing if my webcam2000 is still on line for testing. You will need to change the url to yours for your setup. To turn your saved pix into an .avi file, go here and download the free jpgvideo.zip file. Nothing is guaranteed about this (but mine works), so you will have to experiment like I have. YMMV!!!

Demo page (as of 8/12/04) here. This page has the multicam popout.
Multi webcam applet page here and javascript page here.

::== getpix.bat, change the link to your link or use

@echo off
dhttp http://zoomkat.d2g.com:89/webcam/image.fcgi
SET tnow=%time%
SET dnow=%date%
SET hh=%tnow:~0,2%
SET nn=%tnow:~3,2%
SET ss=%tnow:~6,2%
SET ms=%tnow:~9,2%
SET wd=%dnow:~0,3%
SET mo=%dnow:~4,2%
SET da=%dnow:~7,2%
SET yr=%dnow:~10,4%
SET pixtime=%hh%h-%nn%m-%ss%s-%ms%ms-%wd%-%mo%-%da%-%yr%
rename image.fcgi %pixtime%.jpg


::====loop.bat, set for 10 pix at 5 sec intervals======

@echo off
set Sec=5
set /A Delay=Sec+1
set MaxCnt=10
For /L %%A in (1,1,%MaxCnt%) do (
call getpix.bat
ping -n %Delay% >NUL

