"Zoo Photographer" text, photos, and all source code © 2001 Merry L. Morris

Cheetah - Philadelphia Zoo Cheetah - National Zoo
Rhinoceros - Philadelphia Zoo Rhinoceros - National Zoo
Asian Elephant - Philadelphia Zoo Asian Elephant - National Zoo
Prairie Dog - Philadelphia Zoo Prairie Dog - National Zoo

Cheetahs, rhinos, elephants, and prairie dogs everywhere (or at least at the Philadelphia Zoo and at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.) know how to keep cool on a hot summer day. (Let your mouse pointer hover over each photo to see which zoo the animal inhabits.)

Zoo Photo Album

More photos from the Philadelphia Zoo

Zoo Photo of the Month
(Bronx Zoo, National Zoo, Elmwood Park Zoo,Brandywine Zoo, Philadelphia Zoo)

Zoo Photo of the Month
(Philadelphia Zoo)

I love zoos!
(Find out why I love zoos, and why you should, too!)

My Zoo Photo Portfolio
(I have taken thousands--yes,thousands of zoo photos with my digital camera. Some of the best are featured on this page.)

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