Birds And Bees
Four million, four hundred thousand different species of animals - can you imagine?  That is the number of animals God spoke into existence during 
the fifth and sixth days of creation.  That breaks down to 2,200,000 per 
day or roughly 91,667 species per hour, 1,528 species per minute, or 25.5 new species per second.  Now, add to this the amazing fact that, with a 
few exceptions, He was creating males and females.  It means that God
was cranking out 51 different anatomies per second, each with its own behaviour, unique appearance, and ecological purpose.  Every species has been assigned specific and appropriate behaviour for both its sexes.  Let 
me illustrate.
The female black widow spider is four times as large as the male, who is 
not black at all but white and gold.  She is a deadly huntress and knows every inch of her web by feel.  She is also blind.  When the male comes to court her, he plucks at the web at a constant rhythm which calms the throbbing black temptress.  Then she quietky awaits his approach as if he 
were just any insect in her web.  He repeats the process until he arrives beside her.  He strokes her with his delicate front leg and begins the maing process.  He is exhausted after mating and in a weakened condition usually stumbles as he attempts to leave the web.  The irregular vibrations trigger her instincts to kill and he is quickly overtaken.  Without emotion she adds him to her macabre pantry of stored delicacies.
Sea lion males are a study in rage and passion during breeding season. 
The males hit the rocky beaches and establish territories for the harems 
they will build when the females arrive.  They fight constantly and brutally, not even taking time to eat.  By the time the females arrive, the younger 
or weaker males have been driven off and the main bulls begin to claim 
and fight for as many females as they can get.  The females have been pregnant for three hundred and fifty days, and they begin to give birth 
almost as soon as they arrive.  Shortly thereafter, the males initiate a 
brief courtship and maing period.  Then they lose interest and no longer 
dote over their females.  Keeping their territory becomes their
consumming oassion.  They will defend it viciously, crashing across rocks 
and the beach,at times crushing their mates and young to attack an 
invading male.
Elephants are a matriachal society.  The females call the shots.  When 
the male elephants reach adolescence, they are driven from the main 
herds to form small groups of males, or they become solitary.  They are 
only tolerated during the breeding season and then driven away again 
when the breeding is completed.
The pied hornbill (an exotic bird with an enormous beak) finds a tree with 
a hollow apartment.  He drives the female into it, then seals her inside 
with mud.  She is not allowed to leave this confinement until the young 
are ready to leave the nest.  Everything the family needs is shoved 
through the small opening he has left for that reason.
The rattlesnake breeding ritual is a brief erotic study.  When he discovers 
a female during mating season, the male rises above her to full stature 
and sways back and forth in a captivating ballet.  She rsponds in kind and they entwine.  After mating, he crawls away (that snake in the grass!) 
never to see her again.  She carries the young and gives birth to live 
babies, which are on their own from their first day in the world.
Penquins mate for life, although they spend more than half of every year seperated.  The Adele penquins have a ceremony.  They present a rock to their beloved.  If she accepts it,the pair bond is sealed and they are mated for life.  It's "with this rock, I thee wed."
Wolves also mate up for life.  They live most of the year in small family units, forming packs only in deep winter when it is to their advantage.  Because mice are hibernating and therefore unavailable as a food source, 
the wolves must bring down hooved animals to survive.  The males love 
their mates and provide 50 percent of the sacrificial care of the young. 
The are the ideal family model.
When we come to man, we cannot discern a consistant method of male 
and female behaviour.  You see, in many relationships the male is 
consumed by the female's dominance and fares no better than the male 
black widow.
Many males consumed by their careers spend all their time building their territory.  They crush their children and pursue extramarital affairs.  They 
act like sea lions.
Some females drive off their males with unattractive fury and make it 
difficult for the fathers to visit children, just like the elephants do.
Some men force their women to stay home and keep them subjected, 
like hornbills.
Then there are those who form a partnership.  They are helpmates
They work together to raise the young in a cooperative venture, like wolves.  Some mate for life, like the penquins.
One of two things is true:
Either man is the only species out of four million, four hundred thousand without an assigned method of relating male and female or we have a 
method that we are not following.
What do you think?
God's Word gives us a good picture of what He had in mind in Ephesians 5: 21-33
Verse 21:   Husbands and wives are to show honour to each other. 
Verses 22-24:   Wives, make your husband feel like he's important.   
Respect him.  Treat him like he's someone special, somebody worthwhile. 
Verses 25-33:   Husbands, love your wives in a sacrificial way.  Serve her needs in such a way that you set her apart from all others as unique and special.  Encourage her to be everything she can be.  Nourish her and  
cherish her.  Then you'll become totally united. 
We don't see this kind of marriage very often.
Do you think we have become to focused on who is going to meet our
personal needs?
2 Timothy 3: 1-2
For understanding this, that in the last days there will come times
of stress.  For men will be lovers of self....
Author ~ Gary Richmond
Photo courtesy of The Panda Picture Page
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