Welcome to the Zor in Japan page. This will be a very shoddy page, and be updated  sporratically. I dont know how i'll upload pictures if I can or not. There is a Guestbook up above, so if you want to say something, and are too lazy to email me, then post that shiz.
3:22 pre trip day  :  Getting this update thing to work takes some effort. Oh well, hopefully it wont take too long, as I dont plan on spending hours updating this thing for you fags. I dont know if anyones even gonna look at this. A nosy counter right here will do the trick. (not your mom)
You guys are in trouble now!!!!
Just saw that I get 15 megs of webspace. You guys are   SCREWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:49pm pre trip day : I done forgot to post my email address on here.  zorexplusalpha@hotmail.com  thats the shiz. Packing sucks. Streamlining the packing sucks more. trying to remember everything sucks even even more. Frackin suck.....sucksucksuck....
12:15 Night before : Drawing some SC2 fanart before my trip. I cant figure what to take and how to pack it. Trying to maximize space, so i can have a smaller backpack to carry around. Anyway, here is drawings by RouletteDares, artise extrodinaire, of Seven and Crew ala Seattle, then theres my rendition of WCMaxi. Word.
Pictures are taking up space.

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