My headshots and resume
Last updated 1/30/06.

 2005, and links for pictures and reviews of it!
 Amateur Female Jello Wrestling!

Talent and variety showcase!

 My Paintings!
- Self portrait
- Immortal Swordsman
- Too fast to live, to young to die

What happens when a time traveller meets his ex-girlfriend in 12th-century England?

Photos and stories

A Study of the History of Captain Marvel (all of them).
Soon to be released as a book.

Right now 15 pages are up. This will be a work in progress for a little while.
Last updated 7/2/03.
 A thorough list of movies, TV shows, cartoons, and serials based on comic book characters
 Entertainment products and services, including Watch This Space comics, CD's by Captain Zorikh and the Death Star Repairmen, and more!.

...who have published several of Zorikh's works.

...Where Captain Zorikh appears regularly.

Providers of medieval, renaissance, ancient, and fantasy armor, accessories, and entertainments
 Entertainment products and services, including the Duckball Pennsic War video documentary.

 Includes Medieval, Renaissance, Fantasy, Ancient, Shakespeare, Biblical, Pirates, Asian, Arabian, SCi-Fi, Time Travel, and more!

Includes links to SCA armorers, books and videos about armor, websites about armor, illustrations of armor, how to build armor etc!

 My journal...and the latest update announcement
Last updated 9/4/05!
 by Allain Atienza. Last updated 11/17/04
 . Latest review: "Ghost Warrior," a samurai time-travel movie
 Latest review: Eye of the Serpent
 An ongoing story of the Giulliani era.

- Drawing of David Cone
- Photo-illustrated essay of a New York CityHawks game
- Photos of a Harlem Footlball League game
- Sports teams called "Knights"
 (photos out my window). Last updated 9/8/03.
