Just like you can never have too much anime, you can never have too many swords! Unless you accidently bludgeon yourself, then it's your fault 'cause you're a DUMBASS This site contains anything about Zoro, from Screenshot pics made by me (which you should ask before stealing, 'cause I'll most likely won't mind. Unless you're building a Zoro site and going to put them all up as yours...well then I may have to do some smiting), fanfics (do they exist?), fanart, and anything else I make. If you feel like sending me something, go ahead. Non yaoi fanart, fanfiction, etc will be greedily snatched up :Update02-7-5Added a Zoro fanart! And a couple links. I've been looking for some webspace to buy to move this site elsewhere (geocities is gonna start b*tching about the bandwith any minute now Webmistress Info |