Cliche Gone Wrong: Ranma Gets Stuck as a Girl
by Zorknot

AN:Hi this is Zorknot, your torturer for the span of this 
fanfic! Every now and again I get the urge to do something evil. 
So I decided I'd write a fic that actually is supposed to be 
a cliche...only worse! I had a lot of fun writing this, and who 
knows, you might enjoy it, but remember: you've been warned.

For this session we will be making an old favorite: The Ranma-chan fic!

Requirements for cliche: 

1.Foreign national applies some technique or artifact to 
Ranma, making him stuck in his cursed form, as a result of 
pissing him/her off.

2.Ranma fights numerous battles with foreign national in an 
attempt to get cure, but in the process the cure is lost.

3.Ranma enters bout of depression but gradually adapts.

4.Ranma begins to embrace her femininity.

5.Ranma accepts her situation and lives happily ever after.

Now here’s the cliché...gone very wrong...


Spazzo the Illiterate bounded across the rooftops of Nerima 
readying his weapons. He had in his possession a meter 
stick, a crayon, and a stack of post-it notes. He was the Prince of 
an unknown tribe of barbarians who lived deep inside the unexplored 
catacombs of Florence, Italy. They called themselves the Orenjishinu. 
Long ago their great ancestor, Taro the Impure, asked the city
officials to dig a series of caves into the ground under the city and
 allow him to live there. He was granted his wish,despite the extra arm 
growing out of his back and the pulsating green mole that dominated his 

Inexplicably Taro started splitting into different people until there 
were enough to start having sex and raising families. This is 
perfectly natural of course, as many cultures start out this way if 
the ancient texts are to be believed. However it is nonetheless 
surprising that all this took place underneath one of the most 
influential cities in Europe. 

Spazzo was on a mission. He had to search Japan for an artifact of 
his great ancestor, the Eye of Bob. If he could not find the Eye of 
Bob in 42 days, he would be forced to watch American television 
until he lost the will to live. Spazzo, being crosseyed, knew this 
would take a long and very unpleasant time.

The first place Spazzo would check: the Tendo dojo.

Why, you may ask? Why look for the Eye of Bob here of all places 
when all of Japan harbored locations that were more reasonable? 
Perhaps Spazzo sensed the impure energies emanating from 
Happosai’s room and was unconsciously drawn to it. Maybe he 
saw Ranma fall into the koi pond after getting hit by his father and 
reasoned this would be a good place to check. In the end, one can 
only wonder.

Spazzo landed in front of Ranma and her father the panda and 
started whapping them both with the meterstick.

“Hey watch it, man! Who the hell are ya?” Ranma jumped out of 
the way high enough to give herself time to analyze her opponent. 
Spazzo was about a foot shorter that Ranma’s girl side. He had 
very large ears and eyes much like Happosai’s only they were 
crossed. A delicate, well manicured hand protruded out of 
Spazzo’s head, beckoning Ranma with its polished-red fingernails. 
“...What are you?” Ranma rephrased.

Genma faded into the background, disappearing with a barely 
perceptible pop, the unfortunate victim of a vastly improbable 
quantum occurrence. 

“Hey where did Pops go?” Ranma wondered as she unconsciously 
dodged Spazzo’s ruler attack.

Spazzo stopped and said, "Estoy italian desu! Liberate tutame ex 
inferis! Me necesito anta no neko to properly wash my car!"

“That’s it, now you’re goin down!”

Ranma kicked Spazzo into the air over the roof of the Tendo home, 
then before he could start his descent, she jumped into the air and 
slammed her knee into Spazzo’s face crashing through the ceiling 
and second floor of the house in the process.

“Oh my!” Kasumi exclaimed, as she wondered how to extract the 
large split wooden plank from her torso. “Now, now, split-plank-
san, is that anyway to behave?” Kasumi admonished and the plank 
slid out of her body with a cowed look in its grain. Kasumi looked 
in the gaping hole left by the plank. She reached in with her hand, 
dug around awhile and pulled a long plastic object, dripping with 
blood. “Oh THAT’s where you’ve been hiding, Dildo-chan!” After 
a few furtive looks to ensure privacy, Kasumi began servicing 
herself, healing herself in the process with her potent sex magic.

Meanwhile Ranma was having a bit of a problem fighting Spazzo. 
After crashing through two floors of the house, she punched 
Spazzo in the face. But once she did that she found she could not 
remove her fist! It was stuck to the weirdo’s face with a post-it 
note! Ranma thought for a while about this. Surely the stupid 
looking freak couldn’t do it again. Ranma punched with her other 
hand, and this too was attached to Spazzo’s face with a yellow 
product of the 3-M corporation. 

The inventor of the post it note came upon the formula for the 
stickum by accident, while he was trying to develop a new type of 
adhesive that could be removed easily. He instead found a material 
that inextricably bonded to whatever it attached to. It is considered 
one of the many lucky blunders of science.

Ranma smirked, She knew how do defeat this technique....

Several minutes later...

“Hey Akane! You have GOT to check this out!” Nabiki called 
from the stairs as she watched the scene while munching on some 
pork rinds.

“What is it, Nabiki?” Akane walked out of her room, absently 
jumping over the large hole in the floor of the upstairs hallway.

“Ranma’s stuck in his girl form.”

“Again? Honestly, you’d think he WANTED to be a girl!”

“No this is different.” Nabiki pointed to Ranma. 

Ranma’s four appendages were all attached to Spazzo’s misshapen 
head with post-it notes. Her butt bounced up and down off the 
floor as Spazzo nodded repeatedly as if to say yes. The delicate 
hand on the top of Spazzo’s head waved prettily.

“I’m going back to my room,” Akane declared. “I can deal with the 
fiancées. I can deal with the kidnappings. I can even deal with the 
curse...I just can’t handle the stupidity.”

Just as Akane was about to jump over the gaping hole again, 
Happosai appeared. “SWEETO!” he exclaimed and launched into 
a glomp. 

Akane didn’t blink as she materialized her hammer and splattered 
Happi’s brains across the wall. “Nabiki!” Akane called out over 
her shoulder, “Make sure to tell Kasumi to revive Grandfather 
Happosai while she’s fixing the house!”

Nabiki rolled her eyes. It was a good thing her older sister had a lot 
of stamina... 


Ranma was feeling very depressed. She had vastly underestimated 
her opponent. And now she could see no way out. “Let me go, ya 
creep!” She yelled, jerking again in a futile attempt to break free of 
the terrible hold the post-it notes had on her. They had melted into 
her skin, binding the bones of her hands and feet to the big-eared 

“Cave taihen no?” Spazzo said smiling in his dorky cross-eyed 
fashion as the delicate lady’s hand on his head flipped Ranma the bird.

This was terrible. Ranma was a disgrace to the Art. She had 
allowed her father to cease to exist, she had indirectly injured 
Kasumi, making her violate herself so that she could heal, and she 
had angered Akane, causing Happosai to cause even more work for 
Kasumi. She didn’t deserve to be a Saotome. She didn’t deserve to 
be a man. She didn’t deserve to live.

Suddenly a ghostly form in brown robes appeared on Spazzo 
shoulder. It looked like Ryoga! “Use the Shi Shi Hokoudan, 
Ranma.” Bake-Ryoga implored spookily.

Then another ghostly form in robes appeared on the other side of 
Spazzo’s head. 

“Uncle Ben, is that you?” Ranma asked.

“Yessuh,” the smiling elderly black man replied. “Now as you 
know, my rice is some of the best stuff this side of the 

Ranma nodded vigorously. She loved Uncle Ben’s. 

“Well I just got ta say...what is WRONG with you, boy?  Why you 
so down! Look around you! Look what you got! Sho you may be 
stuck ta the haid of some circus freak, but you been through worse 
ain’t ya?”

“I s’pose” Ranma agreed. At least she wasn’t in a pit of cats. 

“Now you ain’t gonna let this get you down no mo right?”


“Now hows about given yuh old Uncle Ben that Saotome smile?”

Ranma smiled. Ever since Genma had taken Ranma on that 
training trip Uncle Ben’s smiling face had been a comfort. If it 
hadn’t been for Uncle Ben’s, Ranma would never have made it. 
“Thanks, Uncle Ben. I knew I could count on you.”

“Sho thing, man, sho thing,” and with that Uncle Ben and Ryoga 
faded away.

“Parvus no agricola desu!” Spazzo exclaimed.

Ranma let the remark go with only a small twitch of the eyebrow. Relaxing 
as best she could she asked Spazzo a question, smirking, “So now watcha 
gonna do?”

“Lo siento nasai! Chimpoku ga molto grande!” Spazzo cried in frustration.
He hadn’t really thought that far ahead. You see, the only way to detach 
the post-it notes was to find the Eye of Bob...

Using the muscles in her glutteous maximus, Ranma dragged 
Spazzo over to the TV remote. Slinging Spazzo on his side, she 
was able to get her nose to the buttons and turn on the set. “Oh 
look, Survivor is on!” Ranma exclaimed, “I love that show.”

Spazzo began moaning and writhing in agony.

Nabiki figured this was a good time to make her entrance. She had 
a plan on how to solve all the Tendo family’s problems. She had 
been waiting for a time when Akane wasn’t in love with Ranma, 
and when Genma was out of the picture. Now that that time had 
come, she would act. “You know, Ranma, I might be able to get 
you out of this situation...for the right price.”

“Really Nabiki? Hey that’s cool. It’s nice gettin a break and all, but 
I wouldn’t wanna stay like this forever. What do I gotta pay?”

“It’s not going to be that simple.” 

“It’s not?” 

“Ever since you’ve gotten here, the fiancées, the martial arts 
challenges... everything. Poor Kasumi isn’t a machine you know.” 
As if to prove Nabiki’s point, Kasumi’s squeal of climax 
reverberated through the house as boards and debris started flying 
up to fix the holes in roof and second floor. 

Ranma nodded.

“Now I know its not your fault, but we’ve got to do something. We 
can’t just let this continue. Akane’s tired of it, I know Kasumi’s 
tired of it, and I am too.”

“Akane’s tired of it too?”

“Yes. I think today she finally realized she didn’t want any part in 
your love life.”

Ranma sighed, “Well, I kinda s’pected it wouldn’t work out. I 
mean, well, there was a time I thought maybe we had somethin but 
it just ain’t goin anywhere.”

“Yes. Which is why I want you to promise something...on your 
word as a martial artist.”

“Sure anything.” As soon as Ranma said that, she realized she fell 
into a trap.

“You’re not going to be ‘Saotome Ranma’ any more.”


“You will become ‘Tendo Ranko’ our adopted sister. I already 
have the papers made up from when Nodoka came to visit. Herb 
sent the Chisuiton from China. All you have to is splash yourself 
and everything will be taken care of.  This satisfies the pact our 
fathers made and gets rid of most of the fiancées.”

“Hey wait a minute, I ain’t gonna be a girl!”

“You promised, Ranko.” Nabiki smirked. “Now that leaves one 
last thing. I want you to get engaged to Kuno.”

“No way!”

“I want you to at least date him a few times. Listen to your older 
sister, it’s for your own good. Chances are once he’s dated you or 
you’ve agreed to an engagement, he’ll start to lose interest and 
leave you alone. But that won’t be until after he’s paid a 
substantial amount of money to yours truly.”

“I ain’t never gonna date Kuno!” Ranma declared. Truth to tell, 
though, what Nabiki was saying made a twisted sort of sense, if a 
few dates were all it took to get stick boy off her back...

“Well I suppose you’d rather spend the rest of your life attached to 
this gentleman then?”

Ranma took note of her current situation. Short of cutting her arms 
and legs off, something she’d sooner die than do, there was no 
apparent way she was going to get out of this...

“Yes or no, which is it going to be?”

...and it wasn’t like being a girl was that bad. Now that Ranma 
thought of it, most of the good times she had had since she got here 
were in her girl form. Eating ice cream, making friends with Akane, 
helping Mom cook, beating up Happosai... in fact once or twice 
she had thought of becoming a girl full time before...Ranma hadn’t 
really made a decision but her head started nodding anyway.

“Great. Just a sec.” Nabiki left to get the necessary items. 

As Ranma waited for the end of her manhood, she watched TV. 
There was a commercial on, one of those they usually show late at 
night that have the blue screen, phone number, and price that ends 
in nines and fives. 

“Can’t get away from work?” the announcer boomed in the 
commercial, “Are you stuck to your desk? Does it seem like you’d 
have to cut your arms and legs off to get free?” The picture showed 
a harried businesswoman trying desperately with exaggerated 
facial expressions to lift herself from her desk, where several post-
it notes bound her to the surface. “Then get yourself an Eye of Bob 

“Hey, wait a minute...” Ranma said.

“With only a wave of a hand, or nod of the head, the Eye of Bob 
can free you of all that messy paperwork!” The commercial 
continued, cutting to a thirty something balding man. “I used to 
have to resort to expensive surgery anytime I made a mistake at 
work, now with the Eye of Bob, I can fuck up anytime I want to!... 
Did I say fuck?” The commercial cut back to scenes of black 
marble looking sphere as the announcer started again “Act now 
and you can receive Johnson’s Extra Arm Remover, a four thousand 
yen value, absolutely free!”

Ranma was amazed. Here was the answer to all her problems and 
she didn’t have to be a girl or anything! If she could just get to a 

“But wait,” the announcer cried, “there’s more! If you call within 
the next thirty minutes, you’ll also receive the Mask of Apathy! 
Dominate the poker tables! Create vast information empires! Bend 
the strongest martial artists to your will! All this: the Eye of Bob, 
Johnson’s Extra Arm Remover, AND the Mask of Apathy can be 
yours for only ¥2995!”

Ranma squirmed toward the kitchen, Spazzo writhing around 
uselessly like a worm on steroids. She got maybe a foot when she 
saw a shadow across the floor. Ranma looked up. 

There stood Nabiki, in her white shorts and cut-sleeve shirt like a 
goddess passing judgement over the masses. Nabiki smiled. “Do 
you have anything you’d like to say before I lock your curse?”

“Could I get some hot water?” Ranma asked hopefully.

Nabiki barked out a laugh before dipping the ladle in the water and 
splashing it all over Ranma...

She can’t remember whether she felt any different the first time 
she was splashed, everything happened so fast then, now however 
there an unmistakable pang of loss. This was the last time. She 
would not seek out the Kaisufu. She had been through that already. 
Maybe she was just taking the easy way out. Maybe she was 
running away from her problems. But running away was always 
one of the Saotome techniques, and she had taken the hard way 
enough times already. If everyone wanted her to be a girl, fine, 
she’d be a girl. But even as she decides this, and feels the problems 
of 16 years of life ease off her shoulders, she can’t help but feel the 
loss of that whole side of her. For better or for worse, Ranma 
Saotome slipped away, leaving Ranko Tendo. She was baptized in 
the waters of the Chisuiton, to be born anew.

And now that Ranko was a girl, she could beat the crap out of 
Nabiki and not feel bad.

Ranko waited patiently for the mail order yakuza wannabe to use 
the Eye of Bob and free her from...whatever it was she was 
attached to. Then she made her move. She punched Nabiki in the 
gut and kneed her in the face, sending a surprised Nabiki 
staggering backward just enough for Ranma to roundhouse her left 
cheek and snap kick her right on the rebound. A quick left side 
kick to the solar plexus and Nabiki was down for the count. Ranko 
walked up to her. 

“Unnngh” Nabiki protested.

“Aw, c’mon Nabiki.” Ranko said with a smirk that was all her own, 
“You should know I ain’t gonna allow a sister of mine to get away 
with not knowin any martial arts.”

Before she blacked out, Nabiki had the odd thought that maybe her 
plan wasn’t as perfect as she had thought.

Meanwhile, Spazzo, with great effort managed to grab the Eye of 
Bob from Nabiki and high tail it out of there before the American 
shows completely destroyed his will. He had found the Eye of Bob, 
he could save his father the king from the mountain of post-it notes 
that had fallen on him, and he’d be a hero. They’d sing his praises for 
millennia...if they could sing. As it stood, eventually, once the king 
was free and everyone got back to having sex, Spazzo would fade into 

One thing that would remain however, was the message he wrote 
in crayon on a post-it note he had attached to Nabiki’s wrist. 
“Thnx” it said.

He was called Spazzo the Illiterate for a reason.


The Tendos were throwing a huge party to celebrate the defeat of 
principal Kuno by Ranko , Ukyo, and Akane. Everyone was there, 
even some people Ranko didn’t particularly care to see, like the 
Bake Neko and the Gambling King. Everyone was pretty much 
getting along. There was a microphone set up on stage for Karaoke, 
and Ukyo had just belted out an ear wrenching song about 
Okonomiyaki. Ranko had found out that she had a pretty good 
singing voice. In fact an agent was in the audience and said that 
Ranko could be the next Megumi Hayashibara. She wasn’t really 
interested in that sort of thing though, she was still first and 
foremost a martial artist. 

Kuno had, as Nabiki predicted, stopped bothering her after a few 
dates. It had only taken three before he tired of her uncouth nature 
and lack of etiquette. Strangely enough it felt kind of bad to be 
ditched so easily like that.  There was a party shortly afterwards at 
Hiroshi’s house and Ranko had a little too much to drink. Her 
hangover in the morning had been a killer, but Hiroshi gave her 
one his special remedies and showed her his clay sculptures. 
Ranko never realized how good a friend Hiroshi was before that. 
Sometimes she found herself thinking about it at odd moments...

At the Tendo party there was one person Ranko hadn’t seen in 
almost a year. Ryoga had been living with Akari since before the 
incident with the circus freak. But now he was back here. After 
determining that this was the Tendo residence and not, in fact, 
Hokkaido, he explained how Akari threw him out, complaining 
that he just wasn’t piglike enough for her. He asked about Akane 
something in the neighborhood of fifteen times, and when he 
caught hold of an errant bottle of sake that was passed around and 
drank it with out thinking he finally came out and asked “You love 
Akane, don’t you? I won’t try to date her if you, you know...”

Ranko put her hand up to stop her long time rival, “Of course I 
love her, Ryoga,” she said, “she’s my sister.” And Ranko 
explained everything that had happened since Ryoga left. She told 
him how initially Ukyo and especially Shampoo took the news that 
she was now a full time girl rather badly. Shampoo had thought 
she had to kill Ranko now that she was a girl, and she actually tried 
several times, but her heart wasn’t in it. The last time she made an 
attempt she burst into tears and Ranko had to try and comfort her, 
which wasn’t her forte. It turns out however, that if an outsider 
female causes an Amazon woman to burst into tears, they are 
automatically members of the sisterhood. Cologne was already 
busy teaching Ranko some special moves to use against the next 
threat. Ukyo was a bit difficult to deal with for a while. She 
wouldn’t talk to Ranko for weeks, until finally she just challenged 
her to a match. Ranko had forgotten how good Ukyo really was. 
She rarely showed her true talent. The match was very narrowly 
won by Ranko, and she half suspected Ukyo just let her win out of 
respect or something. Ukyo quickly became Ranko’s favorite spar 
partner and they kept up a healthy rivalry. 

After hearing all this, Ryoga had to sit down. However in his haste 
to find a chair, he ended up running through several walls and 
prefectures. He was probably halfway to Sapporo by the time 
Ranko looked on the stage and saw the three ghostly robed figures. 
One was Happosai, who Kasumi never quite got around to reviving, 
one was Uncle Ben, and finally Genma. They all smiled in 
approval. Ranko smiled back. 

Things were going to be just fine.


And now, five men in leiderhosen will play Jajauma ni Sasenaide on 
their accordions!

