Ranma and Akane Wake Up
Fit in the second: The Morning After
A Ranma crossover fanfic by Zorknot

DISCLAIMER: Rumiko Takahashi owns Ranma. I'm taking quite a 
bit from Douglas Adams's Hithhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm 
taking a little from Love Hina, a little from an obscure children's 
story I read ages ago, and far too much from Sailor Moon. 
Apologies to all I've offended. Now get over it.

PREVIOUSLY ON RAWU: Ranma and Akane suddenly woke up and 
figured out how to solve all their problems. They got married, 
ditched all of Ranma's fiancees and celebrated by going to a five 
star restaurant with a credit card. Unfortunately the five star 
restaurant was Milliways the Restaurant at the End of the 
Universe. Hilarity ensues.

(further notes to follow fic)

Thank you for reading, share and enjoy,


If you have never been to Earth, consider yourself extremely lucky. 
It's not a particularly bad planet; in fact, some parts of it are quite 
nice. The problem is that it is populated by a race of absolute 
blithering idiots. These idiots are the bipedal, ape-descendents 
known to themselves as "humans." 

 It's estimated that almost half of the habitable worlds in the galaxy 
are, in fact, versions of the same blue-green planet with the dull 
name. The overwhelming number of Earths and, consequently, 
humans, is now widely theorized to be the reason why so many of 
the beings that populate the galaxy have two legs, two arms, one 
head, and speak in British accents. This new theory has made quite 
a lot of people upset, and quite a lot of people have been blamed, 
but most point to three races in particular as culprits to this 
completely unhoopy predicament.

The first is the humans themselves, for merely existing. There have 
been one or two individuals who have suggested deporting the 
humans to the Earths they came from or perhaps feeding them all 
to the Bugblatter Beast of Traal. However, humans do not take 
kindly to deportation attempts and the beings that acted on the 
latter suggestion were all eventually fed... to the Bugblatter Beast 
of Traal.  Most non-human beings continue to do what they have 
done in the past, which is stay as far away from humans as possible 
and laugh whenever they do something stupid. There are quite a 
few, however, which are not as nice. 

Vogons are one of these races. While it is true that they aren't 
especially nice to any race, they have a special hatred for Humans, 
as Vogons are the second race blamed for the plethora of Earths. In 
particular one Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz. He had sought to destroy the 
Earth in order to make way for a hyperspace bypass, but Earths 
kept reappearing in various locations in space-time for each one 
that was destroyed. So by the time Prostetnic had managed to 
destroy the nine or so Earths that were blocking the way of the 
bypass, thirty-three more were created which blocked other 
bypasses The problem had caused a resurgence of the Vogon 
version of science (which consisted of kidnapping groups of highly 
intelligent beings and ripping off body parts periodically until they 
figured out something) and consequently made their poetry the 
second worst in the galaxy, beating out the Azgoths by their in-
depth descriptions of the anatomies of their audiences. It was 
Prostetnic's daughter, Shabon Vogon Spray, who finally found out 
what was going on. Shabon was a particularly enthusiastic poet 
and she had managed to incapacitate a good number of a certain 
race of hyper-intelligent Pan-dimensional beings, until finally, they 
revealed what they knew.

These beings, the Mice, are, of course, the third race blamed for 
Earth. After the first Earth was destroyed five minutes before it 
could come up with the question of Life the Universe and 
Everything, to which the answer is 42, they had decided to make a 
second. Being hyper-intelligent and pan-dimensional beings, they 
decided that this time they wouldn't just give Earth a mere four 
dimensions, this time they would give Earth all of them. Just as the 
small furry creatures with whiskers, large teeth and cheese 
fixations are the protrusion into our four dimensions of space-time 
of a race of humanoid pan-dimensional beings, so the Earths are 
merely the four dimensional analogs of a single pan-dimensional 
Earth. Each time a four-dimensional analog is destroyed the Earth 
warps, allowing more versions of it to appear in space-time, and 
thus we have the proliferation of Earths in the Galaxy. 

The sale of pan-dimensional mousetraps has gone up considerably 
in the years since this was discovered. Of course these don't work 
at all, but they serve to send a message.

As the vastness of space makes all-out war a tricky business at 
best, the end result of all this knowledge is an increased level of 
antagonism in general, an increased awareness in the existence of 
other dimensions, and an increase in towels, which have served to 
balance the other two out. 

Truly, if it weren't for towels, things would be pretty nasty indeed.

By a staggering coincidence one of the Earths that appeared as a 
result of Prostetnic's shenanigans was in fact better known as the 
legendary planet Mmagrathea ("Gamma Earth" if you take the 
trouble to unscramble the letters). Magrathea, spelled with only 
one 'm' by non-pedants, was in the business of large-scale custom 
planet building and is the birthplace of both the original Earth and 
the second. Which means that the Earth, in effect, created itself. 

This is, of course, impossible.

What this also means is that the popular restaurant Milliways, 
located for all time on Magrathea, can exist and thrive due to the 
tear in the fabric of the space-time continuum caused by the time 
paradox. Using this tear it can exist at any place and any time it 
sees fit allowing its patrons to witness the very end of the universe 
as they dine.

This is, of course, impossible.

Finally, what this means is that Earthlings, particularly those 
sensitive to psychic phenomena, often come across Milliways, 
mistake it for a normal restaurant and enter. Consequently they are 
often neither seen nor heard from again. And so it is that Ranma, a 
seventeen-year-old male martial artist who has defeated a god and 
turns into a girl when splashed with cold water, and his wife, a 
seventeen-year-old female martial artist who can call large mallets 
into existence at will and has been turned into a small doll and 
back again at least twice, are now sitting at a table in Milliways 
having an argument over a glass of Nannichuan and non-yak 
urinated apple juice with a space cow on whether or not they 
should eat it.

This is, of course, impossible. 

"It's quite simple," the space cow tried to explain, "Everyone was 
tired of the controversy of whether on not it was morally right to 
slaughter innocent creatures against their will. So they created me. 
I'm animal that WANTS to be eaten!" The creature stuffed a wad 
of lettuce into its mouth, gulped it down and smiled. 

"But...but..." protested Akane, "you're smarter than an 
animal...you can talk!"

"Well of course I can talk!" the creature chortled through his 
lettuce, "How else could I let people know that it was okay to eat 

"It just ain't right!" Ranma declared, "Having somethin' come up 
ta ya and TELL ya ta eat it? That's just sick..."

The gluttonous space cow gave Ranma a baleful look through the 
folds of fat on his face. "You would rather kill a creature that 
DIDN'T want to be eaten?"

"That ain't the point!" Ranma argued.

The space cow grunted.

"Okay...maybe it IS the point. I don't care." Ranma crossed his 
arms and contemplated his apple juice. He was wondering idly 
through the confusion if there was some way to be sure that there 
was in fact no urine in the beverage.

Akane gave her own "drink" a cursory glance before asking, 
"Honestly, don't you want to keep living to experience all life has 
to offer?"

The creature snorted "Madam, I've had a good life, better than 
yours I imagine. Do you know why I bother to wake up every 
morning? I think to myself, one of these days, some one is going to 
eat me, and when they do I want them to say 'My what a good 
tasting meat!' and not be concerned that they consumed something 
that hadn't died of its own free will." The animal let out a 
somewhat frustrated noise that sounded like a cow doing a sheep 
impersonation. " I have learned to speak, listened to classical 
music, got a degree in Xenobiology and Xenopsychology, invented 
a new kind of plum sauce...all to make sure that I was that much 
more palatable to the beings that would eat me. And now you 
would deny me the pleasure of knowing that my life's work has 
not been in vain?"

Akane tilted her head in revelation. "You really want to be eaten 
don't you?"

The space cow nodded as he stuffed some more vegetables in his 

Ranma put his glass up to his nose and sniffed. His eyebrows 
furrowed as he tried to detect the urine that might or might not be 
there. He set the glass down and looked at the Nannichuan water in 
front of Akane. "Are you going to drink that?" He was wondering 
what it would do if someone drank it. Did it matter?

"Perhaps sir or madam would like to order now?" the elderly 
waiter prodded. He had been standing patiently at Ranma and 
Akane's table all this time and was beginning to understand why 
that metal gentleman who worked in the car park was so depressed. 

"I'll just have a salad thanks," Ranma replied.

"I know quite a few vegetables that would object to your choice 
sir," the dish of the day admonished.

"Oh yeah, well how come you're eatin them then?" Ranma 

"I assure you I eat only the most fatalistic and suicidal vegetables, 
Sir. Besides I hate the bastards. Don't have any class- whining 
about having too little sunlight, not enough water, fluctuating 
gravity levels... They just wait around for other people to do things 
to them. They never fully enjoy what life has to offer or try 
something different." The space cow put a pudgy hand/hoof on 
Ranma's shoulder: "They probably wouldn't be interested in a 
luscious, juicy, steak dinner in the least."

"Hey wait a minute!" Ranma got up off his chair, "Watch what yer 
sayin or I'll..."

"Kill me? Or perhaps you'd like to tenderize me a little?" The 
space cow grunted, "That's all been taken care already, Sir. 
Perhaps you'd enjoy a nice rump roast, I've been feeding myself 
lots of grain, that area should be tender and juicy by now..."

Akane looked up at the tired-looking waiter and handed him her 
menu: "We'll have two steak dinners, please."

"Very good, Madam," the waiter nodded respectfully to Akane as 
he took her menu.

"Akane!" Ranma's head whipped to his wife. 

"What? I'm hungry." Akane giggled, "If we don't eat soon you'll 
start to look good."

Ranma sat back down. "That...ain't funny."

"Sir?" The waiter was waiting for Ranma to give him the menu.

"Yeah sure. What she said." Ranma handed his menu to the waiter, 
a blank expression on his face.

"Thank you both so very much for allowing me to be your meal. 
Do you plan on eating any brains this evening?

"NO!" Akane and Ranma yelled.

"Good. I won't have to worry about shooting me self in the head 
then. I'm told laser pulse bursts can ruin an otherwise delectable 
dish." And with that, the waiter wheeled the space cow off.

For a while both Akane and Ranma were silent. Every now and 
then one of them would fondle their glass. Ranma occasionally 
stared at the knife on the side of his plate. Finally Akane broke the 
silence with a percussive nervous laugh. "Honestly, Ranma you 
said yourself we're not in Nerima anymore. Well wherever we are, 
apparently the food talks to you."

Ranma pointed to Akane's glass. "You decided what ta do about 
that yet?"

Akane's eyes stayed on Ranma for a while then drifted down to the 
glass in front of her. "I think..." Her eye flicked back to Ranma, "I 
think I'm going to pour it on my head. It's just..." She looked off to 
the side...at a fat, pink, tentacled alien in a Hawaiian shirt swaying 
rhythmically to the music of the blue-skinned brass band... "I don't 
know if now is a good time or not."

"Yeah, I know what ya mean..." Ranma brushed a piece of lettuce 
off his shoulder. "Hey! I just remembered! When you turn into a 
guy, you're gonna get bigger'n stuff. It ain't gonna be to 
comfortable in that school uniform."

"That's right! But what can I do? I didn't bring a change of 
clothes, you know."

Ranma looked at his apple juice. He shrugged. Then he picked it 
up and splashed it in his face. 

"Ranma! What are you doing?"

Ranma wiped her face with the dinner napkin and got up. She 
walked behind Akane and placed a thin graceful hand on her side, 
just above the waist. Akane felt Ranma's hand glide all the way 
down her uniform past her waist, down her thigh, stopping at her 
knee. Ranma could see the hairs on the back of Akane's neck rise 
in goose pimples. Ranma smiled. "That's a nice dress, can I talk 
you out of it?"

Milliways is a restaurant that serves (or to be perfectly accurate, 
served, serves and will serve) all manner of being. Many of these 
beings are leaders of super powerful star systems harboring great 
flotillas of warships and big, nasty weapons. It is thus integral, not 
only to the future (or rather, the proliferation in the future) of 
Milliways but the very Universe itself that the bathrooms are 
accommodating to all forms of life. Even stupid ones.

It is for this reason that the sign indicating the location of the 
restrooms consists of a fairly realistic picture of a steaming pile of 
dung. The area around the sign, in case a being does not have eyes, 
is fragrant with the smells of every known type of excrement. For 
those beings of a tactile persuasion the doors to each restroom have 
knobs that mimic the precise consistency and temperature of the 
feces to be found therein. If a being were to be of a mind to lick the 
door... that being would no doubt regret it. Smaller signs with 
sensory stimuli attuned to the brainwave patterns of beings in need 
of relief are placed along the walls to lead these beings to the 
correct area.  All of  this is done to make absolutely certain that it 
is as easy as possible for any being to find the appropriate 
restroom...at the appropriate time.

"So where is the bathroom?" Akane asked.

Ranma pointed to a doorway with a considerable amount of space 
around it. "I think that's it."

"Hmm? What makes you say that?"

"Uh, well...the sign kinda gave me a clue..." It hovered above the 
area in steaming, holographic realism.

"Oh I didn't even see that!"

"Jeez, Akane. Ya gotta be more obstinate."

"Ya gotta be more obstinate." Akane gave Ranma a confused look. 
Ranma rephrased, "Ya gotta pay attention to things."

"Oh! You mean observant."

"Uh, yeah. Whatever." Ranma kissed Akane on the cheek. "Let's 
go. Bring your man juice." 

Akane nodded and got to her feet with the Nannichuan. Together 
she and Ranma went onward, through the tables of dangerously 
jovial creatures, to the doors underneath the gigantic, glowing, 
revolving, and steaming pile of shit.


Meanwhile, back in Nerima, a two days had passed, and Nabiki 
was beginning to worry.

"I'm beginning to worry." She told Kasumi.

"Why's that, Nabiki-chan?" Kasumi asked.

"Well that whole business with Ranma and Akane...It all happened 
rather fast didn't it?"

"What makes you say that?" Kasumi was rifling through her closet 
as Nabiki sat on her bed. She was even more distracted than 
usual...which was saying something.

"A month ago, none of the stuff Ranma tried would have worked. I 
mean, every plan of his is lame brained to the extreme, but I 
suppose one of them would have had to work simply out of 
probability...but... all of them in one day" Nabiki picked up a book 
that was sitting on Kasumi's nightstand. Synaptic Self: How Our 
Brains Become Who We Are was the title. Nabiki looked at it a 
moment and then put it back down. "The Kodachi plan sure...I had 
a part in that, but why did that nonsense with Kuno work? The 
guy's an idiot with an obsession. They should never have been able 
to stop him!"

Kasumi pulled out a dress and smiled. "I'm happy for them."

"Well, sure. I am too...Ranma is so fun to tease, but he's okay. 
He's good for Akane...but that's just it!"

Kasumi undid her robe and put a blouse on over her bra, "What's 
just it, Nabiki-chan?" she asked as she was about to put on the 

"They should be at each others throats! They should be tearing the 
walls down! They should be giving each other hell! And instead, 
before they left, they were kissing...and hugging...and laughing for 
no reason."

Kasumi finished dressing and started brushing her hair. "I don't 
see what the problem is yet."

"Kasumi, the last I saw them they were going to a five star 
restaurant...with a credit card. I can't remember why I gave them 
that credit card, but I did. It's been two days and they haven't 
come back yet."

Kasumi tied her hair and a bow, sat down at her vanity and started 
putting on her make up. "Oh you're just worried about them!" She 
said with a patented Kasumi smile.

"Maybe...But that makes me even more worried...about this other 
thing." Nabiki watched for a while as Kasumi carefully applied 
blush and eyeliner. Suddenly Nabiki realized that this was a little 
odd. "Kasumi? Are you going out?"

Kasumi took a moment to put the finishing touches on her make up 
and then stood up turning toward Nabiki. "Yes! How do I look?" 
She put her hands up to show herself. The dress was much more 
conservative than the current fashions but it was still striking. And 
of course there was Kasumi's smile.

"You look...good, 'neechan. Great even. Who's the lucky guy?"

"Why Tofu! He's back from his sabbatical in Okinawa and he 
wanted to see me!"

"Wow...that's great...great."

"Is something wrong?" 

"Hmm? Oh no. Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all..." Now Nabiki 
was the distracted one.

Kasumi stood for a moment, waiting for Nabiki to say something 
else. When she didn't, Kasumi look of concern turned once more 
to a happy smile, "Well I'd better get going- Ono-kun will be here 
any minute." Kasumi opened the door to leave her room then she 
turned back toward Nabiki "Are you sure there's nothing wrong?"

"Yes..." Kasumi started to leave, "it's just..."

Kasumi stopped, "Yes?"

"It's just everything today, and even the past few weeks just seems 

There's a sound from downstairs. "Oh! That's Ono-kun! I have to 
go, Nabiki. You'll tell me about it later won't you?" Kasumi leaves 
and closes the door behind her.

Staring at the closed door, Nabiki heard Kasumi and Tofu 
exchange nervous pleasantries with each other, and then leave. 
There was no evidence of madness from the good doctor. After a 
few moments of silence Nabiki laid on her sister's bed and stared 
at the ceiling. "It's just...everything seems so damned...WAFFY."


"Aw Akane! What'dya do THAT for!"

"Baka! I couldn't help it! The smell..."

"Yeah, I know but did'ya have to puke all over ME?"

"It didn't get all over you it just got on your shoe," Akane pointed 
out. As she spoke, several cat-sized robots were busy vacuuming 
up the vomit. They seemed to be whistling an odd variation of the 
Star Spangled Banner. "You're SURE this is the restroom?" Akane 
asked for the third time.

The robots were giving Ranma bad vibes. She didn't want to stay 
out here any longer than she had to; so she held her breath and 
grabbed the doorknob. There was an audible squish. "Yeah, 
Akane..." she said as she let the air out of her mouth. "I'm sure this 
is the bathroom." After a moment of deliberation, Ranma turned 
the knob, which passed gas loudly in protest, and opened the door.

When going to a bathroom on an unfamiliar planet, spaceship, or 
five star restaurant, cleanliness is usually, but not always, the chief 
concern. For instance on the planet Regfue the bathrooms are 
absolutely crawling with dirt, slime and scum from beings coming 
from all parts of the universe. Regfue is the home of the filthiest 
bathrooms in the galaxy. Which isn't surprising, as the planet is 
also well known for it's Feng Shui Defragmentation Beans with 
Five Flavor Cheese sauce, so named because eating them is like 
having your entire digestive tract explode, and then having it put 
back together by a team of eclectic home decorators. However, due 
to the use of holographic projectors, scent negation machines, and 
hypnotic sound producers, the bathrooms appear to most to be 
sparkly clean, winter fresh, and almost absurdly comfortable. The 
fact that many leave the lavatory with several debilitating diseases 
is unimportant for those seeking a truly enjoyable defecation. 
Many beings have died in Regfue bathrooms, but they died happy, 
and no one else even notices they're there.
Conversely, the bathrooms at Milliways are impeccably clean and 
have no need of any such gadgets. This is because no one ever 
goes to them.

"Wow!" Ranma said after closing the door and wiping his hand on 
his pants, "Check out this bathroom!"

"I know! It looks bigger than the house!"

"I never seen a cha- sandr- one of those big light thingies in a 
bathroom before!"

"It's a chandelier, Ranma."

"Yeah, whatever." Ranma looked around the large, well-lit room 
for a bit. It was not so much a room as a long hallway. All along 
the left and right walls there were large multicolored trees with low 
hanging leaves. Closer to the entrance there were two large 
fountains with eight shell-like basins aranged in a radial pattern 
around their bases. On the wall to either side of the entrance there 
were mirrors, only the image wasn't reversed and when Ranma 
saw herself move, she had the eerie sensation that she was 
watching someone else. Looking at the trees again, Ranma noticed 
there were also strange brown sculptures next to each one. They 
appeared to be of a man with two heads and three arms. Ranma 
shook her head and turned to her wife "So...where are we goin ta 
do this?" 

"I don't know, I don't see any stalls, do you?"

"Nope. And I hope we find some, cause I got a few calls o' nature 
comin in here and I'm thinkin it might be somethin important."

"Oh, well I told you this wasn't a bathroom...can you hold it?"

"Yeah...for now, anyway. I don't see any people here...let's just go 
change over by that tree."

"The one with the green trunk and purple leaves?"

"Nah, I was thinking more like the one with the red trunk and 
black leaves," Ranma said, and she and Akane walked over to the 
big tree with its strings of black leaves like garlands hanging from 
the branches. "Well," Ranma said with a smirk, "you wanna strip 
first? Or should I?"

Akane smiled. "Let's do it together." She put her glass of 
Nannichuan down on the white and black checkerboard tile and 
started to undress. Ranma followed suit. Soon they were helping 
each other needlessly with their garments, caressing each other, 
fondling sensitive areas of their anatomies, and generally having a 
good time. The light shining through the black undulating leaves of 
the "tree" made for an extremely romantic atmosphere and if 
anyone had bothered to tape Ranma and Akane in action, that 
being would be able to make a fortune in the lesbian space porn 
market. Except they would have had to have cut out the ending. 
Because when both of them were naked...

Ranma separated from Akane after they had both managed to take 
each others underpants off at the same time while keeping their 
lips locked in a kiss. She stood in front of Akane with a nostalgic 
look in her eye."This brings back memories, don't it?" Ranma 
laughed. A black tendril of leaves stirred behind her.

"Yes it sure does." Akane giggled. 

Ranma put her hands in a mock warding gesture as several strings 
of leaves twitched suspiciously toward her. "Ya ain't gonna slap 
me or nothin are ya?"

"Not unless you want me..." Akane began.

"URK!" Ranma shouted as black leaves attached themselves to 
Ranma's private parts with a disturbing sucking noise.

"...to." Akane finished, her eyes wide...but not as wide as Ranma's.

Ranma's eyes were straight out of Stephen King. If she started to 
move things with her mind it wouldn't have been that surprising. 
Instead she started pulling at the leaves and yelling something 
along the lines of  "AAAAAAAH WHAA? GET OFFA ME! 
AAAARRRRRGGHH!" The last bit was more of high-pitched 
scream than a yell, but then almost anyone in Ranma's unique 
position would do the same. 

This brings up an interesting question. Are we merely the product 
of our environments? Granted memory and genetics are a factor 
but if anyone with the same memories and genetics were to be in 
the same situation would they not, in effect, be in the same 
environment? Is it merely the amount of similarity of the total 
environment that determines the similarity of the response? 
Grunthos the Flatulent addresses this issue in his ten book series 
entitled Zen and the Art of Going to the Lavatory. "Every being 
eats," he writes, "Every being excretes. How many ways can this 
be done? Count the different kinds of bellybutton lint. You'll have 
the same answer. In the lavatory, we're all many, and we're all 

These were the last words written by Grunthos before his lower 
intestine became sentient and throttled his brain. Most would no 
doubt agree with the lower intestine's assessment of Grunthos' 
talent, but he would perhaps be pleased to know that a mere thirty 
seconds after Ranma started yelling, thrashing about and 
screaming...Akane did exactly the same thing.

After all the commotion, Ranma and Akane took a moment to 
collect themselves. They were both sitting sprawled on the cold 
checkerboard floor feeling mistreated, violated, and somehow 
strangely refreshed. 
Ranma was the first to get up. She ran toward the fountains and 
when she approached the one that said "oyu" in Hiragana,  water 
streamed out of it. She cupped the water in her hands and splashed 
it on her face. 

Akane stared at her naked spouse.

Ranma felt Akane's eyes. "What is it Akane?" 

"Its...your curse..."

Ranma starting to get worried, looked straight into Akane's eyes, 
afraid to look down. "W-what about my curse?"

"I never saw it this up close and...personal before."

Ranma checked himself quickly and almost fell over in relief. He 
was male,"Jeez Akane! You had me worried for a second there!"

Akane stood up "Honestly, Ranma, you really can't tell what sex 
you are?"

"Why is that so hard for you ta understand?" Ranma shakes his 
head, "No, I can't. It's weird... it's like it's completely normal, like 
nothing's changed...and then I realize Hey! I've got breasts! Hey! 
I'm shorter for some reason! Hey! My voice is higher! It's so 
damned normal...sometimes it pisses me off." Ranma gave the 
"tree" a nasty look, "Like now."
"The Nannichuan is still over there by the...tree... You could splash 
it on yourself, you'd be cured..."

"Yeah, that's funny ain't it?" Ranma sat down on the floor, 
looking at the glass standing stoically admidst the rumpled mounds 
of clothing. "After all this time...I could almost do it now...But I 
ain't gonna."

"Why not?"Akane asked as she sat down next to him.

"The truth?" Ranma looked into Akane's eyes as if hoping she'd 
say she'd rather hear a lie. When no such response came from her 
he sighed, and continued. "The truth is I'm scared. There are things 
that I did as girl, memories I got, lessons I learned...If I get myself 
cured now...I'm afraid all o' that'll just slip away, and it'll be like 
none of it ever happened." 

"Ranma, that's silly!" But the hand that caressed Ranma's cheek 
said that somehow, she understood.

Ranma's own hand fell onto Akane's and he gently pulled it off his 
face."I know, Akane, but that's the way it is. I don't wanna get 
cured anymore." Ranma held Akane's hand now between both of 
his, and, like a priest at a benediction he kissed the tip of Akanes 
hand and then released her. "I think someone would have ta force 
me." Ranma said staring into his reflection in the glossy floor. 
"They'd have to hold me down, keep me from movin. That's the 
only way I'd take that Nannichuan now...Unless..."


Ranma's eyes locked onto Akane's "Unless you asked me to."

Akane embraced Ranma tightly, her head on his shoulder. "What 
did I do, Ranma? What did I do to deserve you?" She was crying. 

Ranma put his arms around her "You were yourself. You were 

They separated for a brief moment, their eyes looking into each 
other, then they rejoined in a long, passionate kiss.

They then proceeded in having wild, sloppy, unprotected sex on 
the bathroom floor.

"Ranma?" Akane said after they were done.


"We were both just manhandled by a tree a little while ago, 
weren't we?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Well...I mean it was essentially rape..."

"Whoa..." Ranma sat up "Look Akane, that wasn't rape okay? It 
was probably just how the toilets work around here."

"But it was against our will..."

"Hey we were standin under the thing...we were askin for it."

"No, Ranma. It wasn't our fault. You have to believe that it wasn't 
our fault!" Akane was sitting up now.

"Akane, of COURSE it was our fault! The thing's probably on 
some kinda mecha whatsit that can tell when somethin that's naked 
and wants ta take a crap or a piss or whatever is there and just 
sucks it out of them. If we just let it do its thing we'd a probably 
been fine."

"Ranma, do you realize what you're saying? 'If we just let it do its 
thing?' Ranma that...thing violated us!"

"But Akane! Its SUPPOSED ta do that! It can't help itself! It can't 
read minds or nothin! It can't say 'ooh I guess I'll stay away from 
this one, she looks like she'd like to carry her shit around with her 
a little longer.'"

"Is that supposed to make it okay? Oh sure...It's in its nature, 'it 
can't help it'...sounds like an excuse to me." Akane got to her feet 
her fists were clenched. "Doesn't it make you angry? That 
PARASITE took something from us and we'll never get it back..."

"What, Akane? What did it take? Our feces? Really, Akane, you're 
makin more out of this than it is."

"No I'm NOT! It RAPED us Ranma, pure and simple."

"I'm tellin ya Akane it wasn't rape!" Ranma stood up himself.

"Oh and why not?"

"Cause I'm Ranma Saotome and Ranma Saotome don't get 
raped!" Ranma smiled after saying this. It was supposed to make 
Akane laugh and make her forget the whole uncomfortable 
business. It didn't work.

Akane's mallet materialized in her hand, "RANMA NO..." She 
stopped the mallet just at the top of its arc. She looked at Ranma 
with anger and frustration. Then she stomped off toward the tree 
and the glass of Nannichuan.

"Where are you goin?" 

"You changed into a guy after it happened. I know why. It's my 
turn now." Akane got to the glass and gripped it tightly barely 
managing not to spill half of it on the floor.

"Akane you ain't thinkin! If ya do somethin like this when you're 
all upset you're gonna wonder about it the rest of your life!"

"I don't care. I'm really angry about this. I'm going to become a 
man. That will fix it."

"But Akane! That's stupid!"

"Yes, dear, it is." And Akane poured the water over her head. 

When the change was over Akane was a good two inches taller 
than Ranma. The jaw was more squared, the face longer, but the 
most striking change to the face was the eyebrows. Instead of thin 
lines above the eyes they were now deep, jet-black marks and they 
were furrowed in anger. The haircut, which looked cute on a girl, 
looked a little weird now, but was an acceptable style for a boy. 
The neck was a powerful thing, its tendons clearly visible as 
Akane's jaw was clenched tight. The muscles in Akane's arms, 
tightened on the glass and on the mallet still in the right hand, were 
no longer strangely out of place bulges in lily white skin... now 
they were impressively veined things of power. In short, Akane 
looked like a minor deity...and Ranma couldn't help but feel just a 
tiny bit inadequate.

"N...n...now then," Akane said. The voice was a high baritone, 
lower than Ranma's but a good bit higher than Genma's resonant 
boom. "That didn't make things better at all."

Ranma didn't say anything. His mind was busy catching up on 
current events.

"My voice...sounds weird...I'm taller...but you're right...I hardly 
noticed it...And it doesn't change anything. Time to try something 
else..." Akane gripped his mallet.

"You're goin ta beat the tree...with your mallet?" 

"No, silly," Akane said, and the mallet disappeared. In its place 
was a giant axe. 

"Hey! I didn't know you could do that!" Ranma exclaimed.

"Neither did I," said Akane as she advanced toward the tree. She 
wasn't one to look a gift axe in the blade.

At that moment Ranma took a mental snap shot of Akane. Akane 
wielding a giant axe in an incredibly dramatic battle stance in the 
middle of an alien bathroom about to do away with a glorified 
toilet. He took this mental snapshot, blew it up to twice normal size 
and plastered it on a wall in his mind so he could always look at it 
and say to himself, "There's Akane, the one I love." The fact that 
Akane was a guy at the time never even crossed his mind until 
much later.

Out loud Ranma laughed and said, "Okay, Akane. I'm with you. 
Let's pulverize this piss plant!" And so they did. Akane slicing it 
with his axe, and Ranma separating it into tinier bits with his 
Amaguriken. After they made short work of the first tree, they took 
down a few more. Ranma would have blasted them with a few 
Takabisha blasts for good measure, except he wasn't feeling all 
that confident. What he said to Akane kept echoing through his 
mind...only the words were twisted around. Ranma Saotome got 
raped! The words said as he ripped a piece of shit tree with his 
fingernails. Ranma Saotome got raped! It's a good thing he knew 
that it wasn't true. Something like that could ruin a guy's self 

Akane for his part was too busy riding the acidic waves of 
righteous retribution to wonder about the whys and wherefores of 
the situation. In his mind he was still a woman, and she wasn't 
fighting a tree, she was fighting every time Kuno or Happosai 
copped a feel, Every time she found her undergarments missing, 
every time a boy accosted her on the street, expecting her to fall in 
love with them if they managed to beat her up. In the back of 
Akane's mind he knew that 'pulverizing the piss plant' wasn't 
going to make things any better, that it was just as bad...maybe 
even worse than Ranma changing sexes to run away from it all. 
But just at the moment, it felt good. So there.

After it was all over, they stood breathing heavily over the twisted 
mush that was once a line of toilet trees and surveyed their work. 
The trees were dead, their limbs already beginning to decompose 
and fall apart. Every now and then the remains would twitch 
sporadically. The pieces of herbaceous flesh oozed slimy guts 
everywhere and over everything. They also stank a great deal. 

Akane's axe dissipated.

Ranma, standing naked over the carnage walked over to the tree 
that had attacked them and kicked a flopping piece of tentacle off 
Akane's bra. "We probably shoulda moved our clothes first, huh?" 
Ranma observed.

Akane slapped his forehead into his hand.

Nerima, one week since Ranma and Akane left...

Contrary to popular belief, Nabiki had feelings. She just dealt with 
them a little differently than most. When she was happy she went 
to the bank to check her account and maybe buy or sell some stock. 
When she was angry she grabbed her camera and started taking 
pictures. When she was bored she'd do yoga stretches. When she 
was scared, she thought of math equations. When she was 
depressed, she did something unhealthy, like eat junk food or 
watch TV. Right now Nabiki was in a lotus position at the low 
dinner table watching TV while thinking of math equations and 
smoking one of her father's cigarettes. There was some stupid 
game show on, the contestants had to perform dangerous stunts for 
prizes...same old same old.

Multiply the initial investment let's say 30,000,000 yen by e to the 
power of the rate of interest, I'm not really interested but I've got 
nothing else to do so let's say 0.04, times the number of 
years...18...leaving for college soon...

Nabiki contemplated her father's cigarette. She exhaled and blue-
white smoke writhed and curled from her lips as if she were some 
occidental dragon guarding her treasure from hapless adventurers 
and at any moment she would breath flames of death on them all.


Point oh four  times eighteen  ... is the same thing as eighteen times 
one over twenty-five, so I'm looking for e to the power of eighteen 
twenty-fifths...and what does this power get me?

Nabiki was thinking of math equations because she didn't want to 
think of why it was that she was smoking for the second time in 
her life. Daddy was with Uncle Saotome and Happosai. They were 
no doubt on their third round of sake already and it was only just 
now getting dark. Kasumi and Doctor Tofu were on another date 
("Ono-kun" was going to pop the question any time now), and 
Ranma and Akane...

Nabiki coughed. Smoking was really such a nasty habit- she didn't 
see why anyone would start it up. 

She took a long pull off the cigarette and exhaled. Beware the 
green dragon. Beware.

I need to take the twenty fifth root of e to eighteenth power. Now, e 
is two point one eight...we'll say it's two. Two to the eighteenth 
power is like the square of two to the ninth power. Two to the ninth 
power is...8,16,32,64,128...256. If I died right now... how long 
would it take someone to notice?

Nabiki sucked on the cigarette. She did some yoga breathing 
exercises. In with the toxins and carcinogens. Out with the sweet 
smelling smoke and good feelings...

Two fifty six squared is...40,000 plus 10,000 plus 1,2000...51,200 
plus 10,000...61,2000 plus 2,500...63,700 plus 300...64,000 plus 
1,200...65,200 plus 300...65,500 plus 36...65,536 Now then to find 
the twenty fifth root of 65,536... Dammit where the hell are they?

Having reached an impressive snag in her calculations, Nabiki's 
attention drifted to other things. On the television a man was trying 
to find an orange flag in a tank of pit vipers. 

Nabiki didn't care. She took a pull off her father's cigarette and 
blew smoke at the screen. Her hand found the remote. She 
switched to a nature show. The mating habits of the Asian 
Elephant. Click. A soap opera "Do you take this man to be your 
lawfully..." click. An anime. "...can't come with me. You must 
stay here" "But why?" "Because...because I lo-" Click. A talk 
show. "Today twenty-one happy couples are going to get married 
on the air!" Click. The gameshow was apparently the only thing 
on. The man now had a pit viper dangling from his nose, but he 
was ecstatic. "Yatta! I got the flag! I got the flag!" The announcer 
stepped in front of him with a microphone."You won the prize! 
You get 30,000,000 yen and a trip to Hawaii! What do you have to 
say?"The announcer shoved the microphone under the man's nose. 
"Well I was going to wait till after the show, but I can't think of a 
better time...Sayuri, will you ma-" Click CHUNK. Strike that. 
There was nothing on. The picture squashed into a horizontal line 
and then vanished.
Nabiki stubbed the cigarette into the ashtray. "This is stupid," she 
said out loud, "My life doesn't revolve around them." She got up 
to her feet but she didn't go anywhere, she just stared at her 
ghostly reflection in the black of the TV screen. Because for the 
last year and a half...her life had revolved around Akane and 
Ranma. And now they were both beyond her. The game was over. 
They got their prize and Nabiki... she was left with the vipers.

After Ranma and Akane left, Nabiki's vast empire of information 
was quickly dwindling to the occasional question of when they 
were going to come back. Nabiki, of course had no idea, so she did 
what she always did when she didn't know something. She set up a 
betting pool. Nabiki set the odds that Akane and Ranma would 
return in a month. She felt she was being foolishly optimistic. She 
didn't think they would be back at all. 

Nabiki had less than a year in Nerima before she would be headed 
for college. Right now the prospect of going out into the world 
without Ranma and Akane seemed more and more bleak. They 
were special to Nabiki. She loved them more than anyone else, 
even more than Kasumi and Daddy... Of course no one knew this. 
She showed her love for people by exploiting them.

Nabiki climbed up the stairs to Akane's room. This was where 
Ranma and Akane had slept. This was where Nabiki was most 
likely to find a semblance of the answer to the question that had 
burning at her since the marriage...Why? This wasn't the first time 
she'd come up here, but maybe this time would be different.

Nabiki opened the door. The room was impeccably clean. Kasumi 
had made the bed that once had appeared hopelessly rumpled, 
picked up the clothes that had once languished on the floor, 
intimately intertwined, and put all the nicknacks that had fallen, 
back onto the nightstand. Nabiki could easily rent the room out 
now, and no one would ever know that it was once ground zero for 
a sexual explosion.

Nabiki approached the bed. She wondered idly if Kasumi had left 
any trace of the Akane-Ranma encounter under the bed. Nabiki 
started to crouch down to look but then she stopped...did 
something move? She froze for a second. It's probably just the 
draft from the air conditioning... She went the rest of the way 
down to the floor and bent her head to see. Oddly enough, instead 
of a cool rush of wind she felt warmth wash over her face. There 
was a sugary smell...something between freshly baked cookies and 
cotton candy. It was hard to tell in the dark, but there seemed to be 
mounds of brightly colored, fuzzy...things. "Okay now this is 
odd..." Nabiki said... and then the fuzzy things attacked.


Akane finished draping the rinsed out clothes on the statues of the 
man with two heads and three arms. She turned to see Ranma 
poking something with his finger.

"Please stop doing that, sir madam or thing," The thing said, "If 
you do not have the proper credits I'm afraid I cannot serve you."

 "Ranma," what are you doing?" Akane was still a man, but he had 
his hands at his waist and his head was tilted in a ridiculously 
feminine stance of incredulity.

"Well it's gonna take a while for the clothes to dry...I thought I 
might as well check out what this thing is." Ranma was at a 
rectangular protrusion in the wall. It had several large buttons on it. 
Three were glowing red, the rest were out. Ranma glanced at 
Akane and chuckled "Um Akane, I really hate ta say this...but if 
we ever get back ta Earth you're gonna have to learn to act more 
like a man."

"What? This from the one who called me a tomboy every chance 
he got?"

"Well," Ranma turned completely around in front of the rectangle 
thingy and interlaced his fingers behind his head lazily, "you're 
still a tomboy when you're a girl. But yer a bit of a pansy when 
you're a guy is all."

"A pansy? I'll show you how much of a pansy I am!" Akane ran 
into a flying sidekick aimed for Ranma's head...which Ranma 
easily dodged. Akane's foot hit the rectangular thing with full 

"OUCH Owie owie owie!" The rectangular thing said, " SHARE 
and ENJOY! SHARE AND ENJOY! SHARE AND-" there was a 
surge of electrical energy and the mechanical voice distorted and 
died away, "Doi." Shortly after this, gray rectangular cases with 
multicolored tops fell to the ground out of the machine along with 
towels wrapped tightly in plastic. 

"Thanks, Akane!" Ranma patted Akane on the back as Akane got 
Akane, for his part wasn't interested in why Ranma was thanking 
him. He was only interested in maybe finally getting a hit in now 
that he was a boy. He came in with a punch.

"Hey..." Ranma exclaimed picking up one of the gray cases, 
Akane's punch consequently flying over his head. "What's this 
thing?" Ranma stood back up as he studied the case.

Akane followed with a simple roundhouse kick aimed at Ranma's 
exposed sternum.

Ranma jumped backwards onto the wall and then pushed off the 
wall, did a summersault in the air over Akane and landed on his 
feet. "Huh? 'Don't panic'?" Ranma read. The words were 
inscribed in large friendly hiragana on the case's surface. "Well, I 
guess that's pretty good advice..." 
"Arrghh!" Akane yelled and lounged at Ranma with a sidekick, 
and when Ranma jumped to the side, Akane followed through with 
a roundhouse with the other leg- which Ranma jumped over. Using 
his momentum from the missed kick, Akane spun into a hook kick 
that should have nailed Ranma in the temple but instead passed 
through empty space as Ranma sat down on the floor.

Ranma pulled at the green top of the case. "Hey it comes open!" 
He took out something that looked a little like one of Nabiki's 
graphing calculators only larger with much more buttons and a 
bigger screen. He poked at a few buttons as he rolled away from 
Akane's axe kick, which would have broken his collarbone if he 
had stayed where he was. After his roll he sat on his haunches 
reading the display on the screen, "'Space is big, really big. You 
just won't believe how mind-bog'... ba-gu-ri-n-gu-
ri...baguringuri?" Ranma jumped over Akane's leg sweep that 
would have taken his head off and continued, "'...big it is. I mean, 
you may think it's a long way-'" Ranma leaned his head to the side 
barely avoiding Akane's punch.  "'-off to the chemist's, but that's 
just peanuts to space. Listen...'" Ranma bent backwards as if doing 
the limbo to avoid Akane's roundhouse kick. He poked a few more 
buttons on the gadget and then proclaimed "Aw it's just a stupid 
electronic book." and tossed it onto the ground.

Akane was just about to "get serious" when what Ranma said 
suddenly struck him as interesting. "What did you say Ranma?"

"Huh? Oh nothin just a stupid electronic book. I thought it was a 
game or somethin. You can go back ta tryin ta hit me if ya want."

"An electronic book? I've got to see this!" Akane snatched the 
book off the ground.

"Really, though, Akane, ya probably oughta get serious about 
trainin and stop goofin around. Now that you're a guy people are 
gonna wanna fight ya more... and I don't want ya ta get hurt."

Akane read the title, "'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.' 
Ranma do you know what this means?"

"Yeah. Ya gotta stop goofin around and start doing some real 
trainin like standin under a waterfall ta increase your ki, or maybe 
walkin on a fence to improve your balance..."

Akane's impressive eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What are 
you talking about?"

"Trainin. Ya gotta get serious. I mean sparrin is fun and all but ya 
ain't goin ta improve nearly enough. Ya gotta go beyond fightin 
inta life itself...otherwise the Art ain't nothin but a hobby. Why? 
What are you talkin about?"

Akane did one of his tilting head revelation things. "Ranma.... I 
think that's the most profound thing I've heard you say." He shook 
his head. "What I was talking about is this book. Do you realize if 
we had something like this we might not have had to go through all 
that with the tree?"

"Look I know you got it in your head that that thing raped us or 
somethin but it was nothin. I guess it pissed you off pretty good so 
it deserved it, but I ain't worried about it."

"Well I certainly wish it hadn't happened. Look," Akane moved so 
that Ranma could see what he was doing. "I press the buttons o, te, 
a, ra, i for bathroom and mi, ri, wa, i, su for Milliways and look 
what I get..." Pictures appeared on the screen as the words scrolled 
to the left. After a bit, Ranma pressed a button and the book started 

-The bathrooms at Milliways are the easiesst to find in the galaxy. 
Regardless of any handicap you may have due to species, accident, 
or too much to drink you will always be able to find them by the 
small signs along the walls of the restaurant and the large 
holographic pile of dung above the restrooms themselves...

"Oh so THAT'S how you knew this was the bathroom!" Akane 
exclaimed in revelation.

Ranma buried his forehead in his hand. 

-This makes it possible to go directly to  the lavatory without the 
embarrassment of having to ask a waiter where it is. However, 
before going there, there are a few things you should know. 

-It is so easy to find the loo, as it weree, that even mindless 
herbaceous creatures can find their way there, most notably the 
Aragolian Suckstool. These plants, carelessly dropped as seeds by 
tourists, inevitably find their way to the lavatory, where they feed 
off the waste products of carbon-based life forms...often without 
their permission. Many complaints have been lodged against 
Milliways for the actions of these... enthusiastic creatures, however 
nothing much is ever accomplished as the restaurant can simply 
move forward in time to a point where no one remembers what 

-One Krokarn the Well Endowed of Entleberrry 7 did manage to 
confront Milliways on the issue by making his twenty-seven 
children memorize the events of his assault. They were charged 
with telling the story to subsequent generations, and so it was that 
some two thousand years later, when a descendant of Krokarn, 
Oodleburt the Fairly Well Off, found himself in Milliways, he 
crouched on one knee, bowed his head in reverence and swore that 
he would have vengeance on the terrible be-tentacled witches of 
Milliways that did assault the tower of his ancestor, smiting off his 
manhood and stealing his riches. Oodleburt, whose people were 
fond of retelling old legends with the occasional poetic 
embellishment, would have made good on his oath too... if the 
head waiter had been able to find his name on his list. While it is 
true that this usually isn't a problem as you can book reservations 
retrospectively in advance by simply calling Milliways when you 
go back to your own time, it was a problem for Oodleburt, as after 
he was thrown out of the restaurant he was unable to find his 
spaceship, which had been 'misplaced' by the valet. Consequently, 
he died from the severe radiation of the destruction of the universe 
and was therefore unable to book a reservation.

-In short, a meeting with an Alagorian Succkstool is not a pleasant 
experience. Only one being in the universe has been known to 
enjoy it, and this is most likely because the plants regard him as a 
god, building intricate statues of him out of hardened, reprocessed 
excrement. This being is Zaphod Beeblebrox. 

-Unless you are Zaphod Beeblebrox, it is bbest you stay away from 
the Suckstools and the lavatory of Milliways altogether. Firstly 
because the experience of having your bowels and bladder cleaned 
out by a tree is most often an extremely uncomfortable one, 
secondly because the Suckstool, having little in the way of sensory 
apparata, is often unable to distinguish between fecal matter and 
living tissue, and finally because the Suckstools only exist 
naturally in a hundred year period on Aragol called "The Age of 
Tree Proctology." They are thus an endangered species and any 
damage done to them is punishable by death. 

"Shit!" Exclaimed Ranma after the Guide was finished.

Akane's eyes slowly left the book and found Ranma's. Then they 
flicked over to their clothes, drying on the statues of Zaphod 
Beeblebrox. They found Ranma's eyes again and Akane said, 


"The mosquito whines in the ear of those who would slumber. The 
fly flits about those who would repast. So does this mercenary find 
me on this night when I would be alone with this facsimile of my 
new-found love...Matoko!" Kuno crouched and gestured at a 
double-sized poster of the girl with the bokken Kuno had met 
earlier. Kuno contemplated the image for a moment, and then 
stood and faced Nabiki. "Tell me, foul creature, what business 
have you with me?"

Nabiki didn't know. She looked around. She was in the Kuno 
mansion. How did she get here? And why? She had wanted 
desperately to see Kuno for some reason...what was it? Nabiki kept 
her face emotionless as she thought these things. She had trained 
herself not to show confusion. The best trick she had was to reveal 
what she DID know. This made her look like she knew what she 
was doing and had the added bonus of helping her figure out 
whatever was bothering her. "The girl," Nabiki pointed at the 
poster, "Is called Motoko. Not 'Matoko'" 

"How is this so? For I did ask for her name and 'Aoya Matoko' did 
escape her lips!"

"You caught her off guard. Her name is Aoyama Motoko. I could 
give you more information...for a price." Something fell screaming 
from Nabiki's shoulder. It was bright yellow...and fuzzy. Nabiki 
noted its position and returned her gaze to Kuno. Stick to what you 
know, Nabiki told herself.

"Name it! If I could find out where my love lays her head, I could 
serenade her with a sonnet, or perhaps show off my prowess with 
the blade!"

"Fifty-thousand yen." Nabiki was tempted to call Kuno's bluff, but 
Kuno was a valuable client and she had to be sure her prices were 
lower than those of the private investigators around Nerima. 

With a speed that defied logic, Kuno took out his wallet, retrieved 
fifty thousand yen and slapped into Nabiki's open hand. "Done!"

"She lives in a all-female dormitory named the Hinatosou in 
Hinata city. If you want the exact address it will be extra."

"So far away! And yet only a week ago she traveled as far to reach 
me. So must I journey the long road to her home, for the fates 
surely have set this task before me!"

"Actually, she didn't come here for your sake."

"Is that so? Then tell me, oh nefarious oracle, what divine wind 
pushed her delicate sail in my direction?"

"One hundred thousand yen." Nabiki demanded.

"You foul usurer of knowledge! Very well..." Kuno handed Nabiki 
the money. 

"She was chasing a boy named Keitaro. He is the kanrinrin of the 
Hinatosou and he and another girl living there, a Narusagawa Naru 
left town after they took their entrance exams for Tokyo 
University. Motoko thought they might still be around and was 
convinced that Keitaro was taking advantage of the girl."

"Ah... A noble beauty indeed. This Keitaro must be punished! You 
say he's the kanrinrin at this Hinatosou? He no doubt seeks to 
enslave every woman in that establishment to his evil whims!"
"No doubt." Nabiki repeated to humor Kuno. She wondered if she 
was making a mistake. Kitsune, the girl she found nearby when 
Motoko met Kuno, had told her all of this information and asked 
only that she not be mentioned if Nabiki told anyone else. Nabiki 
somehow felt she and Kitsune were similar spirits, that they had 
something in common.  Clients, even ones as good as Kuno, were 
fairly easy to come by, but proper informants were precious. 
Nabiki hoped Kuno didn't mess things up too badly. "I guess 
you're not going after Akane and the pig-tailed girl anymore are 

"Don't speak of such things! Everyone must have been laughing at 
me! Pointing and saying 'there goeth Kuno the fool! See how he 
doth lust after one that is taken, and one that is truly a man!' No 
more! If someone had just explained the matter to me in plain 
speech I would have understood! But nay, you did seek to twist 
words around. 'Their mind and soul are one' you spoke, and I 
believed this to mean they were lovers! I even felt that foul 
Saotome change and considered it a trick of evil magics. Was I not 
right? Was it not a curse that I did sense? But I had thought it was 
Ranma spiriting his concubine away, as I have heard of such 
things. Never had I suspected that both forms contained the same 
soul in truth. Who has heard of such nonsense? My sister is in an 
asylum now, and only yesterday I would have thought she'd be 
joined by any that believed that a woman and a man could be the 
same person, and yet I find that I have been the one in the wrong. 
My honor is hopelessly sullied, the respect I once garnered 
inhumed and blown to the winds. I have been brought down low 
and all because no one sought to inform me properly of the truth. 
Not my servants, not my fellow classmates, and not you."

Nabiki was impressed, Kuno almost had HER going, but she knew 
that it was always Kuno who jumped to conclusions, and Kuno 
who refused to listen to reason. And now he was blaming all his 
problems on her. Nabiki's fingers itched for a camera. Suddenly 
they found one. Akane could materialize hammers, Daddy could 
make his head into a gigantic demon, and Kasumi could produce 
fully cooked meals out of thin air. The only way Nabiki could tell 
Kasumi was angry was when she did that. Nabiki's thing was 
cameras. She was never quite sure why...it just was. This one was a 
Polaroid. She looked through the eyehole at Kuno's somewhat 
startled expression and pressed the button. Click FLASH! And the 
picture came out at the bottom. Nabiki ripped it out and shoved it 
into the pocket of her shorts. She could have killed Kuno just as 
easily. He was just a means to an end. But though she thought this 
it didn't make things any better. She was still angry for some 
reason. Pissed even. 

This hadn't happened in so long she had forgotten what it felt like, 
or what to do. Normally after she used her camera she would walk 
away, or...if someone asked about the camera she'd say, "Oh 
nothing, a girl's got to have a hobby" or something equally light 
and cheery all the while imagining that she just killed the subject 
of her photography and wondering what would be done to the 
body. Many times the people she "killed" would come back from 
the grave and sometimes she'd have to "kill" them again, but just 
as often they'd disappear from her life entirely, or would come 
back as completely different people. And whenever she got a new 
photo she'd put it in with the old ones in an album and she'd look 
through the album with a mischievous fondness.	But it wasn't 
working now. Kuno wouldn't die.

"What do you seek to accomplish by taking my picture, woman?" 
Kuno asked.

And before Nabiki could stop herself she replied, " Nothing, I just 
wanted you to see what a complete MORON you are! Listen to 
yourself! You're going on about how no one told you the truth. 
EVERYONE told you the truth! You just didn't want to hear it! 
You were content in your own little world where you were the hero 
and everyone else was against you. Well maybe they were, and 
then maybe you just wouldn't let them near you. I bet you knew. 
You know that? I bet you knew long before Ranma and Akane did 
their little performance, and you were looking for a way out of the 
little rut you put yourself in. Ranma wasn't giving you the time of 
day was he? Akane was just ignoring you wasn't she? They were 
your closest friends and the only way you knew of talking to them 
or getting them to notice you was by acting like an idiot. But 
they're gone now. Maybe they'll be back, but even if they return 
they aren't going to tolerate you anymore. And they're leaving you 
with no one. No one! And now you want to blame someone for all 
your problems because it doesn't fit into your little fantasy that you 
could be the one that's wrong, that you could be the loser. I tried to 
tell you. I warned you even but you didn't listen. You just wanted 
more pictures, so I gave them to you. And I gave up."

"When was this? I do not remember any warnings"

"I said you were two-timing Akane. That is not anywhere near 
what an honorable person should be doing. Do you know what you 
said Mr. Shakespeare? Do you know what came out of the mouth 
of the human vocabulary vault? 'Oh,' you said, 'So that's two-
timing.' And you kept on doing it. And now you want information 
about this Motoko girl. You want information? How about this: If 
you go after her like you've gone after all your other 'conquests' 
you're going to screw things up just like you screw up everything 
else. She, and everyone at that place will hate you and then 
gradually as you fail to get a clue, they will start to ignore you. 
This Keitaro may indeed be a perverted bastard, I never met him, 
but the one thing I'm almost certain he is not is an evil sorcerer. 
This is not one your fantasies Kuno. This as real as things here can 
get. But as much as you enjoy pretending you are some samurai 
hero, you never learned the most important thing that they 
teach...Humility. You have been defeated, Kuno. Countless times. 
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You are a loser. 
You lost your reputation long ago. You lost Ranma and Akane this 
morning and now..." Nabiki turned to leave she snatched up the 
yellow ball of fur that had fallen to the ground and turned around. 
"For what it's worth I think you might have a chance with Motoko. 
But that's all it is. A chance." She turned and walked to the door. 
Her back still toward Kuno, Nabiki said, "Good luck with the rest 
of your life," walked out of the room, and slammed the door.

Kuno was finally dead. His servants would find him in his room. 
They would call the paramedics, but they would just shake their 
heads. He died so young. So young and alone. They would put him 
in a plot of land close to the city. Only a few people would go to 
her funeral. Maybe Akane or Ranma would throw dirt on the 
casket as it went down. And they'd put on the headstone "Here lies 
Nabiki Tendo."

Nabiki shook her head. When had she become Kuno?

Nabiki walked briskly out of the mansion. Most of the traps were 
disabled, and the ones that weren't were easy to spot. When she 
got to the genkan, she paused before putting her shoes on and 
leaving the building. She took out the Polaroid of Kuno. His eyes 
were slightly wider in the picture, but his features still held a smug, 
aristocratic and naive handsomeness. Nabiki put a finger to Kuno's 
face...then she threw the picture in the trashcan beside the door. 
"Now you've lost me too." She murmured and then left the Kuno 
mansion behind.

The world was falling apart. Everyone was separating in twos and 
leading happy lives. And now Nabiki knew why

It was the yellow fuzzy thing. The same thing that was now dead 
and growing cold in Nabiki's hand.	It had force fed her emotions 
she had suppressed for ages. She remembered now why she was 
going to see Kuno. She was going to go on a date with him. Then 
she was going to kiss him. Then they would get married and have 
lots and lots of precious little babies. Thank the gods Kuno had 
already started his Motoko worship or who knows what might have 

 Nabiki had a thing for Kuno, she always had. It was something 
that wouldn't go away no matter how stupid he acted or how many 
times he went after other girls. There was a time when she was a 
little angry with Akane because Kuno was after her and not Nabiki. 
Then she was angry with Ranma for not being a more intelligent 
and available version of Kuno and then later for the same reason as 
Akane. But she took a lot of pictures, "killing" them both a 
thousand times, and eventually, she grew out of it. She always 
figured if she really wanted Kuno she could have him, but that 
there were so many better men out there, and that it really wouldn't 
fit her lifestyle to get romantically involved with anyone at her age. 
And that was usually enough for her. But then the warm fuzzy 
things attacked her and all those suppressed feelings came out 

The things had to be stopped...but how?

They had to have been put under Ranma and Akane's bed by 
somebody. Happosai would be the most likely candidate, but he 
was still recovering from Kodachi's wedding present when Akane 
and Ranma had their change of heart. Besides that sort of thing 
didn't seem like Happosai's bag. There was Cologne, but why 
would she want Ranma and Akane to get together? It had to be 
Soun, Genma, or Nodoka. They were the only ones who definitely 
wanted Ranma and Akane married. Daddy wasn't that desperate 
and Genma wasn't intelligent enough...That left Nodoka. She was 
a wild card. Nabiki knew next to nothing about her, and where was 
she now? Staying at a friend's house in Juuban. Pretty convenient.

Yes, it was probably Nodoka, but if Nodoka had that big a secret, 
what other secrets did she possess? Nabiki didn't want to take any 
chances on confronting Nodoka without knowing what those 
chances were. She needed information, and the person most ready 
and willing to supply that information was Cologne. 

Determined now to end the madness, Nabiki headed for the 

Kuno watched Nabiki leave from a second story window. His 
thoughts were a jumbled mess but the overall theme was pretty 
clear just looking at his eyes. How did she know? Ranma and 
Akane were gone and Kuno would have to move on but there was 
Motoko now and... How could she have known?


A young man in a red Chinese shirt and black pants left the 
restrooms at Milliways, followed by a young woman in a high 
school uniform. The man was Akane Tendo, the woman Ranma 
Saotome. They both carried what looked like large cigar boxes in 
make shift slings made from tying the ends of a towel together 
over the shoulder. The cigar boxes were, in fact, copies of the 
Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy. 

"Are ya sure they ain't gonna try ta shoot us or nothin?" Ranma 
asked, glancing suspiciously around.

"No, Ranma, I'm telling you, there's no way we can die until we 
make our reservation. Didn't you hear what the Guide said?" They 
walked back to their table as Akane explained, "Oodleburt died 
before he was able to book a reservation! We had our names on the 
list so we must have called....WILL call this Milliways place...and 
we HAVEN'T yet...or rather we have...but not yet...I want that 
book on time travel grammar the guide mentions. Anyway, until 
we call Milliways we can't die."

"Hey look!" Ranma exclaimed as she uncrossed her eyes from 
Akane's explanation, "Isn't that that Zippo bee's wax guy?" She 
pointed to where a motley crew of four individuals were getting up 
out of a fairly impressive puff of smoke. One of them was wearing 
a bath robe saying something along the lines of "It's not so much 
an afterlife, more a sort of ahutaaraihu."  The one Ranma was 
pointing to had a surplus in arms and heads.

"You're right!" Akane said. "That's Biibaruburakusu Zeihado-san! 
Think we should say hello?"

"Um...Akane? He actually liked what those things did to him 

"So? Maybe he knows a way to keep them from being so rough. 
The Suckstools are only innocent plants after all. I almost feel 
sorry for them..." But he continued to walk to the table and Ranma 

"Akane? Ain't you the one that said they raped us?"

"That was before we found out what they were. They're 
endangered species, Ranma! If I knew that I wouldn't have killed 
so many of them."

Ranma adjusted the too-tight blouse and put her hands awkwardly 
at her hips to keep the alarmingly loose panties from slipping. "I'll 
never understand girls," she said with only a small amount of 

When they got to the table a younger waiter was busily putting out 
their plates and new glasses of Nannichuan and non-yak urinated 
apple juice. The plates consisted not only of a steaming hot slab of 
meat, but also several multicolored side dishes, which were 
presumably edible.

"That's right! I was so busy fighting that Suckstool that I forgot 
how hungry I was!" Ranma and Akane sat in front of their meals 
quickly and cut into the meat with gusto.

"Hey this is tender!" Ranma was amazed at how easy it was to cut. 
"And juicy!"

Akane and Ranma, both a little awkward with the knife and fork 
actually put the first piece of meat into their lips at the same time. 
In one unified motion, they both spat it back onto their plates. "It's 
also revolting." Akane observed. 

Ranma nodded, "Yeah," she smacked her tongue a couple of times 
on the roof of her mouth as she wrinkled her nose, "I think it's the 
plum sauce." Looking up from her plate as she put one of the side 
items in her mouth so she wouldn't have to see it, Ranma noticed 
the ceiling. "Hey, I can't see the stars any more!"

The older waiter happened by at that particular moment. "Madam 
needn't be worried. We have simply covered the restaurant with a 
protective shield while this planet's sun goes supernova. Once the 
radiation is back to acceptable levels we will pull the shield back 
and you can see the rest of the Apocalypse at your leisure."

"Okay...Hey Akane, did you get that?"

"I think so, Ranma." Akane turned to the waiter, "Excuse me 
my...wife and I were wondering if we could maybe get another 
steak, without the plum sauce...and maybe cut up a bit more...on 
rice...with chopsticks."

The waiter nodded slowly. "I'll fetch the chef for you immediately, 
Sir," and the waiter left.

"Did you hear that?" Akane smiled at Ranma, "He called me 'Sir!'"

"You're gettin a kick outta this, ain't ya?" Ranma smirked. For her 
own part, she didn't mind being called Akane's wife nearly as 
much as she would have thought. "So what was he sayin about the 

"Oh. You see the sun is blowing up right now, and while that's 
going on they need to make sure nothing gets damaged."

"That's what I thought, but what was that bit about the Alpo 

"The Apakaripusu?"

"Yeah. That thing."

"The Apocalypse is from Christianity. You see the Christians 
believe that at end of the world, Heaven and Hell will engage in a 
terrible war on Earth."

"Why the Earth?"

"Well, that's where the people are. You see Heaven and Hell would 
be battling over people's souls. And at the time they wrote the 
Bible they didn't know there were people on other worlds. I guess 
you could say by 'Earth' they just mean everywhere where there are 

"Why can't Heaven and Hell just get along? I mean, I thought the 
Christians had a pretty neat system, good guys go ta Heaven, bad 
guys go ta hell. What's the problem?"

"Oh there's no problem. That will still happen. You see there's 
something called the Rapture, where all the good people will be 
taken into heaven before all the fighting starts."

Ranma crinkled her brow. "Okay let me get this straight...There's 
gonna be a big fight over who gets the souls on Earth, right? But 
all the good people are still gonna go ta Heaven and all the bad 
ones are still gonna go ta Hell?"

"I don't know that much about it. You could ask Kasumi maybe if 
we ever get back."

"It sounds a little stupid ta me. I mean who ever heard of a fight 
where no one ever wins anythin?" There was a pause as Ranma 
thought of all the fights she ever had...fights with Pops, fights with 
Ryoga, fights with Akane...she thought about how many of them 
she could honestly say she WON... "Okay maybe it ain't that stupid. 
Ya think it could be true?"

"I don't know, Ranma. I like to think that I and the people I love 
are good enough people that we won't have to worry about it. But 
who knows?"

"Yeah," Ranma said as she looked at the shield ceiling, "I think 
we're good enough." 

"You're BASTARDS!" exclaimed what appeared to be a giant, 
pink octopus with a white chef's hat and a mustache. "You're both 
evil, sadistic and deranged BASTARDS!" The creature was 
wielding a long curved and dangerous looking meat cleaver in on 
of its tentacles. "That space cow waited thirty long years for this 
night. He gave his very life so that you INGRATES could enjoy 
the meat off his bones! And what do you heartless worms say after 
you taste the meal so much time and effort was sacrificed on?" He 
did a whiny voice " 'Ew! THIS has got too much PLUM sauce I 
can't eat THIS!' What the hell is wrong with you people?!"

"Hey look, I didn't even wanna eat him! He practically threw 
himself at us!" Ranma defended. "All we want is to have a steak 
without all the plum sauce. Just slice another piece off and be done 
with it already!"

"'Just slice another piece off,' she says. 'Just slice another piece 
off.' Have you no moral compass? Do you wake up in the morning 
and wonder where the nursery in the hospital is so you can go 
throttle some newborns? Or perhaps you bite the heads off puppies 
so you can see how far you can spit them?  You're talking about a 
thinking, caring creature, not some inanimate piece of furniture!"

"He's dead now ain't he? Besides, you're the one that killed him."

"He killed himself. He made the ultimate sacrifice for his art. And 
you people treat it like he was clipping his toe nails!"

A creature that looked like a black straw with string arms and the 
head of a desk troll came up to the table. "Hello Sir, Madam, what 
seems to be the trouble?"

"This Jerk is sayin that we're responsible for some space cow's 
death. I just wanna have my steak without plum sauce."

The straw man bowed slightly, making Ranma and Akane wonder 
if his head would come off. "I'm the manager here. I'm very sorry 
about this. You see, your space cow was a very special space cow. 
He was dear to all of us. Especially Edrag here," the straw man 
gestured toward the pink octopus.  "We were sad to see him go... 
They're like children you know. Edrag gets all misty every time he 
has to cut their heads off." 

Edrag nodded and sniffed.

"If you'll just be patient. I'll be sure to raise another one of the 
space cows from infancy, tell him stories, play games with 
him...teach him to set the dials on the transdimensional flux 
capacitor..." The manager broke down into sobs leaning on Edrag's 

"You see what you've done!" Edrag quivered with rage, "You've 
brought this good man down! He worked his fingers to the bone so 
that this place would be the best restaurant in the galaxy. But that's 
not good enough for you is it? You want more, don't you? You 

Ranma discovered to her surprise that she had somehow found a 
bag of potato chips and was crunching them in her mouth as she 
listened to Edrag's rant, no longer caring. Looking to Akane she 
found that he was already on his second bag.

"It just makes me so mad," Edrag continued.  "IT MAKES ME 
SOOOOO MAD!" and with an inhuman scream of rage, Edrag 
raised his cleaver high in the air.

"No, Edrag!" warned the manager, "Your war wound!"

But Edrag was already bringing the cleaver crashing onto the table. 
Soon afterward Edrag followed, falling on the table and on top of 
the manager, unconscious. The manager squirmed around for a bit 
and then gave up and passed out as well. 


Akane finished his second bag of potato chips, wiped his face with 
a napkin and said, "Good thing I didn't tell them about the dirty 

Shortly afterward a very thin looking person got up on stage, 
introduced himself and told some very bad jokes after which the 
shield rolled back, revealing the universe in a less stellar position. 
Right after the bad joke guy left, a team of about five gunmetal 
gray stay-puft marshmallow men with laundry machines attached 
to their chests burst onto the floor. "We have come for the 
disgracers! Those heretics that dare harm the holy Suckstools of 
Aragol shall taste our laser cannons!"

"Oh yeah?" said Ranma standing up, "Well you can't kill us! We 
haven't made our reservations yet! How dya like THAT."

"Er, Ranma?" Akane grabbed Ranma's arm looking a little 
worried. "I just thought of something."

"What is, Akane?"

"What if...Nabiki...reserved a table for us?"

Ranma slowly turned back to the militant team of natural life 
preservers and smiled weakly. "Any of you guys know martial 

The one that first spoke fired a large burst of plasma from the 
laundry machine in his chest. Ranma jumped over the blast flipped 
over Akane and landed on her feet on the other side of the table, 
next to Akane. "I guess that's a 'no.' C'mon Akane, lets get outta 
here!" And they both started to run. Akane doing all he can to keep 
up with Ranma. Ranma doing all she can to simply keep Akane's 
panties up.


Now that it's not a spoiler anymore, the scene with the chef and the 
manager is adapted from Monty Python's fork scetch in case you 
didn't know. 

NOTES FOR PEDANTS: I completely and utterly realize that I have 
done things that should be illegal to the great work that is the 
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I've tried as much as possible to 
create scenarios that could happen, but I realize I have probably 
messed up in a few places. Please let me know where and I'll be 
sure to note it when I get around to doing a revision. Note 
however, that I am going mostly by the TV series and Radio show 
and that in these media, Milliways is, in fact, on Magrathea. For 
any Ranma or Love Hina pedants the same applies. 

Thanks again for reading and as always, C&C is appreciated.



    Source: geocities.com/zorukonotsu