“This is the police. We’re coming
That’s my cue to leave. This is the
fourth place I’ve tried to hide out. My hideouts are looking more and more like
pieces of shit. I manuever around
the corners of the thin hallways of the derelict apartment building. A
large section of one of the walls is stained brown from the leaky ceiling. I
reach the bathroom. This is where the awful smell that makes you want to throw
up comes from. I twist the knob of the rusty sink glancing breifly
at my bedraggled face in the cracked mirror. The water comes out brown. I don’t
care. I cup my hands underneath the sputtering stream and then splash myself
with the stuff.
There’s nothing quite like changing
sexes. Sure you get used to it. Quicker than you’d think in
fact. You know those erections you get for no reason while you’re
sitting down? It’s kind of like that. For a girl I guess it would be...I don’t
know...wearing a bra maybe. That strange feeling of things
being in different proportions, or in different positions...take that
and multiply several hundred times. It’s weird, but strangely, it becomes
normal...a part of life. I was used to it WAY before I would have admitted it.
A good fifty centimeters shorter and
quite a bit thinner now I turn to the small brown two paned window.
Its there for the sole purpose of ventilation. It’s
sealed quick to the frame. I take a few precious
seconds (I can hear feet pounding up the creaking steps now) to tighten my
drawstring pants and tie off my black t-shirt, (For anyone whose interested,
you can see my belly button) I contemplate the little window. If it weren’t for
my breasts it wouldn’t be a problem. As it stands, it’s going to be a bit of a
squeeze. I look up at the the two exposed pipes in
the ceiling. They run parellel about sixty
centimeters apart. I know one goes to the sink. in the
bathroom above me. The other...I guess that’s the drain from the shower. Real high class place. From the pulls I gave the pipes I
figure they can take about 25 kilograms of weight before they break. I weigh
about 47 kilos. If I grab them both at the same time they should hold my weight. Here goes nothing.
I Mouko Takabisha the window to
oblivion so the cops know exactly where I am. This leaves the bare
concrete frame of the window space. I jump and grab the grimy, wet, rusty metal
pipes, swing once and then swing again. I release. I make it through but I get
a pretty good knock on the back of my head and the fall from the window to the
trash-filled dumpster two stories below me isn’t exactly pleasant. So as I lay
in the dumpster, a twisted aluminum can sticking into my back, I take a moment
to contemplate my life.
You might wonder why I’m going
through all this trouble to run away when all I’d really have to do is beat up
the cops, take their weapons and mosey on down to the country border. Well, for
one, I’ve tried that already. That’s why I’m here in
Something is squirming under my left
hand. Is it? Yep...maggots. I wonder if they started
on the hamburger before or after somebody threw it into the trash. I sit up.
I lay back down.
Now the Umisenken is a cool trick,
and I’ve got to give my pops credit for it, but it definately
has it’s weaknesses. The idea is to make oneself practically invisible, sneak around one’s opponent
and then beat the living crap out of them. The technique is actually very
simple...if a little difficult to master. All you have to do is just make sure
you aren’t anywhere near where your opponent is looking. This means you have to
watch for subtle clues as to where they are looking and get away from there as
fast as possible without making a sound. Sometimes, if you’re pressed you can
throw a ten yen coin out to distract the opponent...
Trust my pops to find a way to make
sucker punching into an artform.
I’m pretty good at it now. I can
even keep two people from seeing me in broad daylight if I’m lucky. I’ve never
managed three though, and like I said, I don’t want to mess with guns.
I try sitting up again. My head is
throbbing but any moment now some enterprising member of law enforcement is
going to look down from that window. That and I’d rather not swim with the
maggots for longer than I have to. I rummage around the trash. Finally, I find
my back back in the front left corner, covered in
When you’ve been on the road as long
as I have, your backback becomes your best friend. In
my back pack I’ve got two changes of clothes for both my forms including shoes,
a long jacket with a hood, dried fruit and instant ramen, a cup, necessary
toiletries, extra money, a pup tent...and a picture.
Of all of the stuff in my backback, that picture gets the most wear. Its a group
photo of all of the gang, Me, Pops and Ma, the Tendos, the Amazons, Ukyo and Konatsu, Ryoga and Akari, Taro
and Rouge,even the Kunos. We’re all smiling. We’re all getting along. I mean
sure we fought a bunch that day, but well...we weren’t trying to kill each
other. And we all knew it. We’re at a wedding. Not mine. My
parents. They got re-married. Pops saw it on one of those dopey American
sitcoms and thought it would be a good idea.
It was the best idea my pops ever
I’m almost tempted to get the photo
out now...but of course, now is not the time. Backpack
in tow, I jump out of the dumpster and hit the ground running. I duck into an alley.
There, I slow down to a walk.
When you’re trying to escape, you
should never look like you’re trying
to escape. In fact, you shouldn’t look like anything at all if you can help it.
You want people to ignore you. That’s kinda hard for
me right now being an oriental with red hair (and quite a looker if I do say so
myself) but you’d be surprised with what you can get away with if you just have
the proper attitude. Still, when I get pretty far down the alley way I stop,
make sure no one is around (I do this in about a second while I reach for my
pack using my ears and peripheral vision instead of whipping my head around
like an idiot) and open my pack, taking off the plastic in the process, to fish
out that jacket and a pair of shoes. I still wear black martial arts slippers,
even though they wear out pretty easy and don’t offer much in the way of cusioning. I’ve tried sneakers...it feels like I’m wearing
cement blocks. Besides they fit better in my pack.
Now, bundled up in a gray hooded
jacket and carrying my pack on my back, I look like some eccentric beggar
woman. That’s fine. What beggar woman isn’t eccentric? Anyway that’s basically
what I am at the moment.
The jacket isn’t completely unseasonal. There are are large
puddle in the asphalt of the alleyway that reflect the sun peeking through
light gray clouds and the tops of the buildings. It rained about an hour ago.
It’s about
Half an hour later, I’m in a
darkened theater with about twenty other people about to watch the latest scifi flick. I’ve been to the little girl’s room and I
washed myself as well as I could, so I’m feeling a little better. I could have
changed forms, but some one might have seen, and well, I sort of forgot. It’s
no big deal. I really don’t care anymore. I guess I’m in a girly mood right
In my opinion, there is no better place to hide out than a movie
theater. Most of the time I don’t even need to use the Umisenken to sneak in,
and then I’ve got two hours of almost total darkness in which I can sleep, think about what I’m going to do next, or
simply enjoy the movie. Sometimes I can even change my clothes. As long as I’m
in the back row, hardly anyone ever notices.
There’s too
many people, and I’m in the wrong form, for that though. A slight grumbling in
my stomach tells me what I’ve got to do next, and I’m not really tired enough
to sleep, so that leaves watching the movie...and remeniscing.
This one’s got aliens in it.
That’s what I am.
INS is after my ass big time what
with me not having a green card and the fact that the Japanese government
thinks I’m public enemy number one. It strikes me that in American films aliens
are nasty bastards a lot of the time. In Japan the few manga
and anime that I saw that had aliens seemed to show them to be more like normal
people just with different beliefs and such. I don’t think Americans like
aliens. I think they keep their open boarder policy out of guilt or something.
The aliens in this one are alright
I wish I had some popcorn.
I wish...
I miss them. I miss them more than
anything. Even the Kunos. And especially Akane. But... they’re gone now. And no matter
how hard I wish, how devoutly I pray to Kami-sama and
a hundred other gods and goddesses, spirits and demons to bring them back, it
won’t work. The only one left is Nabiki, and she wants me dead.
Sometimes...I want me dead too.
think about things like that. I’ve got to watch the movie, let it take me
somewhere else, somewhere, not quite as lonely as this movie theater filled
with people. On the screen, one of the characters farts. The others make faces.
There...that was funny wasn’t it? Laugh, you bastard, laugh.
I wonder how long I’ve been talking
to myself...
After the movie, I’m starving. This
isn’t the usual
grab-a-quick-apple-from-a-street-vender-while-they’re-not-looking hunger. This
is serious, gut wrenching
hunger. But first I’ve got to change back.
If you are planning on changing
sexes, the best restroom to do it in is the men’s. Don’t ask me why, but for
some reason it’s okay for a girl to be in the men’s
restroom but not for a man to be in the girl’s restroom. If you ask me, girls
have got it pretty good. Sometimes I almost wish I was a girl. But I’m not.
I’ve tried it.
When I first reached
So anyway, I’m not exactly dreading turning back to a guy. I enter
the bathroom.
Okay let me say this. If there’s no one in the building, the best
restroom to do anything in, is the
women’s. Men are slobs. It’s true. I don’t know what it is,
maybe it’s how we mark our territory or something. Half of everything in the
men’s restroom is broken or abused and most of the time it’s not done out of
hatred or anything, just out of a strange curiousity.
I’ve done things myself I’ve wondered about later.
Of course some women are slobs too. Graffiti is present in both
places. However, the graffiti in the women’s restroom tends more toward gossip
(“Mary Sue eats shit”) and feelings (“I’m so fucking horny!”) Whereas the
graffiti in the men’s restroom deals more in advertising (“If you want some good pussy call
555-FUCK) and personal agrandizement (“I was here,
but now I’m gone. I’ve left this poem, to turn you on.”) Once, when I was
sitting in a stall in the women’s restroom, I noticed that one wall was filled
with writing. It was a religious discussion! It started out with “God eats
shit.” then underneath it: “You eat shit.” Then it progressed...some messages
touting the blessedness of God, while others argued that if there was a God, He
was a complete asshole. Most of it was pretty stupid, but I don’t think I’ll
ever forget the last message on that wall. “If Jesus loves me,” it said, “then
why do I feel so alone?”
There was space to write afterward, but no one had used it. My
guess is the question effectively ended the philosophical discusion.
I once wrote the question in a men’s restroom just to see what would happen.
When I came back to check, someone had answered. “’CUZ YER A FUCKIN FAG, THATS WHY”
So there you go.
I’m not a religious person by any means, but I did have a brief
stint of religion where I visited about twenty different types of churches. Of
course they all seemed to say the same thing. Wait awhile, they said, things
will get better. It’s God’s will.
Bullshit, I say. I say that if there’s one powerful, almighty
being in the universe, it doesn’t give a shit about me. A whole slew of gods
and goddesses duking it out without knowing what the
fuck’s going on anymore than us...that appeals to me.
I’ve got to have some way of explaining all the ghosts and demons that I deal
with day to day afterall.
So anyway, yeah, the men’s restroom isn’t exactly high class, but
it does have it’s benefits. There’s no one in here
anyway so it doesn’t matter. I go to the sink turn the hot water on wait for it
to get hot, cup the liquid in my palms and splash it my face. I feel like I’m a
new man.
About an hour later I’m sitting in an Italian restaurant eating
three plates of lasagna, two of linguine, and a big ole bowl of salad just to
make sure my carbs are all balanced out. Course I
don’t plan on paying for any of it, but the waiters, who are all out-of-work
actors, don’t know that, and probably don’t even care.
This isn’t a real nice restaurant. It’s about one step up from a
Denny’s or an IHOP, the food’s pretty good, but not anything to scream about. I
have never had cooking as good as Kasumi’s anywhere.
Not anywhere. Not by anybody. I can cook a pretty mean dish if I want to...but
I would literally kill to taste Kasumi’s food just one more time.
I have killed.
I’m not talking about that brat Saffron. That was rough, but I had
a good reason, even if it seems pointless now. No I had to kill, because
someone was going to kill me. Not “kill” like shampoo, Ryoga, and countless
other people who I now realize were my best friends, no this guy knew the Art,
but he used guns too and each shot was aimed at death.
At the time I was full into my girl mode. My hair was dyed dark
brown and I kept it free and curly. I wore sundresses and carried a purse. I
was going under the name of Karako Kakeyatama. I was working as waitress/bouncer at pretty
wild bar and grill out on the interstate. I was walking near the edge of a
bridge. I was depressed as hell.
And if I hadn’t tried to kill myself, I’d be dead right now.
It’s funny how things come back to
you at odd times. I should be enjoying my pasta right now and laughing about
what the people in the restaurant are going to do when I leave. Instead...that
night’s coming back full throttle.
I can remember the low clang of my
heels on the bolted metal of the iron bridge, the rush of the water far below
me, the feel of the slight breeze through my hair...The moon was a pair of
sharp horns and it reflected on the water below in wild sparkles.
Ever since the curse I’ve been
fascinated by water. I guess it comes from trying to understand how it could
have such power over my body and yet seem so innocent. In still water you can
see yourself. It’s not like a mirror though. You can see yourself and past
yourself...into the water...into some reality beyond the one you’re familiar
with... and at the slightest disturbance you disappear. Like
you don’t exist except as some delicate and ghostly dream.
Lakes and ponds seem
majestic to me. Like temples proclaiming “Here lies water, dormant and docile,
observe the quiet power of this sleeping beast.” I like rivers better though.
Rivers are going somewhere. Rivers have purpose. Rivers cut into the rock and
change things. Step into the current. Let go...and the water will take you
somewhere you’ve never been.
And that was why I jumped.
And that was why the bullet from the sniper rifle went whizzing through
my hair...instead of the back of my skull.
I was falling a long long time. Long
enough to wonder what the hell it was that zoomed through my hair. Long enough
to realize that now it didn’t matter, that after falling that long the water
would be more like concrete, and that it would probably hurt a lot. Long enough to realize that I did not want to die. Not
really. I had just barely enough time to do an incomplete Moko
Takabisha, creating a nice superconcentrated
cushion of air to land on. And then I landed. And it still hurt like hell.
I wonder now where that Moko Takabisha came from. The technique uses my confidence, and
the kamis know I wasn’t all that confident before I
jumped. But at that moment right before I hit, I was confident. Confident that I would live and confident that
somehow someway I was going to make the guy responsible pay for what he did to
As I gasped for air and started swimming against the strong, cold
river current with a broken arm, a dislocated shoulder, a couple of cracked
ribs and really bad bruises everywhere else, the thing that kept me going was
the idea that the object that went through my hair was a bullet, and that if I
could find out who owned the bullet, I would be one step closer to solving a
mystery that eluded me for two years.
Of course it’s been two years since then, and I’m really no closer
to solving that mystery. Except now I know that the guy who was trying to kill
me wasn’t the man I’m after. Thing is, I really don’t know what I’m after, but it wasn’t him.
His name was Kumon Ryu.
I sip my from my tall glass of ice water.
It doesn’t do anything for the lump in my throat, or the feeling of nausea I’m
suddenly experiencing, but it comforts me in a strange psychosomatic kind of
that’s where your mind tells your body to do something, and it does it
apparently on its own. I read about that in the library I went to during my
depressed girl from
Hinako-sensei is still alive I think. I don’t think she knew
English anymore than anyone else in that school. Heck, the name of the textbook
was “Sunlise” for crying out loud. I’d like to see
her again, try speaking some English at her to get her riled up or something.
Or maybe just hug her. I really miss
While I’m eating and remeniscing, I’m
also keeping an eye on the action around me, so I see the woman in the tight
dress and sunglasses enter the restaurant before any of the out-of-work actors
do. There’s something about her...something that tells me she’s important to me
somehow. She gaijin so
I don’t understand it, but I’ve learned to trust my feelings. She has
red-ish hair, my mom’s hair color. She’s wearing make
up that nicely brings out her features without being obvious. She’s tall...well
about two inches taller than I am in my current guy form, and she seems just as
interested me as I am in her.
I’d like to get out of here now.
Either the woman knows who I am, or I’m going to fall in love with her. Either
way she’s way too dangerous. I can’t go Umisenken now though, there’s too many
people...someone will see me and ask me what the hell I’m doing. So I sit and
wait for her to come to the table as I know she will.
One of the waiters finally sees the